Home / Staff and Voice Actor Index / Biography Details: 浪川大輔 (Daisuke Namikawa)
Biography Details: 浪川大輔 (Daisuke Namikawa)
浪川大輔 (Daisuke Namikawa)
First Name: 大輔 Daisuke
Last Name: 浪川 Namikawa
Main Country: Japan Japan
Main Language: Japanese
Birthdate: 1976-04-02
Age : 48
Daisuke Namikawa is a Japanese actor, voice actor and singer from Tokyo. He won for Best Actor in supporting roles in the 4th Seiyu Awards.

In July 2017, Shukan Bunshun reported that he had been involved in an affair with a female employee from his previous talent agency since 2004. On July 19th, 2017, he confirmed the allegations and apologized for his actions stating that he was embarrassed by the situation, but would continue to work hard to regain everyone's trust.
Characters Portrayed
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Aaron's Lucario
  • Japan アーロンのルカリオ
  • Japan Aaron no Lucario
  • Japan Aaron's Lucario
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Lucario
  • Japan サトシのルカリオ
  • Japan Satoshi no Lucario
  • Japan Satoshi's Lucario
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Chloe's Rotom Phone
  • Japan コハルのスマホロトム
  • Japan Koharu no Sumaho Rotom
  • Japan Koharu's Smartphone Rotom
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Gurkinn's Lucario
  • Japan コンコンブルのルカリオ
  • Japan Concombre no Lucario
  • Japan Concombre's Lucario
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Mimikyu
  • Japan ムサシのミミッキュ
  • Japan Musashi no Mimikkyu
  • Japan Musashi's Mimikkyu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lucian
  • Japan ゴヨウ
  • Japan Goyō
  • Japan Goyo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nidothing's Quaxly
  • Japan ぐるみんのクワッス
  • Japan Guru min no Kuwassu
  • Japan Gurumin's Kuwassu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Rinto's Gallade
  • Japan リントのエルレイド
  • Japan Rinto no Ellade
  • Japan Rinto's Ellade
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Rotom Pokédex
  • Japan ロトム図鑑
  • Japan Rotom Zukan
  • Japan Rotom Zukan
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Volkner
  • Japan デンジ
  • Japan Denji
  • Japan Denji
Pokémon Portrayed
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Huntail
  • Japan ハンテール
  • Japan Huntail
Role Media Title
Voice Actor
DP 35
Voice Actor
Aaron's Lucario
Movie 8
Voice Actor
Gurkinn's Lucario
XY 32
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 3
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 5
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 6
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 6
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 4
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 7
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 8
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 9
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 10
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 11
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 12
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 13
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 14
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 15
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 16
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 17
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 18
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 19
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 20
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 21
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 22
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 23
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 23
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 24
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 25
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 25
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 26
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 27
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 28
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 28
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 29
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 30
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 31
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 32
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 33
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 34
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 35
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 36
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 37
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 38
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 38
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 39
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 40
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 41
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 42
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 42
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 43
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 44
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 45
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 45
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 46
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 47
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 48
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 49
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 50
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 51
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 52
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 53
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 54
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 55
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 56
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 57
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 58
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 59
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 60
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 60
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 61
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 61
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 62
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 62
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 63
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 64
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 65
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 66
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 67
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 67
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 68
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 69
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 70
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 71
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 72
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 73
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 74
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 74
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 75
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 75
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 76
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 76
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 77
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 78
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 79
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 80
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 81
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 82
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 83
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 84
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 85
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 86
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 87
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 88
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 89
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 90
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 91
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 91
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 92
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 93
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 94
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 95
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 96
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 97
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 98
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 99
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 100
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 101
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 102
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 103
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 104
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 105
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 106
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 107
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 108
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 109
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 110
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 111
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 111
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 112
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 113
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 114
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 114
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 115
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 116
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 117
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 117
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 118
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 119
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 120
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 121
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 122
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 122
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 123
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 124
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 125
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 126
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 127
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 128
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 129
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 129
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 130
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 130
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 131
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 131
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 132
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 133
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 134
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 135
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 136
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 136
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 137
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 138
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 139
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 140
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 141
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 142
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 143
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 144
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 145
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
SM 146
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
SM 146
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
PM2019 37
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 46
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 47
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 48
Voice Actor
Chloe's Rotom Phone
PM2019 49
Voice Actor
Chloe's Rotom Phone
PM2019 50
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 51
Voice Actor
Rinto's Gallade
PM2019 51
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 53
Voice Actor
Koharu's Smartphone Rotom
PM2019 55
Voice Actor
Rinto's Gallade
PM2019 60
Voice Actor
Chloe's Rotom Phone
PM2019 63
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 65
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 70
Voice Actor
Chloe's Rotom Phone
PM2019 74
Voice Actor
Chloe's Rotom Phone
PM2019 75
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 76
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
PM2019 76
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 77
Voice Actor
Chloe's Rotom Phone
PM2019 79
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 84
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 85
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 86
Voice Actor
Chloe's Rotom Phone
PM2019 87
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 88
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 89
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 90
Voice Actor
Chloe's Rotom Phone
PM2019 94
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 95
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 102
Voice Actor
Chloe's Rotom Phone
PM2019 105
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 108
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 109
Voice Actor
Rotom Pokédex
PM2019 112
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 112
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 114
Voice Actor
Chloe's Rotom Phone
PM2019 120
Voice Actor
PM2019 119
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 121
Voice Actor
Rinto's Gallade
PM2019 121
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 122
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 123
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 124
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 126
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 129
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 128
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 130
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 132
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 135
Voice Actor
Chloe's Rotom Phone
PM2019 135
Voice Actor
Ash's Lucario
PM2019 136
Voice Actor
Jessie's Mimikyu
Voice Actor
Nidothing's Quaxly
PM2023 1
Voice Actor
Nidothing's Quaxly
PM2023 2
Voice Actor
Video Game Pokémon Masters EX