About PocketMonsters.net
PocketMonsters.net is a fansite dedicated to all things Pokémon (ポケモン) and Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター). We are the premier site for news and information about all aspects of the franchise from around the world. We cover the
Anime, the
Trading Card Game, the Games, Pokémon live action variety shows, have a large
imageboard and much more. The site was founded over 10 years ago and has evolved over that time into the site you are currently visiting. Initially we never expected the site to get as large as it currently is with tens of thousands of pages in a massive database that
grows daily. As the many different aspects of the Pokémon franchise continues to expand, PocketMonsters.net also continues to expand.
As a fansite, PocketMonsters.net has always tried to be a free site as we believe that the spirit of a 'fansite' is hampered when a hobby or an interest comes in conflict with business initiatives and generating revenue by exploiting a copyrighted intellectual property. Though our site may not be as well known as other Pokémon fansites on the Internet, we have a core group of users that visit the site on a regular basis and we strive to keep our viewers informed with the latest information about Pokémon.
What's Different About PocketMonsters.net?
Many of the visitors and users of the site are older fans of the series. We try to cater to those fans that may have started being a fan 15 or more years ago when the franchise first started and have continued following it since then. The series doesn't just appeal to younger fans but all age groups.
We also try to cover areas of the franchise that the official sites or fansites don't cover at all. We pride ourselves in having unique and accurate information and to be a great reference to fans.
Discord Chat
#PocketMonsters has a Discord channel where community members can talk and discuss various aspects of the franchise. Please note that it is a kids friendly environment for mature users and as such all participants must follow the
channels rules. The channel history is limited to Regular Users only to reduce external abuse of users and community members. Once a person introduces themselves and is known by the community, they will be elevated to Regular User status. If you are a new user, feel free to talk and see the current chat in #Pocketmonsters so people get to know you.
Site Affiliates and Affiliations
PocketMonsters.net has a list of core Pokémon fansites that we work with and share information back and forth with. These sites are also great resources to the Pokémon community. Our standing rule for fansites that wish to affiliate with PocketMonsters.net is that a member of our staff must know the staff of the other fansite for at least a year and have contributed to PocketMonsters.net in some way.
Ads, Donations and Revenue
PocketMonsters.net does not take monetary donations nor do we place ads on the site but those that wish to contribute somehow can do so by helping us create content for the site.
The site used to have a single
Google Adsense banner at the top of each page and the revenue generated from those ads was only used to help pay for server and related site services.
We are also not looking for any unsolicited ad or SEO companies to assist us with increasing revenue or visitors. Companies contacting us about ad placements or increasing our search results will go unanswered.
Can I help contribute to the site?
We are always looking for knowledgeable and mature people to help out. Feel free to
contact any of the staff or visit our
forums if you wish to help out.
This page has been viewed 61036 times.
Last updated 08 Jun 2020 11:53
by Sunain.
Revision #19