Home / Episode Guide / Lost at the Stamp Rally!サトシ、デントVSサブウェイマスター!Satoshi and Dent VS the Subway Masters!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Lost at the Stamp Rally!
  • Japan サトシ、デントVSサブウェイマスター!
  • Japan Satoshi, Dent VS Subway Master!
  • Japan Satoshi and Dent VS the Subway Masters!
  • Germany Die Stempel-Rallye!
  • France Perdu dans la Course aux Cachets !
  • Spain ¡Perdidos en la caza de sellos!
  • Sweden Vilse på Stämpel-racet!
  • Italy A caccia di timbri!
  • Mexico ¡Perdidos en el rally de los sellos!
  • Finland Eksyksissä leimajahdissa!
  • Taiwan 小智、天桐對地下鐵總控官!
  • Netherlands Verdwaald bij de Stempel Race!
  • Brazil Perdidos no Rally dos Selos!
  • Norway På villspor på stempelløpet!
  • Denmark På vildspor i Stempel-ræset!
  • South Korea 지우, 덴트 VS 서브웨이마스터!
  • Portugal Perdidos na Caça ao Selo!
  • Russia Потеря на марочном квесте!


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하나지방 포켓몬 외워보자~!
Let's Memorize the Pokémon of the Unova Region~!
Pokémon Roll Call
Open your Hand

English Official Summary

As Ash and the gang wait for the bridge to Driftveil City to be repaired, they decide how they’re going to spend their day. Cilan excitedly announces he’s going to participate in the Subway Bosses Stamp Rally, which will allow the winner to have a battle with one of the Subway Bosses, Ingo and Emmet. But to win, he must obtain 60 Pokémon stamps by that afternoon—a challenge that usually takes three days to complete! Ash and Iris decide to head out for a day of sightseeing. After visiting the two sports arenas and the Musical Theater, they end up in the amusement park, where they find a lost female Axew who’s been separated from its Trainer, Erina. They try to help out by going back to the subway station where Axew and Erina were to meet. But when they arrive, Erina is nowhere in sight. Iris leaves a note for the lost Axew’s Trainer, telling her that they will be back at the amusement park. In the meantime, Erina runs into Cilan during the stamp rally, and he eventually leads her back to the station to find the note from Iris. Then, with the aid of the Subway Bosses, Erina and her Axew are happily reunited! Time is called for the stamp rally, and Cilan realizes that he’s missing just one stamp to win. As thanks for his help, Erina gives Cilan the stamp he needs—and out of the kindness of their hearts, Ingo and Emmet offer to have a tag battle with Cilan and Ash, much to our heroes’ excitement! A fierce battle ensues at Gear Station, and Ingo and Emmet are victorious. Despite the defeat, our heroes are grateful for the opportunity to battle the amazing Subway Bosses, who tell them the bridge has been repaired and they can leave for Driftveil City whenever they want. But they decide to stay one more night for the chance to ride Nimbasa City’s famous Ferris wheel. We leave everyone as Ash starts to turn his eye toward his upcoming Gym Battle at the Driftveil City Gym...

French Official Summary

Nos héros décident comment ils vont passer la journée, en attendant la fin des réparations du Pont Yoneuve. Rachid leur annonce avec enthousiasme qu’il va participer à la Course aux Cachets du Métro, ce qui lui permettra, s’il parvient à obtenir les soixante Cachets Pokémon requis avant 16 h, d’affronter les Chefs Métro Chammal ou Chamsin. Sacha et Iris, eux, se rendent au parc d’attractions, où ils rencontrent une Coupenotte femelle qui a perdu sa Dresseuse. Tandis qu’ils tentent de l’aider en se rendant dans la station de métro où Coupenotte a été séparée de sa Dresseuse, Rachid, qui tente d’obtenir ses soixante Cachets pour la course, rencontre par hasard Irina, la Dresseuse en question ! Iris a alors une idée brillante : laisser un message de la part de la Coupenotte femelle pour Irina, lui disant qu’elle peut la retrouver au parc d’attractions. Le message est trouvé par Rachid et Irina et, enfin, grâce à l’aide des Chefs Métro Chammal et Chamsin, la Dresseuse et sa Coupenotte sont réunies ! Soudain, Rachid s’aperçoit que le temps a passé et qu’il lui manque encore un Cachet pour gagner ! Heureusement, Irina lui fait cadeau de celui qui lui manque. Quant à Chammal et Chamsin, ils proposent un combat en double, que Sacha et Rachid acceptent avec enthousiasme ! Un terrible affrontement s’ensuit dans l’Engrenage du Métro, dont Chammal et Chamsin sortent victorieux. Nos héros, reconnaissants envers les fameux Chefs Métro de leur avoir permis de les affronter, sont alors informés de la fin des réparations du pont. Ils peuvent donc se remettre en route pour Port Yoneuve. Mais auparavant, ils décident de passer la nuit à Méanville et de faire un tour sur la grande roue. Lorsque nous les quittons, Sacha pense déjà avec impatience à son prochain combat, à l’Arène de Port Yoneuve...

