Ash and friends are now taking a break from Ash's Battle Frontier journey and are heading for Saffron City where May hopes to earn her first Kanto Ribbon. As they walk along, May says that she's really excited for the Contest. Ash says that she will do great and May continues that she has a feeling that she?ll get her first Kanto Ribbon there.. Suddenly, Munchlax pops out of its Pokéball, sniffs around in the air and runs off down the path. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is wandering the forest. The three team members collapse on the ground, Jessie saying that that they lost the twerps and their hungry. They look up, however, to see a restaurant. As they dash towards it, Jessie stops and says that they have no money. James and Meowth slam into the doors and fall over, pushing them open. Inside, a woman welcomes them to Rhoda's and says that since it is their Grand Opening, all food is free!
Ash and friends have also arrived at a restaurant. May's stomach rumbles; Brock says that it sounds like Ash's, with Ash adding in that it's louder than his. They enter the restaurant to find a woman standing beside a Mr. Mime. She welcomes them to Rhonda's from her and her Head Chef Mr. Mime; Ash comments that there aren't too many restaurants that have a Pokémon for a chef. Rhonda says that Mr. Mime not only prepares delicious food but in the process, puts on a show. Brock flirts with her by saying that someone as beautiful as her must be the star of the show. He tells her his name and she asks to show him to his table. He continues that since he is an accomplished cook, he should show her to a romantic dinner for two. Max butts in and says that the fantasy is ending to make way for reality. As he drags Brock away, Brock shouts back that they could get lunch or breakfast or even a smoothie from the corner store. Mr. Mime agrees to show them to their table.
Meanwhile, a Sneasel leans on the counter as Rhoda tells Team Rocket that she thinks they're heading to town for the Contest. Jessie wonders out loud that there's a Contest. Rhoda continues that there is a big one in Saffron City and that she assumed because they have a Pokémon. Meowth says that it doesn't belong to nobody. Rhoda backs away because he talked but Jessie covers it up with the fact that they're so hungry and she heard their stomachs. She introduces herself as Jessie, a Top Coordinator. Rhoda quickly rushes off to get their menus as the Sneasel laughs.
James is surprised to see the cook is a Sneasel. Meowth shrugs it off as Jessie says it has a skill, something Meowth should get. Meowth states that "us intellectual types are more thinkers than doers." Jessie punches him and tells him to think about being useful. Sneasel chuckles from the counter and Meowth gets angry. James asks what it said so Meowth translates that Sneasel said "it served me right!" James laughs as Sneasel makes another comment. Jessie asks what it said so Meowth translates again that it would be a waste of time serving a Meowth good quality food. Meowth calls Sneasel stuck-up and tells it that the customer is always right. The two Pokémon begin fighting and Sneasel tells Meowth that it wouldn't know a good meal if it bit him in the back pocket.
Meowth retorts that it would and calls Sneasel an over-paid fry cook. Jessie comments that it has style and attitude and wonders if they could have the Sneasel on their team. Meowth doesn't like the idea as Rhoda returns with the menus. She tells Sneasel to apologize for being rude. She says that Sneasel tends to be a bit stubborn and irritable but continues that its cooking makes it worth keeping around. She says that once they've had a taste, they'll never want to eat somewhere else again. Meowth says that he'll believe that when he swallows the food. Sneasel tells Meowth that it wouldn't know good cooking from bad again. He tells Sneasel to taste his "knuckle sandwich!" Rhoda tells Sneasel to stop and it quickly goes to pretending to wash a pan. Meowth tells Sneasel that they're taking it outside, but James stops him and tells him to wait until they've eaten. Jessie tells Rhoda that they'll have one of everything on the menu.
