Home / Characters / Pokémon Sunday Chimchar/ポケモン☆サンデーのヒコザル/Pokémon Sunday Hikozaru

Pokémon Sunday Chimchar

Character Names
  • English / United States: Pokémon Sunday Chimchar
  • Japanese / Japan: ポケモン☆サンデーのヒコザル
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Pokémon Sunday no Hikozaru
  • Japanese (Trans) / Japan: Pokémon Sunday Hikozaru
Pokémon Sunday Chimchar is generally seen doing the "Pokémon Sunday News" segments. She reports the news and it is translated by an announcer.
Known Moveset
Flamethrower Type
First Seen: DP 126
During the Professor Akido's Great Pokémon Examination, it was confirmed that it could use the attack
Series Title
PS 232
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