Home / Episode Guide / A Mad Run!! The Battle Subway!! (Part One)/Crisis From The Underground Up!/激走!! バトルサブウェイ!! (前編)
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Crisis from the Underground Up!
  • Japan 激走!! バトルサブウェイ!! (前編)
  • Japan Gekisō!! Battle Subway!! (zenpen)
  • Japan A Mad Run!! The Battle Subway!! (Part One)
  • Germany Geisterzug auf Abwegen!
  • France Le Désastre venu d'en bas !
  • Spain ¡Crisis en el metro!
  • Sweden Kris från underjorden och upp!
  • Italy Caos dal sottosuolo!
  • Mexico ¡Crisis en el subterráneo!
  • Finland Maanalainen kriisi!
  • Taiwan 疾奔!對戰地下鐵!!(前篇)
  • Netherlands Crisis vanuit de ondergrondse!
  • Brazil Crise no Metrô de Nimbasa!
  • Norway Krise fra undergrunnen og opp!
  • Denmark Krisetilstand i undergrunden!
  • South Korea 폭주! 배틀서브웨이! (전편)
  • Portugal Crise no Subsolo!
  • Russia Неприятности в подземке!


Staff List

OP/ED List

Best Wishes!
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
하나지방 포켓몬 외워보자~!
Let's Memorize the Pokémon of the Unova Region~!
Pokémon Roll Call
Open your Hand

English Official Summary

As Meowth and our heroes arrive in Nimbasa City, Jessie and James prepare to unleash a sinister plot under the guidance of Dr. Zager. At the remarkable Nimbasa City Pokémon Center, Meowth tells Ash, Iris, and Cilan about the local specialty, a soothing Pokémon massage, and convinces them to send all of their Pokémon into the secure Pokémon Center Vault for the treatment. Meowth then makes an excuse to stay behind while our heroes head off to explore—giving him a chance to contact Dr. Zager. It turns out Meowth is still working with Team Rocket, and his apparent change of heart when he joined our heroes was nothing but a ruse! Meanwhile, the Nimbasa Subway Bosses, Ingo and Emmet, have been investigating the mysterious “Ghost Train,” which has been spotted roaming the subway system. Now, a series of events, instigated by Dr. Zager and Team Rocket, puts Nimbasa City into chaos! But Cilan manages to put the pieces together: the Ghost Train sightings, the Poké Balls missing from the Pokémon Center, the drawbridge that leads out of town getting stuck in the open position...they’re all part of Team Rocket’s plot to pull off a huge Pokémon heist! Cilan, Ash, and Iris take off in pursuit of the Ghost Train, thanks to Cilan’s extensive knowledge of the subway system. But numerous decoys have our heroes—and the Subway Bosses—completely flummoxed! Will they be able to rescue their Pokémon and bring Nimbasa City back from the brink of disaster?!

French Official Summary

Tandis que Miaouss et nos héros arrivent à Méanville, Jessie et James se préparent à mettre en œuvre leur plan diabolique, sous la direction du Dr. Zékor. Au remarquable Centre Pokémon de Méanville, Miaouss convainc nos amis d’accorder à leurs Pokémon un massage relaxant, prodigué dans la Réserve sécurisée du Centre Pokémon. Mais il s’avère que Miaouss fait toujours partie de la Team Rocket, et que son amitié avec nos héros n’était qu’une ruse pour pouvoir pénétrer dans la Réserve et voler les Pokémon qui s’y trouvent ! Pendant ce temps, les Chefs métro de Méanville, Chammal et Chamsin, enquêtent sur le mystérieux “Train fantôme” qui a été signalé maintes fois sur le réseau. Mais soudain, toute une série d’incidents causés par la Team Rocket et le Dr. Zékor sèment le chaos dans Méanville ! Toutefois, Rachid arrive à relier entre eux les récents événements: les apparitions du Train fantôme, les Poké Balls manquantes du Centre Pokémon, le pont-levis de Méanville bloqué en position haute... Tous ces faits font partie du plan de la Team Rocket pour voler de très nombreux Pokémon, ceux de nos héros y compris ! Rachid, Sacha et Iris se lancent à la poursuite du Train fantôme en utilisant la voiture courrier qui relie le bureau de poste de Méanville à la ligne de métro, mais de nombreux Trains fantôme factices les induisent en erreur, ainsi que Chammal et Chamsin ! Arriveront-ils à secourir leurs Pokémon et à sauver Méanville du désastre ?!