Back at Rhonda's, Max wonders how long until Mr. Mime is ready. The curtains open and Rhonda introduces Star Chef Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime uses its Psychic attack and everything begins to float. The lettuce shreds itself, and the carrots and apples slice themselves. Mr. Mime sloshes together everything as Rhonda says that food preparation is just a part of the show with Mr. Mime. She continues that they believe that cooking with flair is just as good as making food that tastes great. Brock begins to flirt and calls Rhonda a genius while holding Max's hand.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket is served what Meowth calls "red goo on a burger." James tries it and calls it completely out of this world. Jessie tries it and agrees with James. Meowth tries it and doesn't like it at all. Rhoda tells them that the next dish is even more delicious than the last. She brings out a plate of meatballs and Jessie and James love them. Meowth takes his plate and dumps them all in and then starts screaming "HOT!" He drinks a full glass of water as Jessie compliments Sneasel's way with spices. James comments that it's a perfect blend of sweet and sour. Meowth steals one of Jessie's meatballs and eats it, absolutely loving it. Meowth then accuses Sneasel of doing that on purpose. Sneasel chuckles as Meowth says that no one's gonna pepper-poison him and get away with it.
Back at Rhonda's, Ash and the others are served a beautiful array of foods. Everyone compliments how it looks and how Mr. Mime was able to make all of the food and put on a show at the same time. Mr. Mime invites everyone to dig in and they collapse. Rhonda asks if it was bad. Ash, May, Max, and Munchlax say that they'll be all right, they hope Brock tells Rhonda that in case he doesn't make it, he wants her to know that he loves her. Rhonda says that she knows it was bad and that no silly performance can make it taste good.
Suddenly, the wall bursts in and Meowth appears and yells at Sneasel. Rhoda comes in and tells Sneasel to stop as Rhonda wonders what happened. Brock says that he's seeing doubles so Rhoda introduces herself as Rhonda's twin sister. Rhonda tells her that she promised not to mess things up for her but now she?s starting a fight in her restaurant. Rhoda retorts that it was the Pokémon that started the fight. Meowth and Sneasel continue to fight as Jessie and James enter the room, telling Meowth to stop.
Rhoda investigates Rhonda's food and tells her that she's gotten all caught up in the visual again. She asks if it's lunch or some kind of food exhibit gone wild. She continues that their father told them that food should taste good and appearance doesn't matter. Rhonda tells Rhoda that if her food looked better, she wouldn't have to give it away to people. She continues that Rhoda should develop a sense of style. The sisters argue until Rhoda proposes a Contest in which the winners are decided by who has the best flavor and presentation. Rhonda includes performance and tells Rhoda that their father said that a good restaurant is where the customers can enjoy the food and the dining experience. Meowth volunteers to be a judge for the Contest. Inside, Meowth thinks to be completely unfair to Sneasel. Ash, May, and Max all also volunteer to be judges. Brock tells them that whoever wins the Contest has no effect on who wins his love.
That night, Rhoda asks Jessie and James to coach Sneasel. James asks why and so Rhoda explains that no one can compete with Sneasel for taste, but when it comes to presentation, Jessie interrupts that it's not much to look at. James includes that he's seen better airline food. Jessie asks Rhoda why she's asking them to help her. She responds that Jessie is a Top Coordinator and must know more about artistic presentation than anybody. Jessie begins blabbing about her wins at countless Contests, which stuns James. She tells him that she's playing along so they can grab Sneasel.
Rhonda, meanwhile, asks Brock to give Mr. Mime cooking lessons. May suggests forgetting about the Contest and running the restaurant together. Rhonda agrees with her idea, but then says the Rhoda always treats her like an amateur. She says that winning the Contest may be the only way for Rhoda to treat her like a grown-up. Brock says that he'll help, but for the reason that he wants the two sisters to make up.
During Brock's cooking lessons, he tells Mr. Mime that all of the ingredients are in and that it's time for the spices. Mr. Mime floats them all over but Brock stops him and tells him that he must add just the perfect spices to match the ingredients. Meanwhile, Jessie gives Sneasel an ice block and tells it to use Fury Swipes to make an ice sculpture out of it. Sneasel makes a Sneasel statue as Meowth watches with an evil grin from around the corner. Brock tries Mr. Mime's food and tells him that it's much better. Mr. Mime tries it and also likes it. Jessie and James begin to dress Sneasel up. That night while Jessie and James sleep, Sneasel keeps cutting carrots. Brock tells Mr. Mime that it?s not bad and tells it do make it again from the beginning.
