Home / Episode Guide / Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes!熱血ハリボーグ!狙われたプニちゃん!!Hot-blooded Hariborg! Squishy is Being Targeted!!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes!
  • Japan 熱血ハリボーグ!狙われたプニちゃん!!
  • Japan Nekketsu Hariborg! Nerawareta Puni-chan!!
  • Japan Hot-blooded Hariborg! Squishy is Being Targeted!!
  • Germany Wo die Liebe hinfällt...!
  • France Un amoureux pour Évoli !
  • Spain ¡Loco de amor por Eevee!
  • Sweden Kärleken slår till! Hjälp, Eevee!
  • Italy L’amore colpisce, Eevee rabbrividisce!
  • Mexico ¡Cuando el amor ataca, Eevee huye!
  • Finland Rakkaus iskee! Eevee, voi ei!
  • Netherlands Liefde slaat toe! Eevee schrikt, en hoe!
  • Brazil Se O Amor Bater, Eevee Vai Correr!
  • Norway Kjærligheten slår til! Hjelpes, Eevee!
  • Denmark Kærligheden slår til! Stakkels Eevee!
  • South Korea 열혈 도치보구! 말랑이를 지켜라!!
  • Russia Любовь нагрянула! Иви не рада!


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
Team Kato

Japan Screenplay 大橋志吉 (Yukiyoshi Ōhashi)
Japan Episode Director 則座誠 (Makoto Sokuza)
Japan Storyboard 平牧大輔 (Daisuke Hiramaki)
Japan Animation Director 小関雅 (Miyabi Ozeki)
Japan Assistant Executive Animation Director 小山知洋 (Tomohiro Koyama)

OP/ED List

Stand Tall
Stand Tall
Japan OP XY&Z
The Squishy Song
Pokémon Roll Call
Voice Actors List


Japan 三間雅文 (Masafumi Mima) Voice Director

Japan 松本梨香 (Rica Matsumoto) Satoshi
Japan 大谷育江 (Ikue Ōtani) Pikachu
Japan 牧口真幸 (Mayuki Makiguchi) Serena
Japan 梶裕貴 (Yuki Kaji) Citron
Japan 伊瀬茉莉也 (Mariya Ise) Eureka
Japan 佐藤めぐみ (Megumi Sato) Citron's Dedenne
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Musashi
Japan 三木眞一郎 (Shin-ichiro Miki) Kojiro
Japan 犬山イヌコ (Inuko Inuyama) Nyarth
Japan 上田祐司 (Yūji Ueda) Sonansu
Japan 土田大 (Hiroshi Tsuchida) Professor Platane
Japan 愛河里花子 (Rikako Aikawa) Hariborg
Japan 寺崎裕香 (Yuka Terasaki) Satoshi's Onbat
Japan 古島清孝 (Kiyotaka Furushima) Satoshi's Fiarrow
Japan 下屋則子 (Noriko Shitaya) Serena's Yancham
Japan 赤﨑千夏 (Chinatsu Akasaki) Citron's Horubee
Japan 生天目仁美 (Hitomi Nabatame) Citron's Harimaron
Japan 三宅健太 (Kenta Miyake) Kojiro's Maaiika
Japan 伊東みやこ (Miyako Ito) Musashi's Pumpjin
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Narration
Japan 梶裕貴 (Yuki Kaji) Squishy Uncredited
Japan かないみか (Mika Kanai) Serena's Eievui Uncredited


United States Theresa Buchheister Voice Director

United States Sarah Natochenny Ash Ketchum
United States Haven Paschall Serena
United States Haven Paschall Jessie's Gourgeist
United States Mike Liscio Clemont
United States Mike Liscio James' Inkay
United States Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Bonnie
United States Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Clemont's Bunnelby
United States Rodger Parsons Narrator
United States Justin Anselmi Quilladin
United States James Carter Cathcart James
United States James Carter Cathcart Meowth
United States Alex Haynes Ash's Talonflame
United States Michele Knotz Jessie
United States Suzy Myers Clemont's Chespin
United States Suzy Myers Pokedex
United States Jake Paque Professor Sycamore
United States Kayzie Rogers Wobbuffet
United States Kayzie Rogers Flareon
United States Erica Schroeder Serena's Pancham
United States Billy Bob Thompson Squishy
United States Marc Thompson Ash's Noibat