German Official Summary

Als Mauzi und unsere Helden in Rayono City ankommen, sind Jessie und James gerade dabei, ihren heimtückischen Plan unter der Führung von Dr. Zager in die Tat umzusetzen. In dem außergewöhnlichen Pokémon-Center von Rayono City überzeugt Mauzi unsere Freunde davon, ihren Pokémon eine wohltuende Massage zu spendieren, die sie in dem abgesicherten Lager des Pokémon-Centers erhalten. Doch schon bald stellt sich heraus, dass Mauzi immer noch ein Mitglied von Team Rocket ist und die Reise mit unseren Helden nur eine List war, um in das Lager zu gelangen, um dort die vielen Pokémon zu stehlen! Unterdessen beginnen die Metromeister Hin und Her mit ihren Nachforschungen. Ein geheimnisvoller „Geisterzug“ ist mehrmals auf den Gleisen der Metro gesichtet worden und eine Serie von Ereignissen, deren Urheber Dr. Zager und Team Rocket sind, versetzt Rayono City in Angst und Schrecken! Aber Benny gelingt es, die unterschiedlichen Puzzlesteine der jüngsten Ereignisse zusammenzufügen: die Erscheinungen (2.F.: Das Auftauchen) des Geisterzuges, die vermissten Pokébälle des Pokémon-Centers, die Zugbrücke von Rayono City, die in geöffneter Position verblieben sind… das alles gehört zu Team Rockets Plan, so viele Pokémon wie nur möglich zu stehlen, einschließlich der unserer Helden! Benny, Ash und Lilia nehmen die Verfolgung des Geisterzuges mit einem Post-Schienenfahrzeug auf, das normalerweise zwischen der Hauptpost und der Metro verkehrt. Sie stoßen jedoch auf zahlreiche Geisterzug-Attrappen, die sowohl unsere Helden als auch Hin und Her völlig verwirren! Wird es ihnen dennoch gelingen, ihre Pokémon zu befreien und Rayono City zu retten?!

Italian Official Summary

Mentre Meowth e i nostri eroi raggiungono Sciroccopoli, Jessie e James si preparano ad avviare il loro malvagio piano sotto la guida del Dottor Zager. Meowth convince i suoi compagni di viaggio a lasciare i loro Pokémon nello splendido Centro Pokémon di Sciroccopoli per un massaggio rilassante nel sicurissimo caveau del centro. Presto, però, si scopre che Meowth fa ancora parte del Team Rocket e che ha finto il contrario solo per potersi infiltrare in quel caveau e rapire tutti i Pokémon presenti! Intanto, i Capimetrò di Sciroccopoli, Andy e Torn, stanno investigando su un misterioso “Treno Fantasma” che è stato avvistato più volte sui binari. A quel punto, una serie di eventi innescati dal Dottor Zager e dal Team Rocket getta Sciroccopoli nel caos. Spighetto, però, riesce a mettere insieme i pezzi del puzzle: gli avvistamenti del Treno Fantasma, la scomparsa dei Pokémon dal Centro Pokémon, il blocco del ponte levatoio… Tutti questi eventi sono opera del Team Rocket, che sta riuscendo per riuscire così a rapire un gran numero di Pokémon, tra cui quelli dei nostri eroi! Spighetto, Ash e Iris partono all’inseguimento del Treno Fantasma utilizzando il vagone postale che collega l’ufficio postale cittadino con le linee della metropolitana, ma altri treni “esca” mandano in tilt Andy, Torn e i nostri eroi! Riusciranno a salvare i loro Pokémon e a riportare l’ordine a Sciroccopoli?