German Official Summary

Während unsere Helden darauf warten, dass die Brücke von Rayono City repariert wird, überlegen sie, wie sie den Tag verbringen könnten. Benny entscheidet sich, an der Metro-Stempel-Rallye  der Metromeister teilzunehmen. Wenn es ihm gelingt, bis 16 Uhr alle Stempel zu sammeln, wird er die Möglichkeit erhalten, gegen einen der beiden Metromeister, Hin oder Her, zu kämpfen. Ash und Lilia entscheiden sich, zum Vergnügungspark zu gehen.Dort finden sie ein Milza, das von seiner Trainerin Erina getrennt wurde. Gemeinsam kehren sie zurück zum Metro-Bahnhof , dem Ort, wo die beiden getrennt wurden. Inzwischen ist Benny während seiner Stempel-Suche auf Erina getroffen. Lilia hat die Idee, eine Nachricht zu hinterlassen, die den anderen mitteilt, dass sie im Vergnügungspark sind und dort warten. Benny und Erina finden diese Nachricht und mithilfe der beiden Metromeister Hin und Her  bringen sie Erina und Milza schließlich wieder zusammen. Doch dann merkt Benny, dass die Zeit für die Rallye abgelaufen ist und ihm noch ein Stempel fehlt, um zu gewinnen. Glücklicherweise hat Erina den fehlenden Stempel. Hin und Her lassen fünfe gerade sein und bieten Benny und Ash ein Zweiermatch an. Der Kampf findet in der Weichenstation statt und Hin und Her siegen. Benny und Ash ist klar, dass ihnen mit dem Kampf gegen die berühmten Metromeister eine große Ehre erwiesen wurde. Sie erfahren, dass die Brücke repariert wurde und die Reise nach Marea-City möglich ist. Sie entschließen sich jedoch, die Nacht in Rayono City zu verbringen. Gemeinsam mit Erina genießen sie im Riesenrad den wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang über Rayono City.

Italian Official Summary

Mentre i nostri eroi attendono che il Ponte Libecciopoli venga riparato, decidono di rimanere a Sciroccopoli un altro giorno. Spighetto decide di partecipare alla Caccia ai Timbri dei Capimetrò, che gli permetterà di lottare contro Andy o Torn, i Capimetrò, se riuscirà a collezionare tutti i sessanta timbri richiesti entro le 4 del pomeriggio. Ash e Iris, invece, vanno al parco dei divertimenti, dove trovano una Axew che è rimasta separata dalla sua Allenatrice Erina. Mentre la riportano alla stazione dove le due si erano divise, Spighetto si imbatte proprio in Erina. Iris ha la brillante idea di lasciare un messaggio per Erina da parte di Axew, comunicandole che la attenderanno al parco dei divertimenti. Spighetto ed Erina trovano il messaggio e, grazie anche all’aiuto dei Capimetrò Andy e Torn, la ragazza ritrova il suo Pokémon. In quel momento, Spighetto si accorge che il tempo per la gara è scaduto, ma a lui manca ancora un timbro. Erina, però, gli dà il timbro mancante e così Andy e Torn si offrono per una Lotta Multipla contro Spighetto e Ash, che accettano entusiasti! Ha luogo un infuocato scontro nella Stazione Ruotadentata, ma alla fine i vincitori sono Andy e Torn. Mentre ringraziano i Capimetrò per l’opportunità concessa, i nostri eroi vengono a sapere che il ponte è stato riparato e che potranno ripartire per Libecciopoli. I tre, però, decidono di rimanere ancora una notte e di salire sulla ruota panoramica, dove li lasciamo con la mente già alla prossima Lotta in Palestra di Ash...