English Official Summary

On the way to Snowbelle City, Ash and the others call Professor Sycamore to learn more about Bonnie’s new friend Squishy! Team Rocket gets excited upon hearing that it might be a new kind of Pokémon, and starts hatching a plan... Later, when Serena and Eevee are rehearsing, a wild Quilladin charges out of the forest and presents Eevee with a Vine Whip in a heart shape, and then a bouquet of flowers. Pancham and Chespin step up to protect their friend, and Quilladin challenges them to battle in an attempt to show off for Eevee! The battle is soon interrupted when Team Rocket swoops in and grabs Eevee, Dedenne, Squishy, and Bunnelby in a net! Quilladin, Pancham, and Chespin decide to put aside their differences and work together to send the villains blasting off again—and after a wild Flareon catches Quilladin’s attention, it’s happy to part ways with our heroes!

French Official Summary

En chemin vers Auffrac-les-Congères, Sacha et ses amis appellent le Professeur Platane pour en apprendre davantage sur le nouvel ami de Clem : Pouic ! La Team Rocket est très excitée d’apprendre qu’il s’agit peut-être d’un nouveau Pokémon, et commence à ourdir un plan... Plus tard, tandis que Serena et Évoli répètent, un Boguérisse sauvage surgit soudain de la forêt et exécute devant Évoli une attaque Fouet Lianes en forme de cœur, pour lui offrir ensuite un bouquet de fleurs. Pandespiègle et Marisson s’avancent pour protéger leur amie, et Boguérisse les défie dans un combat, pour se faire valoir auprès d’Évoli ! Le combat est bientôt interrompu par la Team Rocket, qui capture Évoli, Dedenne, Pouic et Sapereau dans un filet ! Boguérisse, Pandespiègle et Marisson décident de mettre de côté leurs différences et de travailler ensemble pour envoyer une fois de plus les bandits vers d’autres cieux. Et, après qu’un Pyroli ait attiré l’attention de Boguérisse, ce dernier ne demande pas mieux que de se séparer de nos héros !

German Official Summary

Auf dem Weg nach Fractalia City rufen Ash und seine Freunde Professor Platan an, um mehr über Heurekas neuen Freund Blobby zu erfahren. Als Team Rocket hört, dass es sich bei Blobby um eine neue Art Pokémon handeln könnte, ist es ganz aus dem Häuschen und heckt sofort einen Plan aus... Kurz darauf, während Serena und Evoli für ihren Showcase trainieren, stürmt ein wildes Igastarnish aus dem Wald und präsentiert Evoli einen Rankenhieb in Herzform und einen Strauß Blumen. Pam-Pam und Igamaro stürzen sofort herbei, um ihren Freund zu beschützen. Igastarnish fordert sie zu einem Kampf heraus, um damit vor Evoli eine Schau abzuziehen!

Italian Official Summary

Sulla strada per Fractalopoli, Ash e amici chiamano il Professor Platan per avere informazioni sul nuovo amico di Clem! Il Team Rocket non sta nella pelle nell’apprendere che potrebbe trattarsi di una nuova specie di Pokémon e inizia ad architettare un piano... Mentre Serena si sta esercitando, un Quilladin irrompe sulla scena e omaggia Eevee di una Frustata a forma di cuore e di un mazzo di fiori. Pancham e Chespin si schierano a sua protezione e Quilladin li sfida! La lotta viene interrotta dal Team Rocket che rapisce Eevee, Dedenne, Bunnelby e Mollicino. I tre rivali decidono di collaborare e si sbarazzano dei furfanti! L’attenzione del Quilladin viene presto attirata da un altro Pokémon selvatico mentre il viaggio dei nostri eroi continua.

Portuguese Official Summary

No caminho para a Cidade de Snowbelle, Ash e os outros ligam para o Professor Sicômoro para saber mais sobre o novo amigo da Bonnie, Geleca! A Equipe Rocket fica animada depois de ouvir que ele pode ser um novo tipo de Pokémon e começa a bolar um plano… Mais tarde, quando Serena e Eevee estão ensaiando, um selvagem Quilladin sai da floresta e dá para Eevee um Chicote de Vinha no formato de coração de presente e depois um buquê de flores. Pancham e Chespin entram em ação para proteger sua amiga e Quilladin os desafia para uma batalha na tentativa de se exibir para Eevee. A batalha é interrompida quando a Equipe Rocket ataca e captura Eevee, Dedenne, Geleca e Bunnelby em uma rede. Quilladin, Pancham e Chespin decidem colocar suas diferenças de lado e trabalhar juntos para fazer os vilões decolarem de novo. E depois de um Flareon chamar a atenção do Quilladin, ele fica feliz em ir por um caminho diferente do que os nossos heróis.