Portuguese Official Summary

Enquanto Meowth e nossos heróis chegam à Cidade de Nimbasa, Jessie e James preparam-se para iniciar um plano sinistro, sob a orientação do Dr Zager. No incrível centro Pokémon da Cidade de Nimbasa, Meowth os convence a permitir que seus Pokémon façam uma sessão de massagem, a qual ocorre e um local seguro, no Cofre do Centro Pokémon. Entretanto, Meowth ainda faz parte da Equipe Rocket e viajar com nossos heróis recentemente não passa de um artifício de Meowth para entrar no Cofre e roubar todos os Pokémon de lá! Enquanto isso, os Mestres do Metrô, Ingo e Emmet, estão investigando os misteriosos “Trens Fantasmas”, os quais têm sido vistos circulando pelo sistema do metrô várias vezes. Agora, uma série de eventos, instigados pelo Dr Zagger e pela Equipe Rocket, põe a Cidade de Nimbasa num verdadeiro caos! Mas Cilan consegue juntar várias partes dos recentes eventos: as visões dos Trens Fantasmas, o desaparecimento das Pokébolas do Centro Pokémon, a ponte levadiça da Cidade de Nimbasa ficando com a alavanca na posição “pra cima” emperrada... tudo faz parte do plano da Equipe Rocket de roubar muitos, muitos Pokémon, incluindo os de nossos heróis! Cilan, Ash e Iris passam a perseguir o Trem Fantasma usando o carro do correio que conecta a estação do correio da Cidade de Nimbasa com a linha do metrô, mas vários trens fantasmas são chamarizes para nossos heróis e Ingo e Emmet se confundem! Conseguirão eles resgatar seus Pokémon e reverter o quadro que está à beira do desastre?

Finnish Official Summary

Sankareidemme ja Meowthin saapuessa Nimbasa Cityyn, Jessie ja James valmistautuvat aloittamaan suunnitelmansa Tri Zagerin johdolla. Nimbasa Cityn hienossa pokémonkeskuksessa ollessaan, Meowth vakuuttaa sankarimme siitä, että kaikki heidän pokémoninsa tarvitsevat hierontaa, joka tapahtuu suojatussa Pokémonkeskuksen holvissa. Pian käy ilmi, että Meowth on edelleen osa rakettiryhmää, eikä sankareidemme kanssa matkustaminen ole ollut muuta kuin Meowthin juoni, jonka avulla se pääsee holviin varastamaan siellä olevia pokémoneja! Sillä välin Nimbasa Cityn metropomot, Ingo ja Emmet tutkivat salaperäistä haamujunaa, joka on nähty useasti metroliikenteen seassa. Tri Zagerin ja rakettiryhmä aikaansaamat tapahtumat suistavat koko Nimbasa Cityn kaaokseen! Cilan saa kuitenkin yhdistettyä tapahtumaa toisiinsa: haamujunan, pokémonkeskuksen kadonneet poképallot, Nimbasa Cityn nostosillan jumiutumisen… Kaikki kuuluu rakettiryhmän suunnitelmaan varastaa suunnaton määrä pokémoneja, mukaan lukien sankareidemme pokémonit! Cilan, Ash ja Iris lähtevät ajamaan haamujuna takaa käyttäen löytämäänsä postivaunua, mutta lukuisat haamujuna harhautukset jättävät sankarimme, sekä Ingon ja Emmetin ymmälleen! Saadaanko pokémonit pelastettua ja voidaanko Nimbasa Cityn tuhoutuminen estää?!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Mientras Meowth y nuestros héroes llegan a Ciudad Nimbasa, Jessie y James se preparan para desatar su siniestro plan, bajo instrucciones del Doctor Zager. En el extraordinario Centro Pokémon de Ciudad Nimbasa, Meowth los convence de dejar a los Pokémon recibir un masaje relajante, lo que sucede en la segura bóveda del Centro Pokémon. Sin embargo, ¡resulta que Meowth todavía es parte del Equipo Rocket, y que viajar con nuestros héroes no ha sido más que un truco para entrar a la Bóveda y robar muchos de los Pokémon que están ahí! Mientras, los jefes del Subterráneo Nimbasa, Ingo y Emmet, han estado investigando el misterioso “Tren Fantasma” que han visto en el sistema subterráneo varias veces. Ahora, una serie de eventos, planeados por el Doctor Zager y el Equipo Rocket, ponen a Ciudad Nimbasa en el caos. Pero Cilan consigue descifrar la serie de eventos recientes; los avistamientos del Tren Fantasma, las Pokébolas perdidas del Centro Pokémon, el puente levadizo de Ciudad Nimbasa que se atora al subir… todo es parte del plan del Equipo Rocket para robar muchos, muchos Pokémon, ¡incluidos los de nuestros héroes! Cilan, Ash e Iris salen en búsqueda del Tren Fantasma usando el carro del correo que conecta la oficina Postal de Ciudad Nimbasa con la línea del Subterráneo, ¡pero nuestros héroes tienen numerosos señuelos del Tren Fantasma e Ingo y Emmet se quedaron desconcertados! ¿Serán capaces de rescatar a sus Pokémon y salvar a Ciudad Nimbasa del borde del desastre?

