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Biography Details: 湯山邦彦 (Kunihiko Yuyama)
湯山邦彦 (Kunihiko Yuyama)
First Name: 邦彦 Kunihiko
Last Name: 湯山 Yuyama
Main Country: Japan Japan
Main Language: Japanese
Birthdate: 1952-10-15
Age : 72
Kunihiko Yuyama is a Japanese movie director best known for his work on the Pocket Monsters anime franchise and the Pocket Monsters movies. He also has done a lot of Storyboard work for the anime.
Role Media Title
SL 1
Storyboard SL 72
Storyboard GS 147
Storyboard AG 1
Storyboard AG 45
Storyboard AG 156
Storyboard DP 9
Storyboard DP 73
Storyboard Movie 9
Storyboard Movie 10
Storyboard Movie 11
Storyboard PTSV 7
Storyboard BW 20
Storyboard Special 0
Storyboard Special 0
PM2019 26
PM2019 41
PM2019 58
PM2019 66
Episode Director SP 12
Storyboard SP 12
Storyboard PM2019 136
Storyboard SP 16