Finnish Official Summary

Matkallaan Snowbelle Cityyn Ash ystävineen soittaa professori Sycamorelle saadakseen lisätietoja Bonnien uudesta ystävästä, Löllöstä! Rakettiryhmä innostuu kuullessaan, että se saattaa olla uutta Pokémon-lajia ja alkaa punoa juonia... Myöhemmin, kun Serena ja Eevee ovat harjoittelemassa, villi Quilladin syöksyy metsästä ja esittelee Eeveelle sydämenmuotoisen Vine Whipin, ja antaa heti perään kukkakimpun. Pancham ja Chespin ryhtyvät suojelemaan ystäväänsä, joten Quilladin haastaa ne otteluun näyttääkseen Eeveelle voimansa! Ottelu keskeytyy pian, sillä Rakettiryhmä kaappaa Eeveen, Dedennen, Löllön ja Bunnelbyn verkkoihinsa! Quilladin, Pancham ja Chespin päättävät unohtaa erimielisyytensä ja tehdä yhteistyötä pakottaakseen roistot taas häipymään. Ja pian villi Flareon kiinnittää Quilladinin huomion, jolloin se hyvästelee sankarimme iloisena!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

En su camino a Ciudad Snowbelle, Ash y los otros llaman al Profesor Sycamore para saber más del Nuevo amigo de Bonnie, Blandito. El Equipo Rocket se emociona al escuchar que podría ser una nueva clase de Pokémon, y empieza a tramar un plan… Más tarde, cuando Serena e Eevee están ensayando, un Quilladin salvaje aparece en el bosque y le presenta a Eevee un Látigo Cepa en forma de corazón, y luego un ramo de flores. Pancham y Chespin se adelantan para proteger a su amigo, y Quilladin los reta a una batalla en un intento por lucirse ante Eevee. La batalla es pronto interrumpida cuando el Equipo Rocket aparece y se lleva a Eevee, Dedenne, Blandito, y a Bunnelby en una red. Quilladin, Pancham, y Chespin deciden hacer a un lado sus diferencias y trabajar juntos para enviar a los villanos a volar por los aires, y luego de que un Flareon salvaje llama la atención de Quilladin, este se aleja alegremente de nuestros héroes.

Spanish Official Summary

De camino hacia Ciudad Fractal, Ash y los demás llaman al rofesor Ciprés para saber algo más del nuevo amigo de Clem, landín. El Team Rocket se pone muy contento al oír que odría tratarse de un  nuevo Pokémon, y empiezan a preparar n plan. Más tarde, cuando Serena y Eevee están ensayando, n Quilladin salvaje sale del bosque y le ofrece a Eevee un átigo Cepa con forma de corazón y un ramo de flores. Pancham y Chespin se apresuran a proteger a su amiga y uilladin les desafía a un combate en un intento de mpresionar a Eevee. Enseguida e combate es interrumpido, y parece el Team Rocket que atrapa a Eevee, a Dedenne,a  landín y a Bunnelby en una red. Quilladin, Pancham y hespin deciden dejar a un lado sus diferencias y trabajan n equipo para enviar a los villanos a despegar de nuevo. Al oco rato una Flareon salvaje atrapa la atención de uilladin, que muy contento se separa de nuestros héroes.

English Great Britain Official Summary

On the way to Snowbelle City, Ash and the others call Professor Sycamore to learn more about Bonnie’s new friend Squishy! Team Rocket gets excited upon hearing that it might be a new kind of Pokémon, and starts hatching a plan... Later, when Serena and Eevee are rehearsing, a wild Quilladin charges out of the forest and presents Eevee with a Vine Whip in a heart shape, and then a bouquet of flowers. Pancham and Chespin step up to protect their friend, and Quilladin challenges them to battle in an attempt to show off for Eevee! The battle is soon interrupted when Team Rocket swoops in and grabs Eevee, Dedenne, Squishy, and Bunnelby in a net! Quilladin, Pancham, and Chespin decide to put aside their differences and work together to send the villains blasting off again—and after a wild Flareon catches Quilladin’s attention, it’s happy to part ways with our heroes!