Spanish Official Summary

Mientras que Meowth y nuestros héroes llegan a Ciudad Mayólica, Jessie y James se preparan para desarrollar un siniestro complot, bajo la dirección del Doctor Zager. En el fantástico Centro Pokémon de Ciudad Mayólica, Meowth les convence para que dejen que sus Pokémon reciban un relajante masaje en la segura Bóveda del Centro Pokémon. Sin embargo, descubrimos que Meowth sigue formando parte del Team Rocket, y que su viaje con nuestros héroes no ha sido más que una estrategia para entrar en la Bóveda y robar todos los Pokémon que se encontraban allí. Los Jefes de Metro de Mayólica, Fero y Caril han estado investigando el misterioso Tren Fantasma, que ha sido visto vagando por la red del metro en varias ocasiones. Una serie de incidentes instigados por el Doctor Zager y el Team Rocket lleva al caos a Ciudad Mayólica. Pero Millo se las arregla para colocar las piezas del rompecabezas de los recientes acontecimientos: Los avistamientos del Tren Fantasma; las Poké Balls perdidas del Centro Pokémon; que el puente de Ciudad Mayólica se haya quedado atascado en posición vertical. Todo forma parte del complot del Team Rocket para robar muchos, muchos Pokémon, incluidos los de nuestros héroes. Millo, Ash e Iris parten en persecución del Tren Fantasma usando la vagoneta de correos que conecta la Oficina Postal de Ciudad Mayólica con la línea del metro, pero numerosos señuelos del Tren Fantasma desconciertan a nuestros héroes, a Fero y Caril. ¿Serán capaces de rescatar a sus Pokémon y salvar a Ciudad Mayólica de caer en el abismo?

English Great Britain Official Summary

As Meowth and our heroes arrive in Nimbasa City, Jessie and James prepare to unleash a sinister plot under the guidance of Dr. Zager. At the remarkable Nimbasa City Pokémon Center, Meowth tells Ash, Iris, and Cilan about the local specialty, a soothing Pokémon massage, and convinces them to send all of their Pokémon into the secure Pokémon Center Vault for the treatment. Meowth then makes an excuse to stay behind while our heroes head off to explore—giving him a chance to contact Dr. Zager. It turns out Meowth is still working with Team Rocket, and his apparent change of heart when he joined our heroes was nothing but a ruse! Meanwhile, the Nimbasa Subway Bosses, Ingo and Emmet, have been investigating the mysterious “Ghost Train,” which has been spotted roaming the subway system. Now, a series of events, instigated by Dr. Zager and Team Rocket, puts Nimbasa City into chaos! But Cilan manages to put the pieces together: the Ghost Train sightings, the Poké Balls missing from the Pokémon Center, the drawbridge that leads out of town getting stuck in the open position...they’re all part of Team Rocket’s plot to pull off a huge Pokémon heist! Cilan, Ash, and Iris take off in pursuit of the Ghost Train, thanks to Cilan’s extensive knowledge of the subway system. But numerous decoys have our heroes—and the Subway Bosses—completely flummoxed! Will they be able to rescue their Pokémon and bring Nimbasa City back from the brink of disaster?!

