Home / Episode Guide / タケシたおれる!あぶないキャンプ!!/Takeshi Collapses! Dangerous Camp!!/Sick Daze

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めざせポケモンマスター (Whiteberryバージョン)
Aim to Be a Pokémon Master (Whiteberry Versions)
The Future-minded Rocket Gang!
포켓몬 Forever
Pokémon Forever
좋은 친구들
Good Friends
Pokémon Roll Call
Fantastic Adventure

English Official Summary

The morning sun shines brightly upon our heroes and their Pokémon after spending the night next to a sparkling stream. Ash and his Pokémon wash up for breakfast and notice Brock kneeling over a pot of porridge on the campfire. After asking what's on this morning's menu and getting no response, Ash places a hand on Brock's shoulder. Brock's only response is to fall to the ground! Misty discovers that Brock has a fever and tries to convince him to spend the day resting in bed. Brock finally agrees and tells them there are directions on how to perform his chores in his notebook. As Ash and Misty begin the day's chores they easily become overwhelmed. They must cook, do the dishes, feed the Pokémon, haul water, gather and split wood and even polish Brock's rock Pokémon. Certain disaster seems eminent when Ash decides to speed up the polishing process with his Totodile's Water Gun! Will Ash and Misty be able to perform all of Brock's chores, take care of the Pokémon and fend off Team Rocket's nighttime attack all on their own?

Italian Official Summary

Il sole del mattino splende sui nostri eroi e sui loro Pokémon, che hanno trascorso la notte accanto a un torrente spumeggiante.

Portuguese Official Summary

Quando Brock fica doente, cabe a Ash e Misty manter o grupo seguro e alimentado. Mas sua inexperiência e a interferência da Equipe Rocket torna este trabalho nada simples!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Cuando Brock se enferma, depende de Ash y de Misty mantener al grupo a salvo y alimentado. Pero su inexperiencia, y la intervención del Equipo Rocket, hace que su nuevo trabajo no sea tan simple.

Spanish Official Summary

El sol de la mañana brilla con fuerza sobre nuestros héroes y sus Pokémon, después de pasar la noche cerca de un río centellante.

English Great Britian Official Summary

The morning sun shines brightly upon our heroes and their Pokémon after spending the night next to a sparkling stream. Ash and his Pokémon wash up for breakfast and notice Brock kneeling over a pot of porridge on the campfire. After asking what's on this morning's menu and getting no response, Ash places a hand on Brock's shoulder. Brock's only response is to fall to the ground! Misty discovers that Brock has a fever and tries to convince him to spend the day resting in bed. Brock finally agrees and tells them there are directions on how to perform his chores in his notebook. As Ash and Misty begin the day's chores they easily become overwhelmed. They must cook, do the dishes, feed the Pokémon, haul water, gather and split wood and even polish Brock's rock Pokémon. Certain disaster seems eminent when Ash decides to speed up the polishing process with his Totodile's Water Gun! Will Ash and Misty be able to perform all of Brock's chores, take care of the Pokémon and fend off Team Rocket's nighttime attack all on their own?

Dutch Official Summary

Als Brock ziek wordt, moeten Ash en Misty de troep van eten voorzien en fit houden. Maar hun gebrek aan ervaring en de tussenkomst van Team Rocket, maken hun nieuwe baantje niet eenvoudig!

French Official Summary

Le soleil se lève sur nos amis et leurs Pokémon, qui viennent de passer la nuit au bord d'un magnifique lac.

