Home / Characters / Kagetomo's Weavile/カゲトモのマニューラ/Kagetomo's Manyula

Kagetomo's Weavile

Character Names
  • English / United States: Kagetomo's Weavile
  • Japanese / Japan: カゲトモのマニューラ
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Kagetomo no Manyula
  • Japanese (Trans) / Japan: Kagetomo's Manyula
Voice Actors
Ippei's Gekkouga is Ippei's main Pokémon and strongest combatant of the ninja village. Kagetomo's Weavile was summoned to battle against Ippei's Gekkouga. Hanzo noted that in terms of speed and the power of their moves, they were evenly matched and perhaps Kagetomo's Weavile might be a bit stronger but Ippei had his brothers and the ninja villageres for support, something that Kagetomo didn't have. Ippei defeated Kagetomo in a Pokémon battle and as a result, Kagetomo realized he wasn't strong enough yet but he also had a change of heart.
Known Moveset
Icy Wind Type
First Seen: XYZ 7
Counter Water Shuriken
Metal Claw Type
First Seen: XYZ 7
Gekkouga was instructed to run away from the attack.
Giga Impact Type
First Seen: XYZ 7
Took out all of Gekkouga's Double Team illusions.