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ポケモンしりとり(iTunes / mora / Amazon / Google Play)

  • Pokémon Shiritori
  • Pokémon Shiritori

Main Image


Artists: ポケモン音楽クラブ(増田順一/パソコン音楽クラブ/ポケモンキッズ2019)
Arists (Alt): Pokémon Music Club (Junichi Masuda / Computer Music Club / Pokémon Kids 2019)
Catalog #:
Release Date: 2019-11-25
Media Type: Digital
Discs/Tracks: 3 tracks
Price/MSRP: ¥ 783
Runtime: 06:21


The first ending theme for the 2019 Pocket Monsters anime series featured the Pokémon Kids 2019 singing the song that was written and composed by Junichi Masuda.

There was 3 digital single releases:
2019-11-25 - Pokémon Shiritori (Pikachu → Mew Ver.)
2020-04-04 - Pokémon Shiritori (Mew → Zamazenta Ver.)
2020-04-26 - Pokémon Shiritori (Full Size Ver.)


Track Listing
Disc # Track # Title Length
1 1 ポケモンしりとり(ピカチュウ→ミュウVer.)
Pokémon Shiritori (Pikachu → Mew Ver.)
1 2 ポケモンしりとり(ミュウ→ザマゼンタVer.)
Pokémon Shiritori (Mew → Zamazenta Ver.)
1 3 ポケモンしりとり(フルサイズVer.)
Pokémon Shiritori (Full Size Ver.)