Russian Official Summary

По пути в Сноубелл-Сити Эш и его друзья навещают Профессора Сайкамора, чтобы разузнать побольше о новом друге Бонни – Сквиши. Команда Р с радостью подслушивает, что Сквиши может быть новым видом Покемонов, и начинает вынашивать план по его поимке. Чуть позже во время репетиции Серены и Иви из леса появляется Квилладин и преподносит Иви Плеть-Лиану в форме сердца и букет цветов. Панчам и Чеспин пытаются вступиться за подругу, и Квилладин вызывает их на бой, желая впечатлить Иви. Битву приходится остановить, когда появляется Команда Р и ловит в сетку Иви, Дедене, Сквиши и Баннелби! Квилладин, Панчам и Чеспин решают забыть о своих разногласиях и работают вместе, чтобы отправить злодеев в пролёт. Что вскоре и происходит. А, после того, как в поле зрения Квилладина попадает дикая Флареон, он с радостью убегает за своим новым увлечением!

Dutch Official Summary

Onderweg naar Snowbelle City, vragen Ash en de anderen informatie aan professor Sycamore over Gompie, de nieuwe vriend van Bonnie. Team Rocket wordt opgewonden als het hoort dat het misschien om een nieuw soort Pokémon gaat en begint een plan uit te broeden. Later, als Serena en Eevee aan het oefenen zijn, stormt een wilde Quilladin het bos uit en biedt Eevee een Roede aanval aan in de vorm van een hart, en daarna een bos bloemen. Pancham en Chespin treden naar voren om hun vriendin te beschermen en Quilladin daagt hen uit tot een gevecht, in een poging om indruk te maken op Eevee. Het gevecht wordt al snel onderbroken als Team Rocket op de proppen komt en Eevee, Dedenne, Gompie en Bunnelby in een net vangt! Quilladin, Pancham, en Chespin besluiten hun meningsverschillen opzij te zetten en samen te werken om de boeven de lucht in de schieten en nadat een wilde Flareon de aandacht van Quilladin trekt, neemt hij zonder problemen afscheid van onze helden.

Norwegian Official Summary

På veien til Snowbelle City ringer Ash og de andre professor Sycamore for å finne ut mer om Bonnies nye venn, Myki! Team Rocket blir ivrige da de hører om den, og legger en plan... Senere, når Serena og Eevee trener, stormer en vill Quilladin ut av skogen og viser Eevee en hjerteformet Vine Whip og en blomsterbukett. Pancham og Chespin beskytter vennen sin, og Quilladin utfordrer dem til å kjempe i et forsøk på å vise seg for Eevee! Kampen blir avbrutt når Team Rocket fanger Eevee, Dedenne, Myki og Bunnelby! Quilladin, Pancam og Chespin bestemmer seg for å samarbeide om å sende skurkene av gårde igjen, og etter at en vill Flareon fanger Quilladins oppmerksomhet forlater den heltene våre med glede!

Swedish Official Summary

På vägen till Snowbelle City ringer Ash och de andra till professor Sycamore för att få veta mer om Bonnies nya vän Kletis! Team Rocket blir helt till sig när de hör att det kanske är en helt ny sorts Pokémon och börjar kläcka planer.. Senare, när Serena och Eevee håller på att öva, rusar plötsligt en vild Quilladin ut ur skogen och erbjuder Eevee en Vine Whip formad som ett hjärta, och sedan en bukett blommor. Pancham och Chespin kliver fram för att rädda sin vän, och då utmanar Quilladin dem på strid i ett försök att imponera på Eevee! Striden avbrys snart när Team Rocket sveper in och snor åt sig Eevee, Dedenne, Kletis och Bunnelby i ett nät! Quilladin, Pancham och Chespin bestämmer sig för att lägga sina stridigheter åt sidan och jobba tillsammans för att se till så att skurkarna drar iväg igen; och efter att en vild Flareon fångat Quilladins intresse, är det okej för den att säga farväl till våra hjältar!