Russian Official Summary

Наши герои прибывают в Нимбаса-Сити. Джесси и Джеймс, тем временем, готовятся воплотить в жизнь план доктора Зейгера. Мяут уверяет наших героев, что им просто необходим массаж , который делают в центральном хранилище покемонов. Тут мы узнаем, что Мяут на самом деле все еще в Команде Р, а с нашими героями он потому, что давно решил заманить их в ловушку. Тем временем, Инго и Эммет пытаются найти поезд-призрак, который начал появляться в метро Нимбаса-Сити. Команде Р удается погрузить подземку в хаос. Тут Сайлан, наконец, понимает в чем состоит план Команды Р. Они хоят похитить всех покемонов из хранилища Нимбаса-Сити! Эш, Ирис и Сайлан начинают преследование злодеев на почтовом поезде. Но те запускают в подземку множество надувных поездом, чтобы сбить наших героев в толку. Неужели Нимбаса-Сити скоро погрузится в хаос?

Dutch Official Summary

Terwijl Meowth en onze helden in Nimbasa City arriveren, staan Jessie en James, onder leiding van Dr. Zager, op het punt een sinister plan uit te voeren. In het opmerkelijke Pokémon Center overtuigt Meowth hen er van om al hun Pokémon een massage te laten ondergaan. Deze massage vindt plaats in de beveiligde Pokémon Center Kluis. Het blijkt dat Meowth nog steeds bij Team Rocket hoort en het reizen met onze helden  slechts een manier voor Meowth was om in de Kluis te komen en alle Pokémon te stelen! Intussen hebben de Metro Bazen van Nimbasa, Ingo en Emmet, het mysterie omtrent de Spooktrein onderzocht. Er gebeuren daarna een paar gebeurtenissen, die door Dr. Zager en Team Rocket worden uitgevoerd en chaos in Nimbasa City veroorzaken. Maar Cilan is in staat een overzicht van de situatie te krijgen: De   Spooktrein, de vermiste Poké Ball in het Pokémon Center, de Nimbasa City’s ophaalbrug die niet meer omlaag kan. Het hoort allemaal bij Team Rocket’s plan om heel veel Pokémon, inclusief die van onze helden, te stelen. Cilan, Ash en Iris gaan met een postwagen, die via een spoor van het postkantoor van Nimbasa City loopt achter de Spooktrein aan. Maar onze helden, Ingo en Emmet staan perplex als er opeens heel veel LokSpooktreinen opduiken! Zullen ze in staat zijn hun Pokémon te redden en Nimbasa City voor een ramp te behoeden?!

Norwegian Official Summary

Samtidig som Meowth og heltene våre ankommer Nimbasa City, forbereder Jessie og James å sette ut i livet en ondsinnet plan, under rådgivning av Dr. Zager. På det fantastiske Pokémonsenteret i Nimbasa City overtaler Meowth dem til å la alle deres Pokémon få en lindrende massasje, som skal skje i det sikre Pokémonsenterhvelvet. Men det viser seg at Meowth fremdeles er en del av Team Rocket, og reisen med heltene våre den siste tiden har ikke vært annet enn et knep for å gjøre det mulig for Meowth å komme seg inn i hvelvet og stjele de alle de Pokémon som er der! Samtidig har sjefene for Nimbasa undergrunnen, Ingo og Emmet, etterforsket det mystiske Spøkelsetoget, som har blitt observert i undergrunnssytemet flere ganger. Nå fører en serie med hendelser, satt i gang av Dr. Zager og Team Rocket, Nimbasa City ut i kaos! Men Cilan klarer å sette bitene fra de forskjellige hendelsene sammen: Spøkelsetogobservasjonen, de savnede Pokémonsenter Pokéballene, vindebroen i Nimbasa City som setter seg fast i oppheist posisjon..Alt er en del av Team Rockets plan om å stjele mange, mange Pokémon, inkludert våre helters Pokémon! Cilan, Ash og Iris begir seg av sted i jakten på Spøkelsestoget ved å bruke postvognen som knytter postkontoret i Nimbasa City sammen med undergrunnslinjen, men de mange falske Spøkelsestogene gjør heltene våre og Ingo og Emmet helt forvirret! Vil de klare å redde sine Pokémon og redde Nimbasa City fra randen av katastrofe?!

