Home / Staff and Voice Actor Index / Biography Details: 白石涼子 (Ryoko Shiraishi)
Biography Details: 白石涼子 (Ryoko Shiraishi)
白石涼子 (Ryoko Shiraishi)
First Name: 涼子 Ryoko
Last Name: 白石 Shiraishi
Main Country: Japan Japan
Main Language: Japanese
Birthdate: 1982-09-07
Age : 42
Ryoko Shiraishi is a Japanese voice actress and singer that is affiliated with the talent agency Aoni Production.

PM2019 68 Press Release - Project Mew - Press Release - April 23rd, 2021

Shiraishi, who plays Asahi, had the following to say: "You know, when I was recording this role, I had to go to the same studio where I once played the role of Agehunt in "Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation" back when I was rookie. My starting point. I'm supposed to be much more experienced now than I was back then, but I was still really nervous that day! However, I'm relieved I was able to finish with a smile once the dubbing session actually got started! I'm really happy I get to set foot in the Pokémon world once again! Will Go get one step closer to completing his objective of getting the mythical Pokémon Mew?! Make sure to see what's going to happen with "Project Mew""


【アサヒ役・白石涼子さんコメント】 アサヒはとてもしっかりしたお姉さんという印象。口元のほくろがすこしセクシー?身軽そう…! 序盤は「プロジェクト・ミュウ」の説明という大役を任されたので少し堅いイメージを 持たれるかもしれませんが、今後どんな表情を見せくれるのか私も楽しみにしています。 実は新人の頃「ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション」でアゲハント役を いただき、スタジオに来ていたんです。私の原点。 あの頃からだいぶ経験を積んだはずなのに、アフレコの日はとても緊張しました! が、 いざ始まってみると楽しく笑顔で終えられてホッとしました。 またポケモンの世界に足を踏み入れることが出来て幸せです! ゴウが目標とする幻のポケモン“ミュウ”のゲットに一歩近づく⁉ 「プロジェクト・ミュウ」の行く末を見逃さないでくださいね。
Characters Portrayed
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Danika
  • Japan アサヒ
  • Japan Asahi
  • Japan Asahi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States May's Beautifly
  • Japan ハルカのアゲハント
  • Japan Haruka no Agehunt
  • Japan Haruka's Agehunt
Character Thumbnail
  • United States May's Silcoon
  • Japan ハルカのカラサリス
  • Japan Haruka no Karasalis
  • Japan Haruka's Karasalis
Character Thumbnail
  • United States May's Wurmple
  • Japan ハルカのケムッソ
  • Japan Haruka no Kemusso
  • Japan Haruka's Kemusso
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Team Magma Grunts
  • Japan マグマ団員
  • Japan Magma-danin
  • Japan Magma Gang Grunts
Role Media Title
Voice Actor
May's Wurmple
AG 14
Voice Actor
May's Silcoon
AG 24
Voice Actor
May's Beautifly
AG 28
Voice Actor
Team Magma Grunts
AG 54
Voice Actor
May's Beautifly
Movie 6
Voice Actor
May's Beautifly
Movie 7
Voice Actor
PM2019 68
Voice Actor
PM2019 71
Voice Actor
PM2019 80
Voice Actor
PM2019 88
Voice Actor
PM2019 102
Voice Actor
PM2019 110
Voice Actor
PM2019 113
Voice Actor
PM2019 126
Voice Actor
PM2019 133
Voice Actor
PM2019 134