Danish Official Summary

På vej til Snowbelle City ringer Ash og de andre til professor Sycamore for at få mere at vide om Bonnies nye ven, Smatte! Da Team Rocket hører, at det kan være en helt ny Pokémon, begynder de straks at udklække en plan... Senere, mens Serena og Eevee øver sig, kommer en vild Quilladin brasende ud af skoven og giver Eevee en Vine Whip i hjerteform og bagefter en buket blomster. Det får Pancham og Chespin til at træde til for at beskytte deres ven, hvorfor Quilladin udfordrer dem til kamp i et forsøg på at vise sig for Eevee! Kampen afbrydes dog snart, da Team Rocket slår ned og fanger Eevee, Dedenne, Smatte og Bunnelby i et net! Så beslutter Quilladin, Pancham og Chespin at lægge deres uoverensstemmelser til side og samarbejde om at sende skurkene ud at suse igen - og da en vild Flareon fanger Quilladins opmærksomhed, tager den med glæde afsked med vore helte!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Pikachu
  • Japan ピカチュウ
  • Japan Pikachu
  • Japan Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Wobbuffet
  • Japan ソーナンス
  • Japan Sonansu
  • Japan Sonansu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Serena
  • Japan セレナ
  • Japan Serena
  • Japan Serena
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bonnie
  • Japan ユリーカ
  • Japan Eureka
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont
  • Japan シトロン
  • Japan Citron
  • Japan Citron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Sycamore
  • Japan プラターヌ博士
  • Japan Platane-hakase
  • Japan Professor Platane
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont's Dedenne
  • Japan シトロンのデデンネ
  • Japan Citron no Dedenne
  • Japan Citron's Dedenne
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont's Bunnelby
  • Japan シトロンのホルビー
  • Japan Citron no Horubee
  • Japan Citron's Horubee
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Inkay
  • Japan コジロウのマーイーカ
  • Japan Kojirō no Maaiika
  • Japan Kojiro's Maaiika
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont's Chespin
  • Japan シトロンのハリマロン
  • Japan Citron no Harimaron
  • Japan Citron's Harimaron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Serena's Pancham
  • Japan セレナのヤンチャム
  • Japan Serena no Yancham
  • Japan Serena's Yancham
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Noibat
  • Japan サトシのオンバット
  • Japan Satoshi no Onbat
  • Japan Satoshi's Onbat
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Gourgeist
  • Japan ムサシのパンプジン
  • Japan Musashi no Pumpjin
  • Japan Musashi's Pumpjin
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Talonflame
  • Japan サトシのファイアロー
  • Japan Satoshi no Fiarrow
  • Japan Satoshi's Fiarrow
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Serena's Eevee
  • Japan セレナのイーブイ
  • Japan Serena no Eievui
  • Japan Serena's Eievui
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Squishy
  • Japan プニちゃん
  • Japan Puni-chan
  • Japan Squishy

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Flareon
  • Japan ブースター
  • Japan Booster
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Quilladin
  • Japan バリボーグ
  • Japan Hariborg
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Zygarde
  • Japan ジガルデ
  • Japan Zygarde
No notes available for this episode.

Special First-Airing Segment Data Broadcast Boardgame

Alternate-colored Yveltal - Data Broadcast Distribution: An alternate-colored Yveltal was distributed via wi-fi through a universal serial code provided to viewers that played the Data Broadcast game during this episode.

The serial code was PUNICHAN

Data Broadcast Pokémon: Hariborg

Eyecatch XY Titlecard

The XY title card for this episode featured Pikachu.

Who's that Pokémon XYZ


Who's that Pokémon Pokémon Quiz

Pokémon Quiz
Name (なまえ): Hariborg (バリボーグ)
Type (タイプ): Grass


PokéTV PokéLove TV

Subject: Eievui

Japanese Music:

Time Track Notes
Japan 00:06 XY M23B 連れて行く
Japanese (Trans): Going Together
The group videophones Platane about Squishy.
Japan 00:57 XY M19 The Rocket Gang's Plan Rocket Gang eavesdrops on the group's conversation (the music begins 3 seconds through).
Japan 01:53 XY&Z
Japanese (Romanized): XY&Z
Japanese (Trans): XY&Z
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Japan 03:21 XY&Z
Japanese (Romanized): XY&Z
Japanese (Trans): XY&Z
Sponsor Message
Japan 03:31 XY M02 ジムバッジを手に入れた!
Japanese (Trans): Obtained a Gym Badge! / XY Title Card
Title Card
Japan 03:40 XY M10 パルファム宮殿
Japanese (Trans): Parfum Palace
The group stops on the way to Eisetsu City.
Japan 05:27 XY M29 2番道路
Japanese (Trans): Route 2
Serena shows the poach she made for Squishy.
Japan 06:16 チゴラス怒らす!
Japanese (Romanized): Chigoras ikarasu!
Japanese (Trans): The Chigoras are Angry!
Movie 17 Short BGM - A Hariborg charges happily towards Eievui
Japan 06:56 待てーッメロディベリー!
Japanese (Romanized): Matee Melody Berry!
Japanese (Trans): Wait up, Melody Berry!
Movie 15 Short BGM - Hariborg continues to charge towards Eievui
Japan 08:35 XY M42 Guiding Hariborg picks some flowers for Eievui.
Japan 09:32 水中の戦い
Japanese (Romanized): Suichū no tatakai
Japanese (Trans): Underwater Battle
Movie 15 Short BGM - Hariborg wants to fight Yancham
Japan 10:31 XY M11 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (Trans): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Hariborg battles Yancham.
Japan 11:36 XY M12 戦闘!ともだち
Japanese (Trans): Battle! Friend
Hariborg battles Harimaron.
Japan 13:01 XY M13 The Rocket Gang is on the Scene! The Rocket Gang does their self-introduction.
Japan 13:44 Movie 15 Unused BGM - Kyurem Movie 15 Unused BGM - Satoshi sends out Fiarrow and Onbat to search for Rocket Gang
Japan 14:14 XY M05 タイトル
Japanese (Trans): Title
Eyecatch Break
Japan 14:20 XY M09 It's This! Eyecatch Return
Japan 14:40 仮装大会
Japanese (Romanized): Kasō taikai
Japanese (Trans): Dress-up Contest
Movie 16 Short BGM - The Pokémon jump out of Rocket Gang's balloon
Japan 16:12 XY M14 The Rocket Gang Attacks! Rocket Gang confronts the Pokémon who escaped.
Japan 18:05 Movie 15 Unused BGM - The Three Sacred Swordsmen A Movie 15 Unused BGM - Hariborg defends a truce to fight Rocket Gang
Japan 18:42 BW M63A Celebrating Success Satoshi's BW Theme Rocket Gang fights the group.
Japan 19:55 XY M42 Guiding Hariborg brings new flowers to Eievui.
Japan 20:57 くれ!くれ!クレッフィ!
Japanese (Romanized): Kure! Kure! Cleffy!
Japanese (Trans): "Over Here! Over Here, Cleffy!"
Movie 17 Short BGM - Hariborg chases after Booster
Japan 21:20 XY M08 殿堂入りおめでとう!
Japanese (Trans): Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!
The group returns to its routine.
Japan 21:59 プニちゃんのうた
Japanese (Romanized): Puni-chan no uta
Japanese (Trans): The Squishy Song
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Japan 23:25 XY M31 ジム
Japanese (Trans): Gym
Monsieur Pierre and Jenny present PokéTV.
Japan 24:15 XY M08 殿堂入りおめでとう!
Japanese (Trans): Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!
Pocket Monsters XY&Z Episode 3 Preview
Japan 24:45 プニちゃんのうた
Japanese (Romanized): Puni-chan no uta
Japanese (Trans): The Squishy Song
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Time Track Notes
United States 01:53 Stand Tall [From "Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel"] Opening Theme for the English Dub
United States 02:23 XY M02 ジムバッジを手に入れた!
Japanese (Trans): Obtained a Gym Badge! / XY Title Card
Title Card
United States 09:23 XY M11 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (Trans): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Quilladin battles Pancham.
United States 10:29 XY M12 戦闘!ともだち
Japanese (Trans): Battle! Friend
Quilaldin battles Chespin.
United States 11:54 XY M13 The Rocket Gang is on the Scene! Team Rocket does their self-introduction.
United States 20:13 XY M08 殿堂入りおめでとう!
Japanese (Trans): Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!
The group returns to its routine.
United States 20:50 Stand Tall [From "Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel"] Ending Theme for the English Dub (Instrumental Version)

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 28
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 7
07 Oct 2015 09:50 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
Posts: 2951
New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: 熱血ハリボーグ!狙われたプニちゃん!! / Nekketsu Hariborg! Nerawareta Puni-chan!! / Hot-blooded Hariborg! Puni-chan is Being Targeted!!. Please comment below!
Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot!
28 Oct 2015 11:14 AM
Adamant Administrator
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A wild Hariborg falls in love with Serena's Eievui at first sight!? Also, if you participate in today's data broadcast, you will receive a universal serial code with which you can obtain an "Alternate-colored Yveltal" in your video game.