Swedish Official Summary

Medan Meowth och våra hjältar anländer till Nimbasa City, förbereder Jessie och James för att släppa lös en ondsint plan, under ledning av Doktor Zager. På det anmärkningsvärda Nimbasa City Pokémon-centret övertygar Meowth dem om att tillåta att deras Pokémon får mjukgörande massage, vilken sker i det säkra Pokémon-centrets valv. Men det visar sig att Meowth fortfarande är en del av Team Rocket och att nyligen ha rest med våra hjältar har bara varit ett knep från Meowth för att komma åt de många Pokémon som finns där! Under tiden har tunnelbane-bossarna Emmet och Ingo undersökt det mystiska Spöktåget, som har setts fara runt i tunnelbanesystemet flera gånger. Nu försätter en kedja händelser som igångsatts av Team Rocket och Doktor Zager Nimbasa City i kaos! Men Cilan lyckas lägga ihop kedjan av nyliga händelser: Spöktågsobservationer, de saknade Poké Balls från Pokémon-centret, att klaffbron i Nimbasa City fastnat i uppfällt läge – det är alltihop en del i Team Rockets plan att stjäla många, många Pokémon, inklusive våra hjältars!! Cilan, Ash och Iris sätter av i jakt på Spöktåget genom att använda postvagnen som kopplar samman Nimbasa Citys postkontor med tunnelbanesystemet, men flertalet Spöktågsatrapper lämnar våra hjältar och Ingo och Emmet förbryllade! Kommer de lyckas rädda sina Pokémon och få bort Nimbasa City från katastrofens rand?!

Danish Official Summary

Meowth og vores helte ankommer til Nimbasa City, og Jessie og James er i gang med at forberede sig på deres skumle plan, med vejledning fra Dr. Zager. Pokémon Centeret i Nimabsa Citys Pokémon Center er utrolig stort, og Meowth overbeviser vores helte om at de skal lade deres Pokémon få en beroligende massage. Det viser sig, at Meowth stadig en del af Team Rocket, og dens rejse med vores helte har bare været et trick, så de kunne komme ind i Pokémon Centeret boks og stjæle alle Pokémon. I mellemtiden er Undergrundscheferne, Ingo og Emmet, i færd med undersøge det mystiske "Spøgelsestog", som er blevet observeret kørende rundt I undergrunden op til flere gange. Der sker en masse ting, forårsaget af Team Rocket og Dr. Zager, og Nimbasa City er i kaos, men Cilan formår at lægge to og to sammen, og han regner ud, at det er Team Rocket der star bag det hele. Cilan, Ash og Iris prøver at fange Spøgelsestoget ved hjælp af en Postdræsine, men Team Rocket har lagt fælder ud. Andre spøgelsestoge kører rundt som lokkemad og forvirrer alle, inklusiv Ingo og Emmet. Vil de være i stand til at redde deres Pokémon og bringe orden tilbage i Nimbasa City? Fortsættelse følger!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Pikachu
  • Japan ピカチュウ
  • Japan Pikachu
  • Japan Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Samuel Oak
  • Japan オーキド ユキナリ博士
  • Japan Yukinari Okido-hakase
  • Japan Professor Yukinari Okido
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Woobat
  • Japan ムサシのコロモリ
  • Japan Musashi no Koromori
  • Japan Musashi's Koromori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nurse Joy (Unova)
  • Japan ジョーイ (イッシュ地方)
  • Japan Joy (Isshu-chihō)
  • Japan Joy (Isshu Region)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nurse Joy's Audino
  • Japan ジョーイのタブンネ
  • Japan Joy no Tabunne
  • Japan Joy's Tabunne
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Officer Jenny (Unova)
  • Japan ジュンサー (イッシュ地方)
  • Japan Junsa (Isshu-chihō)
  • Japan Junsa (Isshu Region)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Doctor Zager
  • Japan ゼーゲル博士
  • Japan Seger-hakase
  • Japan Professor Seger
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ingo
  • Japan ーノボリ
  • Japan Nobori
  • Japan Nobori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Emmet
  • Japan クダリ
  • Japan Kudari
  • Japan Kudari

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Patrat
  • Japan ミネズミ
  • Japan Minezumi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pidove
  • Japan マメパト
  • Japan Mamepato
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Sandile
  • Japan メグロコ
  • Japan Meguroco
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Deerling
  • Japan シキジカ
  • Japan Shikijika


The script cover did have a tentative title: Fierce Battle! The Battle Subway (激突! バトルサブウェイ) but the finalized broadcast title was: A Mad Run!! The Battle Subway!! (Part One) [激走!! バトルサブウェイ!! (前編)]

The tentative title did not have the part 1/part 2 naming scheme and also didn't have the two exclamation marks at the end.

