Home / Characters / Mantle/マントル/Mantle
Character Names
  • English / United States: Mantle
  • Japanese / Japan: マントル
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Mantle
  • Japanese (Trans) / Japan: Mantle
Voice Actors
Mantle is a hotel worker at Weston hotel located in the Kalos region. He was unemployed and running wild 10 years in the past from the day Ash Ketchum and friends visited the hotel. He was the owner of the hotel as he won a Pokémon battle in the past against Weston. He made a deal with Weston that if he lost the battle he'd stop bugging him and his customers but in return, Weston would give up his hotels ownership, which he ended up doing. Weston then became the hotel receptionist under Mantle.

Ash Ketchum and his friends travel back in time 10 years with the help of Weston's Rotom. They changed the past and created a new alternate future where Weston was able to defeat Mantle in the battle and keep the ownership of the hotel. He then hired Mantle to work at his hotel.
Owned Pokémon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mantle's Krookodile
  • Japan マントルのワルビアル
  • Japan Mantle no Waruvial
  • Japan Mantle's Waruvial