Portuguese Official Summary

Enquanto nossos heróis esperam a ponte da Cidade de Nimbasa ser consertada, eles decidem passar o dia lá. Cilan, empolgado, anuncia que vai participar do Rally dos Selos dos mestres do metro, o que permitirá a ele ter uma batalha com Ingo e Emmet, os Mestres do Metro, se ele se der bem e obtiver 60 selos Pokémon até as 4:00 do mesmo dia. Ash e Iris decidem ir ao parque de diversões onde encontram um Axew fêmea perdido, que foi separado de sua treinadora (chamada Erina). Enquanto eles tentam ajudá-la voltando para a estação de metro onde Axew e Erina estavam, Cilan acidentalmente encontra com Erina no metro enquanto coleta seus 60 selos para o rally. Iris tem a brilhante ideia de deixar um recado do Axew fêmea para Erina dizendo que eles voltarão para o parque de diversões e Cilan e Erina encontram o recado. Então, com a ajuda dos Mestres do Metro, Emmet e Ingo, o Axew fêmea e Erina se encontram com muita alegria. de repente, Cilan percebe que o tempo acabou e está faltando 1 selo para ele vencer. Mas Erina dá a Cilan o selo que ele precisa. E pela bondade de seus corações, tanto Ingo como Emmet querem ter uma Batalha de Duplas com Cilan e Ash, para a alegria de nossos heróis! Uma batalha ferrenha começa na Estação Engrenagem, e Ingo e Emmet são os vitoriosos. Gratos pela oportunidade de batalharem com os incríveis Mestres do Metro, nossos heróis são informados de que a ponte já foi consertada e eles podem partir para a Cidade Driftveil a hora que quiserem. Mas eles decidem passar a noite e dar uma volta de roda gigante, e assim deixamos todos, enquanto Ash começa a ficar bem empolgado com a Batalha de Ginásio que está por vir no Ginásio da Cidade de Driftveil...

Finnish Official Summary

Sankareidemme odottaessa Nimbasa Cityn sillan korjausta, he miettivät mitä voisivat tehdä. Cilan ilmoittaa innoissaan, että hän aikoo osallistua metropomojen leimajahtiin, jonka voitettuaan hän saa otella joko Ingon tai Emmetin kanssa. Cilanin on kerättävä 60 Pokémon-leimaa kello neljään mennessä. Ash  ja Iris päättävät mennä huvipuistoon, joss he törmäävät eksyneeseen tyttö-Axew’in. Axew on eksynyt kouluttajastaan, Erinasta. Ash ja Iris päättävät auttaa palaamalla metroasemalle, jossa Axew’n ja Erinan piti tavata. Sillä välin Cilan on vahingossa tutustunut Erinaan metrossa kerätessään 60 leimaansa. Iris saa nerokkaan ajatuksen ja jättää viestin tyttö-Axew’lta Erinalle, missä lukee että he palaavat huvipuistoon. Cilan ja Erina löytävät viestin. Sitten, metropomojen, Ingon ja Emmetin avulla tyttö-Axew ja Erina löytävät toisensa! Yhtäkkiä Cilan tajuaa, että aika on loppunut ja häneltä puuttuu vielä yksi leima. Erin kuitenkin antaa Cilanille hänen tarvitsemansa leiman. Sekä Ingo että Emmet, tarjoutuvat tag-otteluun Cilanin ja Ashin kanssa hyvää hyvyyttään. Tästähän sankarimme innostuvat! Ratasasemalla käydyn hurjan ottelun voittavat Ingo ja Emmet. Kiitollisina saamastaan mahdollisuudesta otella loistavien metropomojen kanssa, sankarimme saavat myös pian tietää että silta on korjattu ja he voivat aloittaa matkansa Driftveil Cityyn milloin haluavat. Sankarimme päättävät kuitenkin yöpyä ja käydä maailmanpyörässä. Jätämme heidän seuransa juuri kun Ash alkaa innostua tulevasta saliottelustaan Driftveil Cityssä...

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Mientras nuestros héroes esperan que el puente de Ciudad Nimbasa sea reparado, deciden cómo pasarán el día. Cilan anuncia emocionado que participará en el Rally de los Sellos de los Jefes del Subterráneo, lo que le permitirá tener una batalla contra Ingo o Emmet, los Jefes del Subterráneo, si logra obtener 60 Sellos Pokémon antes de las 4 de la tarde. Ash e Iris deciden ir al parque de diversiones, donde encuentran a una Axew hembra perdida quien fue separada de su Entrenadora (llamada Erina). Mientras intentan ayudar, regresando a la estación del subterráneo donde Axew y Erina iban a encontrarse, Cilan por accidente se encuentra a Erina en el subterráneo, mientras recolectaba sus 60 sellos para el Rally. Iris tiene la genial idea de dejar una nota a Erina sobre la Axew hembra, diciendo que volverían al parque de diversiones, ¡y Cilan y Erina encuentran la nota! Luego, con la ayuda de los Jefes de Subterráneo, Emmet e Ingo, la Axew hembra y Erina se reúnen otra vez. De pronto, Cilan se da cuenta de que se acabó el tiempo y le falta un sello por ganar, pero Erina da a Cilan el sello que necesita. Como un gesto de amabilidad, Ingo y Emmet se ofrecen a tener una Batalla Doble contra Cilan y Ash, ¡para alegría de nuestros héroes! Se da una batalla intensa en la Estación Radial, e Ingo y Emmet resultan victoriosos. Agradecidos por la oportunidad de tener una batalla contra los asombrosos Jefes del Subterráneo, nuestros héroes se enteran que el Puente ya fue reparado y que pueden irse a Ciudad Driftveil cuando quieran, pero deciden pasar ahí la noche y subir a la rueda de la fortuna. Dejamos a todos con Ash muy emocionado por su próxima Batalla de Gimnasio en el Gimnasio de Ciudad Driftveil…