The next day, Brock begins the chef battle and mentions the three judging factors. Jessie and James tell Sneasel it can do it. Meowth retorts and tells Mr. Mime to win it, only to have Brock say that as a judge, you must be impartial. Both Pokémon do exceptionally well in the Contest, with comments like "It's like a ballet but with pots and pans!" and "How'd it learn that!" While Mr. Mime is cooking, it remembers Brock's advice about the spices and adds just the right ones to make it taste right. Sneasel adds a little bit of dressing to its food and May calls it "a work of art!" Suddenly, Sneasel, Mr. Mime, and Pikachu get locked in a triple cage and Team Rocket says their motto? until they get to Meowth's first line. James tells Meowth that it begged for that line. Meowth tells them that they're gonna replace him with Sneasel once they get away. They convince Meowth to say its lines and the motto continues. Rhonda says that they're gonna pay for ruining her sister's trust.
Jessie, James, and Meowth hop out the window and into the balloon, Pikachu trying a Thunderbolt to get free. May and Brock send out Combusken and Mudkip and order a Fire Spin and a Water Gun. The two attacks combine but stop short of the balloon. James says that it's been a long, long, long, long, long road getting to actually stealing something. Rhonda orders Mr. Mime to use Trick. Mr. Mime?s ladle switches with Jessie's key as Max realizes what it does. Mr. Mime then uses Psychic to use the key to unlock the cage. Meowth gets locked in the cage and Mr. Mime, Sneasel, and Pikachu jump out of the balloon. On the way out, Sneasel pops it and Team Rocket goes blasting off again. Ash, Rhonda, and Rhoda reunite with their Pokémon, happy to see them once more. Rhoda offers to give the restaurant to Rhonda and she begins to walk away with Sneasel. Rhonda tells her to wait and hires Rhoda as Co-Manager and Sneasel as Head Chef.
With the restaurant reunited, Sneasel and Mr. Mime work together to create a meal that everyone enjoys. Rhoda and Rhonda get several compliments, and, as Ash and friends head for Saffron City and the sign on the restaurant has been changed to include both Sneasel and Mr. Mime.
English Official Summary
Chasing after a hungry Munchlax, Ash and his friends end up at Rhonda's, a restaurant run by a girl named Rhonda with Mr. Mime as its head chef. Team Rocket stumbles across another restaurant, Rhoda's, run by a girl named Rhoda with Sneasel as its head chef. Meowth quickly takes a disliking to Sneasel, but Jessie and James want it for Team Rocket. Back at Rhonda's, Mr. Mime puts on a fantastic show for Ash and company, but the food is terrible. Over at Rhoda's, Sneasel's food looks terrible, but it tastes fantastic—except for Meowth's, because Sneasel purposely made him a horrible meal. The two start to fight, breaking through the restaurant wall and right into Rhonda's. Rhonda and Rhoda are actually twin sisters who split up the family restaurant; Rhoda accuses Rhonda, and they challenge each other to see who deserves to run the place. Team Rocket coaches Sneasel while Brock advises Mr. Mime, and after a night's practice it's time to allez cuisine! Mr. Mime's presentation is great, but now Sneasel also puts on a show. It looks like a close battle until Team Rocket steals the chefs and Pikachu too! Team Rocket hops in their balloon to make a getaway, but Rhonda tells Mr. Mime to use Trick and Psychic. This frees all three Pokémon, who head home and send Team Rocket packing along the way. Impressed, Rhoda leaves the restaurant to Rhonda. But Rhonda makes Rhoda co-manager and Sneasel the head chef; with everyone working together, the restaurant is now better than ever! And after a wonderful meal, Ash and his friends can happily continue on their way.
French Official Summary
Poursuivant un Goinfrex affamé, Sacha et ses amis arrivent au restaurant Chez Rhonda, qui est tenu par une fille dénommée Rhonda et son chef cuisinier, M. Mime.