Script Error

Initially the episode title for this episode was advertised in tv guides as "Crisis from the Underground Up!" but Pokemon.com posted the title "To Catch a Ghost Train!" instead. itv in the United Kingdom overtook the United States for the first airing of this episode on December 27th, 2011 and it was titled: 'Crisis from the Underground Up!".

Synopsis from Pokemon.com

Pokémon: Black & White is taking a week off, so there won’t be a new episode this Saturday, December 24th—but don’t miss a new Pokémon-filled adventure starring Ash and friends at 9 A.M. the following Saturday, December 31st!

To Catch a Ghost Train!

Source: http://www.pokemon.com/us/tv-episodes/season-14/episode-47-14_47-to-catch-a-ghost-train/

Paint Edit

Anime Language transcriptions:

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Paint Edit

Anime Language transcriptions:

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imgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg imgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimg RAIMON CITY SABWAY MAP
imgimgimgimgimgimgimgimgimgimg INFOMETION
imgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg SOUBU LINE
imgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg CHUO LINE
imgimgimgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg YAMANOTE LINE
imgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg OEDO LINE
imgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg KEIHIN LINE
imgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg RAIMON LINE


Paint Edit

The Japanese word Zikokuhyou (時刻表) translates to 'Time Table' in English. "Raimon Hane Kippu" is the name of the city "Raimon' (ライモン) and 'Kippu' (切符) is "ticket". Hane (羽根駅) was the name of a railway station located in Noto, Hōsu District, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.

POKETSREIN decrypts to 'PokéTrain' while the words: futuu (普通) translate to "local", zyun (準) to "semi-express" and kaisoku to (快速) "rapid express". Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted


Paint Edit

The Japanese word Kinkyu (緊急) translates to 'emergency' in English. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
imgimgimgimgimgimg KINKYU


Who's that Pokémon Black and White


Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Special First-Airing Segment Upcoming Episodes Preview

The original had a Showcase of Upcoming Highlights (今後の見どころ大公開) featuring a preview of the following episodes: BW52, BW53, BW54, BW55, BW58, BW59, BW61, BW62.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Uniran (ユニラン)
Japanese ランランと ユニランはずむよ うれしくて
Romaji Ranran to Yuniran hazumu yo ureshikute

Japanese Music:

