TV Tokyo mentioned the episodes would aired at a later date, but did not give any further information on when.
"Due to unfortunate circumstances, "The Rocket Gang VS the Plasma Gang!" episodes that were scheduled to air have been postponed. We plans to look over the episodes and air them again at some point. We'll announce the new air date on the home page as soon as it's been decided." (※放送を予定していました「ロケット団VSプラズマ 団!」は、都合により放送延期になりました。今後、また改めて放送する予定です。日程は決まり次第、 ホームページ上等で発表します。)
Page 21: This page introduces the main antagonists for the episodes. Rocket Gang attempts to locate the Meteonite (メテオナイト). Plasma Gang are also revealed.
Pages 22 and 23: Is a recap of Rocket Gang's activities in the Best Wishes series up until the Rocket Gang VS Plasma Gang episodes.
Pages 24 and 25: Plasma Gang and Handsome are explained in a bit more detail.
Sakaki lands in the Isshu region. The Rocket Gang's grand plan begins. Preparations have finished and the main part of their mission will now begin.
The age of the ancients is still alive. From within the Ancient Castle, which has been sleeping in the Resort Desert, the Meteonite finally shows itself! It's almost like the sun...
The Rocket Gang has reached the final phase of taking complete control over Isshu. Just then, a mysterious organization attacks them! The Rocket Gang and the Plasma Gang have a fierce fight over the Meteonite! The energy is swelling with increasing speed! All of a sudden, the Meteonite goes wild!
And so, the countdown towards the destruction of Hiun City begins...! Will Satoshi and Pikachu be able to save Hiun City from danger in the end?
The initial airing of BW14 contained an special upcoming episode segment that featured the "Best Wishes Highlight Guide of 2011" (2011年ベストウィッシュみどころガイド). Footage from the Rocket Gang VS Plasma Gang Special episodes, Best Wishes 23 and Best Wishes 24 were shown.
Japanese Music:
Music Statistics:
Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
Title: Re: BW 23: ロケット団VSプラズマ団!-前編-/Rocket-dan VS Plasma-dan! -zenp...
As BW17-BW20 aired yesterday in Taiwan, the next 4 episode block will air on June 24th. Best Wishes schedule on Chunghwa Telecom MOD (中華電信MOD) has been 4 episodes of the last Friday on the month, and states that BW21-24 (original numbering) which would include the two Rocket Gang episodes are scheduled to air. Korea should be getting pretty close to these episodes as well, so will see later on in June if these episodes premiere outside of Japan first or not.
Title: Re: BW 23: ロケット団VSプラズマ団!-前編-/Rocket-dan VS Plasma-dan! -zenp...
And by "rumors" we generally just mean "a wild guess". All we know is "they will air", so we just make a guess, then switch it to a new guess when it becomes clear the old guess was wrong. It's just to keep those titles on the "upcoming episodes" list, really.
Title: Re: BW 23: ロケット団VSプラズマ団!-前編-/Rocket-dan VS Plasma-dan! -zenp...
Quote From: Sunain
As BW17-BW20 aired yesterday in Taiwan, the next 4 episode block will air on June 24th. Best Wishes schedule on Chunghwa Telecom MOD (中華電信MOD) has been 4 episodes of the last Friday on the month, and states that BW21-24 (original numbering) which would include the two Rocket Gang episodes are scheduled to air. Korea should be getting pretty close to these episodes as well, so will see later on in June if these episodes premiere outside of Japan first or not.
Since you didn't post anything about it, I take it the said episodes didn't air in Korea, right?
Title: Re: BW 23: ロケット団VSプラズマ団!-前編-/Rocket-dan VS Plasma-dan! -zenp...
Quote From: Chance
Quote From: Sunain
As BW17-BW20 aired yesterday in Taiwan, the next 4 episode block will air on June 24th. Best Wishes schedule on Chunghwa Telecom MOD (中華電信MOD) has been 4 episodes of the last Friday on the month, and states that BW21-24 (original numbering) which would include the two Rocket Gang episodes are scheduled to air. Korea should be getting pretty close to these episodes as well, so will see later on in June if these episodes premiere outside of Japan first or not.
Since you didn't post anything about it, I take it the said episodes didn't air in Korea, right?
No both Korea and Taiwan skipped the episode airing. Korea seems to be following the English dub numbering scheme currently. As of the beginning of August 2011, it was only 4 episodes behind Japan and BW26 did air in Korea.