German Official Summary

Die Morgensonne lacht auf unsere Helden und ihre Pokémon herab, nachdem sie die Nacht neben einem funkelnden Wasserlauf verbracht haben.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Pikachu
  • Japan ピカチュウ
  • Japan Pikachu
  • Japan Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty
  • Japan カスミ
  • Japan Kasumi
  • Japan Kasumi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty's Togepi
  • Japan カスミのトゲピー
  • Japan Kasumi no Togepi
  • Japan Kasumi's Togepi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty's Goldeen
  • Japan カスミのトサキント
  • Japan Kasumi no Tosakinto
  • Japan Kasumi's Tosakinto
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Onix
  • Japan タケシのイワーク
  • Japan Takeshi no Iwark
  • Japan Takeshi's Iwark
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Geodude
  • Japan タケシのイシツブテ
  • Japan Takeshi no Ishitsubute
  • Japan Takeshi's Ishitsubute
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Bulbasaur
  • Japan サトシのフシギダネ
  • Japan Satoshi no Fushigidane
  • Japan Satoshi's Fushigidane
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Chikorita
  • Japan サトシのチコリータ
  • Japan Satoshi no Chicorita
  • Japan Satoshi's Chicorita
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Cyndaquil
  • Japan サトシのヒノアラシ
  • Japan Satoshi no Hinoarashi
  • Japan Satoshi's Hinoarashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Totodile
  • Japan サトシのワニノコ
  • Japan Satoshi no Waninoko
  • Japan Satoshi's Waninoko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Noctowl
  • Japan サトシのヨルノズク
  • Japan Satoshi no Yorunozuku
  • Japan Satoshi's Yorunozuku
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Golbat
  • Japan タケシのゴルバット
  • Japan Takeshi no Golbat
  • Japan Takeshi's Golbat
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Pineco
  • Japan タケシのクヌギダマ
  • Japan Takeshi no Kunugidama
  • Japan Takeshi's Kunugidama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty's Psyduck
  • Japan カスミのコダック
  • Japan Kasumi no Koduck
  • Japan Kasumi's Koduck
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Wobbuffet
  • Japan ソーナンス
  • Japan Sonansu
  • Japan Sonansu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty's Poliwhirl
  • Japan カスミのニョロゾ
  • Japan Kasumi no Nyorozo
  • Japan Kasumi's Nyorozo
No notes available for this episode.

Who's that Pokémon Johto League Champions

Heracross - This Pokémon gets very upset if disturbed while sipping its honey!

Who's that Pokémon Gold and Silver


Okido Segment Pokémon Lecture

Pokémon Lecture & Senryu
Pokémon Golbat (ゴルバット)
Japanese ゴルバット さんきゅうさんしん ふるバット

Japanese Music:

Time Track Notes
Japan 00:00 めざせポケモンマスター
Japanese (Romanized): Mezase Pokémon Master
Japanese (Trans): Aim To Be A Pokémon Master
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Japan 01:29 1999-2001-M02 タイトル
Japanese (Romanized): Title
Japanese (Trans): Title
The group has made a stop beside a river.
Japan 02:04 1999-2001-M12 Today's Johto Pokemon Curiosity Takeshi falls exhausted.
Japan 02:15 1997-1998-M52 Title Card Kanto Title Card
Japan 02:22 1999-2001-M12 Today's Johto Pokemon Curiosity The music resumes after the Title Card.
Japan 03:10 1999-2001-M12 Today's Johto Pokemon Curiosity Takeshi feels the sickness again.
Japan 04:25 Movie 1 Short - Yadon Eyecatch Satoshi and Kasumi brush Iwark and Ishitsubute's bodies, respectively.
Japan 04:59 Movie 1 Short - Digda and Dugtrio Eyecatch Satoshi orders Waninoko to use Water Gun against... Iwark!
Japan 05:31 1997-1998-M64 Hiya, Hot Stuff! (Jazzy Theme) Takeshi has a dream with three girls.
Japan 06:27 Movie 1 Short - Pikachu in dismay Golbat and Kunugidama try to put Takeshi to rest.
Japan 07:05 Movie 1 Short - Coil Eyecatch Rocket Gang strips the apples from the trees with a vacuum.
Japan 07:37 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (Trans): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
Rocket Gang Motto
Japan 08:20 1997-1998-M27 激闘果てしなく~逃げろや逃げろ!
Japanese (Romanized): Nigero ya Nigero!
Japanese (Trans): Run Away, Run Away!
Kojiro uses the vacuum on Satoshi.
Japan 09:54 1997-1998-M64 Hiya, Hot Stuff! (Jazzy Theme) Takeshi has a dream with three girls again.
Japan 11:11 1999-2001-M06 じてんしゃ
Japanese (Romanized): Jitensha
Japanese (Trans): Bicycle
Satoshi and Takeshi have to do Takeshi's work.
Japan 11:58 1999-2001-M33 (NO.4)
Japanese (Romanized): (NO.4)
Japanese (Trans): (NO.4)
Kasumi keeps messing up while trying to cook.
Japan 12:59 Movie 1 Short - Madatsubomi Eyecatch Kasumi tries her own cooking and... doesn't quite like it.
Japan 13:22 Movie 1 Short - Fushigidane's Lullaby Night falls and almost everyone sleeps.
Japan 13:44 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (Trans): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Rocket Gang watches the house from the bushes.
Japan 15:24 Movie 1 Short - Rivalry Boasting Rocket Gang lures Satoshi's Pokémon into the bushes by using a cardboard cut out of Satoshi and emulating his voice.
Japan 15:48 1999-2001-M38 ~OK!~ (BONUS-TRACK) Who's that Pakémon? Kunugidama!
Japan 15:54 1997-1998-M67 Wreakin' Havoc Rocket Gang catches Satoshi's Pokémon in the net.
Japan 16:41 1997-1998-M64 Hiya, Hot Stuff! (Jazzy Theme) Takeshi has a dream with three girls once again.
Japan 17:13 乱れ飛ぶモンスターボール
Japanese (Romanized): Midaretobu Monster Ball
Japanese (Trans): Wildly Flying Monster Balls
Movie 1 BGM - Rocket Gang runs away from Satoshi, Kasumi and their Pokémon.
Japan 18:41 1999-2001-M38 ~OK!~ (BONUS-TRACK) Golbat arrives and pierces Rocket Gang's balloon.
Japan 20:14 1997-1998-M02 続くったら,続く
Japanese (Romanized): Tsuzukuttara, Tsuzuku
Japanese (Trans): To Be Continued
Satoshi and Kasumi wake up and see Takeshi cooking again.
Japan 21:18 1997-1998-M64 Hiya, Hot Stuff! (Jazzy Theme) Takeshi has a dream with three girls for a fourth time.
Japan 21:36 Movie 1 Short - Madatsubomi Eyecatch The only thing left to see is Takeshi experiencing the dream.
Japan 21:45 前向きロケット団!
Japanese (Romanized): Maemuki Rocket-dan
Japanese (Trans): Look ahead, Rocket Gang!
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Japan 23:05 Mezase Pokémon Master Instrumental Johto Episode 78 preview
Japan 23:36 1997-1998-M33A Professor Okido's Pokémon Lectures Professor Okido's Pokémon Lecture
Japan 23:40 1997-1998-M18B トキワへの道‐マサラより
Japanese (Romanized): Tokiwa e no michi - Masara yori
Japanese (Trans): The Road to Tokiwa - From Masara
Okido explains the characteristics of Golbat.
Japan 24:24 Okido's Senryū Theme Okido recites a Senryū.

Dub Music:

Time Track Notes
United States 00:00 1999-2001-M02 タイトル
Japanese (Romanized): Title
Japanese (Trans): Title
The group has made a stop beside a river.
United States 00:45 Born To Be A Winner Opening Theme for the English Dub
United States 01:31 1997-1998-M52 Title Card Title Card
United States 06:53 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (Trans): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
Team Rocket's Motto
United States 07:35 1997-1998-M27 激闘果てしなく~逃げろや逃げろ!
Japanese (Romanized): Nigero ya Nigero!
Japanese (Trans): Run Away, Run Away!
James uses the vacuum on Ash.
United States 13:11 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (Trans): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Team Rocket watches the house from the bushes.
United States 15:10 1997-1998-M67 Wreakin' Havoc Team Rocket catches Ash's Pokémon in the net.
United States 16:29 乱れ飛ぶモンスターボール
Japanese (Romanized): Midaretobu Monster Ball
Japanese (Trans): Wildly Flying Monster Balls
Movie 1 BGM - Team Rocket runs away from Ash, Misty and their Pokémon.
United States 17:57 1999-2001-M38 ~OK!~ (BONUS-TRACK) Golbat arrives and pierces Team Rocket's balloon.
United States 21:00 Born To Be A Winner Ending Theme for the English Dub

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 33
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 10
12 Apr 2001 03:00 AM
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