Spanish Official Summary

Mientras que nuestros héroes esperan a que el puente de Ciudad Mayólica sea reparado, deciden cómo van a pasar el día. Millo, emocionado, anuncia que va a participar en la Caza de sellos del Metro, que le permitiría librar un Combate contra Fero o Caril,  los Jefes de Metro, si consigue obtener 60 sellos Pokémon hasta las cuatro de la tarde. Ash e Iris deciden ir al parque de atracciones, donde se topan con una Axew perdida, que se ha separado de su Entrenadora, que se llama, Erina. Mientras que ellos intentan ayudarla volviendo a la estación del metro donde Erina y Axew deberían encontrarse, Millo se topa con Erina en el metro durante su búsqueda de los 60 sellos  para la Caza. Iris tiene la brillante idea de dejar una nota de Axew para Erina, diciéndole que estarán en el parque de atracciones, y Millo y Erina encuentran la nota. Más tarde, con la ayuda de los Jefes de Metro, Fero y Caril, Axew y Erina se reencuentran felices. De pronto, Millo se da cuenta de que se le ha acabado el tiempo y le falta un sello  para ganar. Pero Erina le regala a Millo el sello  que necesita. Y por pura bondad de sus corazones, Fero y Caril se ofrecen a librar una Batalla de Dobles contra Millo y Ash para gran alegría de nuestros héroes. Un fiero combate tiene lugar en la Estación Radial y Fero y Caril salen victoriosos. Agradecidos por la oportunidad de combatir contra los fantásticos Jefes de Metro, nuestros héroes se enteran de que el puente ya ha sido reparado y que pueden partir hacia Ciudad Fayenza cuando quieran. Pero deciden pasar allí la noche y montar en la noria, y allí los dejamos, mientras que Ash salta de alegría por su futuro Combate de Gimnasio en el Gimnasio de Ciudad Fayenza.

English Great Britain Official Summary

As Ash and the gang wait for the bridge to Driftveil City to be repaired, they decide how they’re going to spend their day. Cilan excitedly announces he’s going to participate in the Subway Bosses Stamp Rally, which will allow the winner to have a battle with one of the Subway Bosses, Ingo and Emmet. But to win, he must obtain 60 Pokémon stamps by that afternoon—a challenge that usually takes three days to complete! Ash and Iris decide to head out for a day of sightseeing. After visiting the two sports arenas and the Musical Theater, they end up in the amusement park, where they find a lost female Axew who’s been separated from its Trainer, Erina. They try to help out by going back to the subway station where Axew and Erina were to meet. But when they arrive, Erina is nowhere in sight. Iris leaves a note for the lost Axew’s Trainer, telling her that they will be back at the amusement park. In the meantime, Erina runs into Cilan during the stamp rally, and he eventually leads her back to the station to find the note from Iris. Then, with the aid of the Subway Bosses, Erina and her Axew are happily reunited! Time is called for the stamp rally, and Cilan realizes that he’s missing just one stamp to win. As thanks for his help, Erina gives Cilan the stamp he needs—and out of the kindness of their hearts, Ingo and Emmet offer to have a tag battle with Cilan and Ash, much to our heroes’ excitement! A fierce battle ensues at Gear Station, and Ingo and Emmet are victorious. Despite the defeat, our heroes are grateful for the opportunity to battle the amazing Subway Bosses, who tell them the bridge has been repaired and they can leave for Driftveil City whenever they want. But they decide to stay one more night for the chance to ride Nimbasa City’s famous Ferris wheel. We leave everyone as Ash starts to turn his eye toward his upcoming Gym Battle at the Driftveil City Gym...

Russian Official Summary

Пока наши герои ждут починки моста в Нимбаса Сити, они решают провести день в городе. Сайлан торжественно объявляет, что намерен принять участие в марочном квесте от боссов подземки! Главный приз этого мероприятия – шанс сразиться с Инго и Эмметом, начальниками подземки. Для этого нужно  к 4 часам дня собрать 60 штампов, разбросанных по всему метро. Ирис и Эш решают отправиться в парк развлечений, где они находят потерявшуюся Эксъю. Она не может найти своего тренера, Эрину. Они решают отправиться в метро, туда, где Эксъю и Эрина расстались. Тем времене  Сайлан во время своего квеста случайно встречает Эрину. Ирис приходит в голову идея оставить в метро записку для Эрины. В ней она пишет, что Эксъю ждет ее в парке. И Сайлан с Эриной находят эту записку. И при помощи начальников подземки Инго и Эммета пара счастливо объединяется. Сайлан понимает, что время вышло, а он так и не успел поставить один штамп. Но этот штамп оказывается у Эрины. Инго и Эммет тронуты этим и предлагают Эшу и Сайлану устроить битву два на два. Начинается ожесточенный поединок в депо, победителями из которого выходят Инго и Эммет. Наши герои благодарны начальникам подземки за возможность сразиться с ними. Они узнают, что мост починен, и они могут отправляться в Дрифтвейл Сити. Герои решают пока остаться в городе и покататься на колесе обозрения. А Эш уже предвкушает предстоящее сражение в гиме  Дрифтвейл Сити.

