Home / Characters / Anna/アナ/Ana
Character Names
  • English / United States: Anna
  • Japanese / Japan: アナ
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Ana
  • Japanese (Trans) / Japan: Ana
Voice Actors
Ana is the on-the-spot reporter as well as the host of the television show: "Locally Reputed Gourmet Restaurant Special". She is the ever-smiling idol reporter and loves feeding the public everything they'd ever want to know.

In SM 13, she was the race side announcer for the Pokémon Pancake Race. At the time of the episode, she was an unnamed character and he name wasn't confirmed until SM 39 when she introduced herself on TV.

She had a brief cameo on TV as the news desk reporter that announced that "Dugtrio with DJ Leo", or "Dugleo" for short had suddenly split-up and had made all of Alola engulfed by grief.