Home / Characters / Ghris/旅人/The Traveler
Character Names
  • English / United States: Ghris
  • Japanese / Japan: 旅人
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Ghris
  • Japanese (Trans) / Japan: The Traveler
Voice Actors
Ghris is Meray and Baraz great-grandfather. 100 years ago, Hoopa destroyed the town which would become Désser City. Ghris stopped the rampaging Hoopa Unbound in the Prison Bottle. Arceus would communicate with Ghris and he was gifted with powers.

He took Hoopa to live in the Ghris and placed the Prison Bottle in a far off area and hid it until a time when Hoopa could understand the meaning of its confinement and be able to pass through its rings.