Dutch Official Summary

Terwijl onze helden wachten tot de Nimbasa City brug is gerepareerd, besluiten ze hoe ze de dag door zullen brengen. Cilan kondigt opgewonden aan dat hij zal meedoen aan de Metrobazen Stempel Race, waardoor hij een gevecht met ofwel Ingo of Emmet, de Metrobazen zal kunnen hebben, als het hem lukt om 60 Pokémon stempels te verkrijgen voor vier uur die dag. Ash en Iris besluiten om naar het pretpark te gaan, waar ze een verdwaalde vrouwtjes Axew vinden, die haar trainer, genaamd Erina, kwijt is. Terwijl ze proberen te helpen door terug te gaan naar het metro station waar Axew en Erina elkaar zouden ontmoeten, komt Cilan per ongeluk Erina tegen in de metro, waar hij bezig is om zijn 60 stempels voor de Race te verzamelen. Iris heeft het briljante idee om een briefje achter te laten van de vrouwtjes Axew voor Erina, waarin staat dat ze terug zullen gaan naar het pretpark en Cilan en Erina vinden het briefje. Dan, met hulp van de Metrobazen Emmet enIngo, worden Axew en Erina herenigd. Plotseling realiseert Cilan zich dat de tijd om is en dat hij 1 stempel mist om te winnen. Maar Erina geeft Cilan de stempel die hij nodig heeft. En uit de goedheid van hun hart, bieden Ingo en Emmet aan om een koppelgevecht te houden met Cilan en Ash, tot grote vreugde van onze helden. Een heftig gevecht barst los in het Versnellingsstation, en Ingo en Emmet overwinnen. Onze helden zijn dankbaar voor de mogelijkheid om te vechten tegen de geweldige Metrobazen, en horen dan dat de brug is gerepareerd en dat ze naar Driftveil City kunnen wanneer ze maar willen. Ze besluiten te overnachten en een ritje te maken in het reuzenrad, en we laten ze allemaal achter terwijl Ash vol spanning is over zijn komende Gym Gevecht in de Driftveil City Gym…

Norwegian Official Summary

Mens heltene våre venter på at Nimbasa City broen skal repareres, finner de ut hvordan de skal tilbringe dagen. Cilan kunngjør at han skal delta i Undergrunnsjefenes Stempelløp, som vil kunne gi ham mulighetentil å ha en kamp mot enten Ingo eller Emmet, som er sjefene for undergrunnen, hvis han lykkes med å skaffe 60 Pokémon-stempel innen klokken fire denne dagen. Ash og Iris bestemmer seg for å dra til fornøyelsesparken hvor de finner en hunn Axew som har kommet bort fra sin trener (med navn Erina). Mens de forsøker å hjelpe til ved å gå tilbake til undergrunnen hvor Axew og Erina skulle møtes, har Cilan tilfeldigvis møtt på Erina på undergrunnen mens han var ute å samlet de 60 stemplene for Rally.  Iris får en genial ide om å legge igjen en lapp fra den hunn Axewen til Erina om at de skulle til fornøyelsesparken. Cilan og Erina finner lappen, så med hjelp av undergrunnsjefene Emmet og Ingo, blir Axew og Erina lykkelig gjenforent. Plutselig innser Cilan at tiden er i ferd med å renne ut, og han trenger fortsatt ett stempel til for å vinne. Men Erina gir Cilan stempelet han trenger.  Ut av deres gode hjerter tilbyr både Ingo og Emmet en dobbel- kamp med Cilan og Ash, noe som gleder heltene våre. Det var en hard kamp på Vekslingsstasjonen, men Ingo og Emmet seiret. Takknemmelige som de var for å få muligheten til å kjempe mot dem, får heltene våre nyheten om at broen er blitt reparert, og de kan nå forlate byen når de vil for å dra videre til Driftveil city. Men de bestemmer seg for å overnatte og tar en tur med pariserhjulet  Vi forlater dem alle da Ash begynner å bli veldig ivrig med tanke hans kommende Gym-kampe i Driftveil City Gym.