Time Track Notes
Japan 00:00 街の守り神
Japanese (Romanized): Machi no Mamorigami
Japanese (Trans): Town's Guardian Deities
Movie 13 BGM - A preview of the one-hour special runs just before the show.
Japan 00:30 ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (Trans): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Japan 01:58 この少年 サトシ
Japanese (Romanized): Kono shōnen Satoshi
Japanese (Trans): This Young Boy, Satoshi
Movie 13 BGM - The group reaches Raimon City.
Japan 02:51 BW M82 The Attractions Dent is excited to go to the Pokémon Center through the Battle Subway.
Japan 03:32 BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (Trans): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Japan 03:57 ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (Trans): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
It's subway time!
Japan 05:01 BW M67 連れて行く1
Japanese (Trans): Going Together 1
Dent excitedly looks at the driver's room in the subway car.
Japan 06:00 BW M09 Rocket Gang's Work Dent tries to understand the reason for the train's sudden stop.
Japan 07:13 アレはマァだ!
Japanese (Romanized): Are wa Ma da!
Japanese (Trans): That's Ma!
Movie 13 BGM - Nobori tells the group that there's been an unlisted ghost car operating independently from schedule.
Japan 08:02 BW M13 ポケモンセンター
Japanese (Trans): Pokémon Center
The group and Nyarth are inside the Pokémon Center.
Japan 09:12 わんぱくゾロア
Japanese (Romanized): Wanpaku Zorua
Japanese (Trans): Mischievous Zorua
Movie 13 BGM - Nyarth says he's remembered something and jumps away from the cart.
Japan 10:45 時の波紋の秘密
Japanese (Romanized): Toki no Hamon no Himitsu
Japanese (Trans): Secret of the Time Ripples
Movie 13 BGM - Seger's sabotage program begins.
Japan 13:22 BW M50 Eyecatch Intro Eyecatch Break
Japan 13:28 BW M52 ベストウイッシュ! (インストゥルメンタル)
Japanese (Trans): Best Wishes! (Instrumental)
Sponsor Message
Japan 13:43 BW M57 Eyecatch Return Eyecatch Return
Japan 13:49 セレビィを渡せ!
Japanese (Romanized): Celebi wo watase!
Japanese (Trans): Hand Over Celebi!
Movie 13 BGM - The group and Joy check the Pokémon massage room and discover everything's disappeared.
Japan 15:39 2006-2010(DP)-M17 Remake - Rocket Gang's Isshu Motto
Japan 16:14 Movie 13 Unused BGM - 壊れていない!? B
Japanese (Romanized): Kowarete inai!? B
Japanese (Trans): It's Not Broken!? B
Movie 13 Unused BGM - Nyarth reveals to the group that he had planned his friendship with the group to later exploit it.
Japan 17:30 未来を知る男
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai wo shiru otoko
Japanese (Trans): Man who Knows the Future
Movie 13 BGM - Nobori and Kudari say that the ghost train is able to escape the Subway System.
Japan 18:33 幻影の覇者
Japanese (Romanized): Gen’ei no hasha
Japanese (Trans): Ruler of Illusions
Movie 13 BGM - The second part of the music plays as Rocket Gang progresses on the ghost train.
Japan 21:36 街の守り神
Japanese (Romanized): Machi no Mamorigami
Japanese (Trans): Town's Guardian Deities
Movie 13 BGM - The true ghost train passes by the group.
Japan 22:29 伝説の三体
Japanese (Romanized): Densetsu no santai
Japanese (Trans): The Legendary Three
Movie 13 BGM - The narrator talks just before the one-hour special's 2nd episode.

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 22
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
19 Aug 2011 02:22 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: 激走!! バトルサブウェイ!! (前編)/Gekisou!! Battle Subway!! (zenpen). Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
06 Oct 2011 06:07 AM
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I really loved this episode, especially after last week's, which was pretty meh... I'm so glad the Rocket Gang is finally getting some attention, and that their plan seems to be working, for once, especially Nyarth's! (Though there's no doubt it'll eventually fail in the end). I think I really prefer this kind of Rocket Gang: they appear in less episodes than in the previous episodes, but at least, they're not just here for comedy (though I don't mind some minor comic appearances in 'regular' episodes). I sure hope we'll get some more original plans, like Nyarth's faking his eviction from the Rocket Gang to trick Satoshi and co. This one worked perfectly, and for some reason, nyarth's revelation in this episode was quite satisfying.

I really wonder when the Team Plasma is going to make its next move, though. It's really been a while since we last hear about them... since the two 'delayed' episodes, actually. I sure hope we'll get to see those two quite soon.
06 Oct 2011 02:25 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Quote From: Chance
I really wonder when the Team Plasma is going to make its next move, though. It's really been a while since we last hear about them... since the two 'delayed' episodes, actually. I sure hope we'll get to see those two quite soon.

I hope its soon because there seems to be a 'gap' still in the overall arc for the Rocket Gang by not airing those episodes especially why Seger still seems to be around helping the trio. I wonder if that was more established in those episodes. The subway arc definitely showed that Rocket Gang isn't dumb and *is* the group that shouldn't be lightly dealt with. For season after season they were the happy-go-lucky bad guys, now they seem to be true villains. Nyarth turning on the gang was predictable but showed Satoshi had a forgiving heart despite Pikachu's warnings to him. I also liked how Pikachu had a grudge there at the end. I hope they continue that.
29 Oct 2011 02:49 PM
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I really liked these episodes because of the Subway Bosses. They were already hinted at in previous episodes so I was really excited to see this one. I like how they are so polite, calling each other -san and using masu forms even when there isn't anyone around. Also the reference to a ghost train was pretty cool as well, although I wonder how Team Rocket got one of their own trains onto the track. That Pokémon Center was really good at treating Pokémon. If only they were like that in the game and increased the happiness of your Pokémon each time you visited....