Home / Characters / Drone Rotom/ドローンロトム/Drone Rotom

Drone Rotom

Character Names
  • English / United States: Drone Rotom
  • Japanese / Japan: ドローンロトム
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Drone Rotom
  • Japanese (Trans) / Japan: Drone Rotom
Voice Actors
Drone Rotom appears at officially approved Pokémon World Coronation Series battles to setup the matches and to act as an official referee. It oversees the battle and gives the results of the battle to the challengers. It has a camera so it can record the matches.
Series Title
PM2019 18
PM2019 20
PM2019 21
PM2019 25
PM2019 30
PM2019 33
PM2019 34
PM2019 36
PM2019 39
PM2019 51
PM2019 60
PM2019 65
PM2019 77
PM2019 85
PM2019 86
PM2019 99
PM2019 100
PM2019 104
PM2019 115
PM2019 129
PM2019 132