Swedish Official Summary

Medan våra hjältar väntar på att Nimbasa City-bron ska repareras, bestämmer de hur de ska spendera dagen. Cilan berättar upphetsat att han tänker delta i Tunnelbanebossarnas stämpel-race, som ger honom möjlighet att få en strid med antingen Ingo eller Emmet, tunnelbanebossarna, om han lyckas samla sextio Pokémon-stämplar innan klockan fyra samma dag. Ash och Iris bestämmer sig för att åka till nöjesparken, där de hittar en borttappad Axew-flicka som har kommit bort från sin tränare (som heter Erina). Medan de försöker hjälpa till genom att åka tillbaka till tunnelbane-stationen där Axew och Erina skulle träffas, har Cilan slumpartat träffat på Erina i tunnelbanan, där han är ute för att samla sina sextio stämplar för racet. Iris får den briljanta idén att de ska lämna ett meddelande till Erina från Axew-flickan, att de tänker åka tillbaka till nöjesparken, och Cilan och Erina hittar meddelandet. Sen, med hjälp av tunnelbanebossarna Emmet och Ingo, återförenas lyckligen Axew-flickan och Erina. Plötsligt inser Cilan att tiden är ute och att han har missat en stämpel för att kunna vinna. Men Erina ger Cilan den stämpeln han behöver. Och av ren snällhet erbjuder både Ingo och Emmet en tag-strid mot Cilan och Ash, till våra hjältars stora förtjusning! En häftig strid utkämpas i Växelstationen, där Ingo och Emmet är segrarna. Tacksamma för att ha fått chansen att strida mot de fantastiska tunnelbanebossarna, blir våra hjältar informerade om att bron har reparerats, så att de kan resa vidare till Driftveil City närhelst de vill! Men de bestämmer sig för att stanna över natten och för att åka pariserhjulet, och vi lämnar dem alla när Ash börjar känna sig mycket förväntansfull inför sin kommande Gym-strid på Driftveil City-gymmet!

Danish Official Summary

Mens vores helte venter på, at Nimbasa City broen bliver reparereret, beslutter de hvordan de vil tilbringe deres dag. Cilan siger, at han vil deltage i Stempel-ræset i undergrundsbanen, som tillader ham at få en kamp med enten Ingo eller Emmet, Undergrundscheferne. Men det er kun hvis det lykkes ham få 60 Pokémon stempler inden klokken 4. Ash og Iris beslutter at tage til forlystelsesparken, hvor de finder en pige-Axew, der er blevet væk fra sin træner (Erine). Mens de forsøger at hjælpe ved at gå tilbage til metrostationen, hvor Axew og Erine skulle mødes, løber Cilan tilfædigvis ind i Erine i undergrundsbanen, da han var ude for at indsamle sine 60 stempler. Iris får en geniale idé om at forlade en notits fra Axew for at fortælle Erine, at de vil være tilbage i forlystelsesparken! Og Cilan og Erine finder notitset! Så med hjælp fra Emmet og Ingo, bliver Axew og Erine lykkeligt genforenet. Pludselig bliver Cilan klar over, at tiden er løbet ud, og han mangler 1 stempel for at have dem alle. Men Erine giver Cilan det stempel han har brug for, og ud af venlighed tilbyder både Ingo og Emmet en dobbelt-kamp med Cilan og Ash, til vores store heltes glæde! En er en hård kamp på Tandhjulsstationen, og Ingo og Emmet sejrer. Vores helte får at vide, at broen er blevet repareret, og de kan tage af sted til Driftveil City når de har lyst, men de beslutter at overnatte i Nimbasa City og tage en tur i pariserhjulet! Ash glæder sig til sin kommende kamp i Driftveil Salen!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Pikachu
  • Japan ピカチュウ
  • Japan Pikachu
  • Japan Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Oshawott
  • Japan サトシのミジュマル
  • Japan Satoshi no Mijumaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Tepig
  • Japan サトシのポカブ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pokabu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pokabu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan's Pansage
  • Japan デントのヤナップ
  • Japan Dent no Yanappu
  • Japan Dent's Yanappu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Emolga
  • Japan アイリスのエモンガ
  • Japan Iris no Emonga
  • Japan Iris' Emonga
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ingo
  • Japan ーノボリ
  • Japan Nobori
  • Japan Nobori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Emmet
  • Japan クダリ
  • Japan Kudari
  • Japan Kudari
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Subway Boss Emmet's Eelektross
  • Japan サブウェイマスタークダリのシビルドン
  • Japan Subway Master Kudari no Shibirudon
  • Japan Subway Master Kudari's Shibirudon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ingo's Chandelure
  • Japan サブウェイマスターノボリのシャンデラ
  • Japan Subway Master Nobori no Chandela
  • Japan Subway Master Nobori's Chandela
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Erina
  • Japan エリナ
  • Japan Erina
  • Japan Erina
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Erina's Axew
  • Japan エリナのキバゴ
  • Japan Erina no Kibago
  • Japan Erina's Kibago