While Serena was practicing for her Tripokalon together with Eievui, a wild Hariborg suddenly appeared! Incredibly, it appears this Hariborg had fallen in love with Eievui at first sight. But while the Hariborg keeps trying to show off, it appears to have the exact opposite effect on Eievui than intended... What will the conclusion to Hariborg's love be!?

Voice Cast:
Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
Mayuki Makiguchi: Serena
Yuki Kaji: Citron
Mika Kanai: Eureka
Megumi Sato: Dedenne
Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi
Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro
Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth
Yuji Ueda: Sonansu
Hiroshi Tsuchida: Platane
Rikako Aikawa: Hariborg
Yuka Terasaki: Onbat
Kiyotaka Furushima: Fiarrow
Noriko Shitaya: Yancham
Chinatsu Akasaki: Horubee
Hitomi Nabatame: Harimaron
Kenta Miyake: Maaiika
Miyako Ito: Pumpjin
Unsho Ishizuka: Narration

Data broadcast:
"The three-week-straight data broadcast giveaway campaign"
In today's data broadcast, a "universal serial code" for receiving an "alternate-colored Yveltal" in your Pocket Monsters X/Y/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire" video game will be announced!
*the exact timing of the "universal serial code" announcement varies by television.
How to receive:
Once the show has started, press the d-button on your remote to participate in the data broadcast. Then, use the button in the top right of the data broadcast screen to enter the screen where the "universal serial code" can be seen. Finally, enter the announced "universal serial code" in a Nintendo 3DS "Pocket Monsters X/Y/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire" video game that's connected to the Internet to obtain the Pokémon.
Last edited 28 Oct 2015 11:16 AM by Adamant
23 Nov 2015 03:09 AM
Sunain Administrator
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I don't even want to call this episode a filler because that's insulting to good filler episodes of the series. This was just a terribly boring episode approaching AG88 levels of awfulness. There was no creativity, the story was boring and formulaic Pokemon anime. This is not a good way to begin the new XYZ subseries. The episode didn't even make in the top 10 Anime TV Ranking for November 2th to 8th, 2015, so it's not just me thinking this way. The ratings aren't because the series is too old as Detective Conan started its anime series around the same time Pocket Monsters did and its still pulling over 2x the ratings.

November 2th to 8th, 2015
Sazae-san 14.2
Detective Conan 10.3
Chibi Maruko-chan 9.8
Crayon Shin-chan 9.7
Doraemon 9.6
One Piece 7.9
The File of Young Kindaichi Returns 6.9
Dragon Ball Super 5.8
Yokai Watch 5.5
Go! Princess Precure 4.4

Last edited 23 Nov 2015 03:13 AM by Sunain
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07 Feb 2016 01:00 PM
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The dub title has been revealed.

Title: Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes!
Airs: February 27, 2016
Source: http://tvschedule.zap2it.com/tv/pok%C3%A9mon-xyz-love-strikes-evee-yikes/EP023613740002?aid=tvschedule (Zap2it; although there's a typo in this one where Eevee is misspelled; all titles in the XY series have an exclamation mark in the end)
08 Feb 2016 10:15 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Quote From: HyruleWarrior
(Zap2it; although there's a typo in this one where Eevee is misspelled; all titles in the XY series have an exclamation mark in the end)

Will wait till another source posts the title before changing the title to the proper Eevee incase it's one of TCPi's title puns.
Administrator of PocketMonsters.net
13 Feb 2016 09:39 PM
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Quote From: Sunain
Will wait till another source posts the title before changing the title to the proper Eevee incase it's one of TCPi's title puns.

In which case, the schedule listed on the Cartoon Network site (http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/shows/pokemon/characters/index.html) has confirmed Zap2it wrong about Eevee's name spelling.