German Official Summary
Auf der Jagd nach einem hungrigen Mampfaxo entdecken Ash und seine Freunde mitten im Wald das Restaurant von Rhonda. Als Koch ist Pantimos angestellt.
Italian Official Summary
Mentre inseguono un Munchlax affamato, Ash e i suoi amici finiscono in un ristorante, dove il primo chef è Mr. Mime.
Portuguese Official Summary
Nossos heróis e a Equipe Rocket visitam um novo restaurante comandado por duas irmãs que não param de brigar!
Finnish Official Summary
Sankarimme ja Rakettiryhmä kokeilevat uutta ravintolaa, jota pitävät kaksi jatkuvasti höpöttävää sisarta!
Spanish Latin America Official Summary
Nuestros héroes y el Equipo Rocket van a un nuevo restaurante que es propiedad de dos hermanas quienes no pueden dejar de reñir.
Spanish Official Summary
Persiguiendo a un Munchlax hambriento, Ash y sus amigos acaban en Rhonda, un restaurante dirigido por una chica llamada Rhonda junto con Mr. Mimo como jefe de cocina.
English Great Britian Official Summary
Chasing after a hungry Munchlax, Ash and his friends end up at Rhonda's, a restaurant run by a girl named Rhonda with Mr. Mime as its head chef. Team Rocket stumbles across another restaurant, Rhoda's, run by a girl named Rhoda with Sneasel as its head chef. Meowth quickly takes a disliking to Sneasel, but Jessie and James want it for Team Rocket. Back at Rhonda's, Mr. Mime puts on a fantastic show for Ash and company, but the food is terrible. Over at Rhoda's, Sneasel's food looks terrible, but it tastes fantastic—except for Meowth's, because Sneasel purposely made him a horrible meal. The two start to fight, breaking through the restaurant wall and right into Rhonda's. Rhonda and Rhoda are actually twin sisters who split up the family restaurant; Rhoda accuses Rhonda, and they challenge each other to see who deserves to run the place. Team Rocket coaches Sneasel while Brock advises Mr. Mime, and after a night's practice it's time to allez cuisine! Mr. Mime's presentation is great, but now Sneasel also puts on a show. It looks like a close battle until Team Rocket steals the chefs and Pikachu too! Team Rocket hops in their balloon to make a getaway, but Rhonda tells Mr. Mime to use Trick and Psychic. This frees all three Pokémon, who head home and send Team Rocket packing along the way. Impressed, Rhoda leaves the restaurant to Rhonda. But Rhonda makes Rhoda co-manager and Sneasel the head chef; with everyone working together, the restaurant is now better than ever! And after a wonderful meal, Ash and his friends can happily continue on their way.
Russian Official Summary
Наши герои и Команда Р, не подозревая друг о друге, попадают в ресторан, разделённый на две части. Каждой частью управляет одна из двух сестёр-близнецов, которые ссорятся не переставая. Одна делает ставку на кулинарных шедеврах своего Снизла, тогда как вторая делает упор на эстетику и артистизм в подаче и сервировке. Это приводит к тому, что сёстрам приходится разделить свой ресторан, и каждая из сестёр ведёт свой бизнес отдельно. Результаты оказываются не утешительными. Смогут ли наши герои помирить сестёр и предотвратить раздел ресторана на две части в прямом смысле этого слова?
Dutch Official Summary
Onze helden en Team Rocket proberen een nieuw restaurant uit dat eigendom is van twee zusjes die niet kunnen stoppen met kibbelen!
Norwegian Official Summary
Heltene våre og Team Rocket besøker en ny restaurant eid av to søstre som ikke greier å slutte å krangle!
Swedish Official Summary
Våra hjältar och Team Rocket testar en ny restaurang som ägs av två systrar som inte kan sluta käbbla med varandra!
Danish Official Summary
Vore helte og Team Rocket prøver en ny restaurant, som ejes af to søstre, som ikke kan lade være med at mundhugges!