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Patrat
  • Japan ミネズミ
  • Japan Minezumi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Lillipup
  • Japan ヨーテリー
  • Japan Yorterrie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pansage
  • Japan ヤナップ
  • Japan Yanappu
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pidove
  • Japan マメパト
  • Japan Mamepato
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Blitzle
  • Japan シママ
  • Japan Shimama
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Swadloon
  • Japan クルマユ
  • Japan Kurumayu
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Cottonee
  • Japan モンメン
  • Japan Monmen
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Sandile
  • Japan メグロコ
  • Japan Meguroco
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Gothita
  • Japan ゴチム
  • Japan Gothimu
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Gothitelle
  • Japan ゴチルゼル
  • Japan Gothiruselle
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Ducklett
  • Japan コアルヒー
  • Japan Koaruhie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Swanna
  • Japan スワンナ
  • Japan Swanna
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Deerling
  • Japan シキジカ
  • Japan Shikijika
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Foongus
  • Japan タマゲタケ
  • Japan Tamagetake

Paint Edit

Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
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Paint Edit

Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
imgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg imgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimg RAIMON CITY SABWAY MAP
imgimgimgimgimgimgimgimgimgimg INFOMETION
imgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg SOUBU LINE
imgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg CHUO LINE
imgimgimgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg YAMANOTE LINE
imgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg OEDO LINE
imgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg KEIHIN LINE
imgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg RAIMON LINE


Culture Reference

In the original, Dent makes an analogy comparing Yanappu and Pokabu's upcoming win to "arriving at a terminal station named Victory" (勝利という名の終着駅), a reference to Tennessee Williams' world famous play A Streetcar Named Desire (欲望という名の電車).

Dent: And then, they'll arrive at A Terminal Station Named Victory!
(デント)そして 勝利という名の終着駅にたどりつく!

Who's that Pokémon Rival Destinies


Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Mooland (ムーランド)
Japanese SOS ピンチのときは ムーランド
Romaji SOS pinchi no toki wa Muurando
Translated SOS, if you're in a pinch, use Mooland

Japanese Music:

Time Track Notes
Japan 00:00 BW M82 The Attractions Dent runs towards the subway and is followed by Satoshi and Iris.
Japan 00:19 BW M84 A New Event Dent points to a Subway stamp rally's poster.
Japan 01:29 ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (Trans): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Japan 02:57 BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (Trans): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Japan 03:29 BW M26A Trying Out Satoshi and Iris reach the area in front of The Little Court and the Big Stadium.
Japan 04:38 BW M07 なみのり
Japanese (Trans): Surf
Satoshi and Iris start playing tennis.
Japan 05:38 BW M54A A Festival Satoshi, Pikachu and Mijumaru are forced to dance on the stage with the Pokémon.
Japan 06:29 BW M81 Fog Satoshi finds a female stray Kibago.
Japan 08:20 やめろ コーダイ!!
Japanese (Romanized): Yamero Kodai!!
Japanese (Trans): Stop it, Kodai!!
Movie 13 BGM - The female Kibago follows into the car, where it saw a girl.
Japan 09:29 ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (Trans): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Dent wants to help the lost girl.
Japan 09:56 わんぱくゾロア
Japanese (Romanized): Wanpaku Zorua
Japanese (Trans): Mischievous Zorua
Movie 13 BGM - Erina notices her Kibago inside a passing-by train.
Japan 10:26 BW M50 Eyecatch Intro Eyecatch Break
Japan 10:32 BW M06A World of Pokémon Sponsor Message
Japan 10:42 BW M57 Eyecatch Return Eyecatch Return
Japan 10:48 あれから20年…
Japanese (Romanized): Are kara 20-nen...
Japanese (Trans): 20 Years Later...
Movie 13 BGM - Satoshi, Iris and the Pokémon apologize to an attendant for the trouble in the train.
Japan 11:26 BW M38A Trying Out Satoshi and Iris decide to leave traces of the female Kibago's former presence in the station.
Japan 12:45 仲間にしてやるゾ!
Japanese (Romanized): Nakama ni shite yaru zo!
Japanese (Trans): Do it for Your Friends!
Movie 13 BGM - Satoshi reports to Iris on the situation with the lost Kibago (the music begins 22 seconds through).
Japan 14:03 オイラ強いんだゾ!
Japanese (Romanized): Oira tsuyoin da zo!
Japanese (Trans): I'm Strong!
Movie 13 BGM - The attendant from before takes Satoshi and Iris to the station where Erina and Dent are.
Japan 14:31 さらば未来の子供たち
Japanese (Romanized): Saraba mirai no kodomo-tachi
Japanese (Trans): Farewell, Children of the Future
Movie 12 BGM - Erina reunites with her Kibago (the music begins 8 seconds through).
Japan 16:13 道に迷ったおかげで~君のそばで~
Japanese (Romanized): Michi ni mayotta okagede ~Kimi no soba de~
Japanese (Trans): Thanks to Getting Lost ~By Your Side~
Movie 13 BGM - Erina shows Dent a Kibago stamp that he's missing.
Japan 17:12 BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (Trans): Title
Nobori and Kudari change the composition of the subway car to suit better a battlefield.
Japan 18:01 BW M21 Battle! Trainer The Nobori & Kudari VS Satoshi & Dent tag battle starts.
Japan 18:57 ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (Trans): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
It's tasting time!
Japan 19:26 BW M52 ベストウイッシュ! (インストゥルメンタル)
Japanese (Trans): Best Wishes! (Instrumental)
Yanappu starts leaping on the posts to then use Bullet Seed.
Japan 20:29 未来へ
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai e
Japanese (Trans): Towards the Future
Movie 12 BGM - After the battle, Nobori says to Satoshi that the Drawbridge has already been repaired.
Japan 21:54 ポケモン言えるかな?BW
Japanese (Romanized): Pokémon Ieru Ka Na? BW
Japanese (Trans): Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Japan 23:15 BW M70 チャンピオンに勝利!
Japanese (Trans): Victory over the Champion! / Okido's Segment
Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster
Japan 24:16 BW M63A Celebrating Success Satoshi's BW Theme Best Wishes Episode 54 Preview
Japan 24:45 ベストウイッシュ! (オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Japanese (Trans): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 29
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
08 Sep 2011 08:07 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: サトシ、デントVSサブウェイマスター!/Satoshi, Dent VS Subway Master!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
17 Oct 2011 06:21 PM
Joined: 08 Feb 2011
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I really loved this episode, though that has nothing to do with the fact I'm a real train fan (though I wouldn't call myself a 'train sommelier' or something like Dent). The real reason is that I really love Dent as a character, and how unique is his personality. I really should start and make a list of all the kind of sommeliers he's claimed to be so far.

My only complaint about this episode was the 2vs2 battle. I was so looking forward to watching Satoshi and Dent fighting together in a double battle, so I was a little disappointed this wasn't a full match... I would've made it at least half an episode long, and 6vs6 pokémon. I sure hope we'll get to see such a battle later in the series.

That reminds me, I'm curious as to when they'll introduce 3vs3 battles (I'm sure we'll discover yet another kind of sommelier, thanks to Dent, in that very episode). I'm quite looking forward to seeing all three main characters, Satoshi, Dent and Iris fighting togerther in a 3vs3 battle... that sounds really exciting!...

... just like next episode, though I'm quite anxious about the presence of Mr my-head-is-more-infatuated-than-a-Wailord, aka Shootie, in it. I'm sure we'll get more about his backstory, and his relations with the Champion.
Last edited 17 Oct 2011 06:25 PM by Chance
17 Oct 2011 06:27 PM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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Quote From: Chance
I really should start and make a list of all the kind of sommelier he's claimed to be so far.

http://www.pocketmonsters.net/characters/Dent - Feel free to help us expand upon the bio if you have more details that we should add :)

Quote From: Chance
My only complaint about this episode was the 2vs2 battle.

Yeah I too was hoping it was going to be a bit longer. Kinda got ripped off there but I guess it was never intended to be a 2VS2 and only one of the Subway Masters was actually supposed to battle.

Quote From: Chance
That reminds me, I'm curious as to when they'll introduce 3vs3 battles Satoshi, Dent and Iris fighting together in a 3vs3 battle... that sounds really exciting!.

Yeah 3on3 battles almost seem destined to work well with the trio heroes. I too am surprised they haven't introduced it yet as well. Its already been a year now.
06 Dec 2011 02:04 PM
Joined: 25 Sep 2009
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Quote From: Chance

My only complaint about this episode was the 2vs2 battle. I was so looking forward to watching Satoshi and Dent fighting together in a double battle, so I was a little disappointed this wasn't a full match... I would've made it at least half an episode long, and 6vs6 pokémon. I sure hope we'll get to see such a battle later in the series.

Yeah, I was pretty disappointed by that as well. I thought they would have used 2 Pokémon each, and it seemed pretty uneven, with two 2-stage, fuuly evolved Pokémon against two unevolved Pokémon. And Satoshi didn't use Pikachu, either. Well it's good his Pokabu got experience but I can help but feel that Gamagaru would have been a better choice, with type advantages over both of the Subway Master's Pokémon. The strategy Nobori and Kudari used to win at the end was very interesting, and it makes me feel that they were just playing along with Satoshi and Dent until they really wanted to end it.
The battle should have a full episode long. The stamp campaign and meeting the other Kibago weren't really very interesting.