Home / Staff and Voice Actor Index / Biography Details: 杉浦奈保子 (Naoko Sugiura)
Biography Details: 杉浦奈保子 (Naoko Sugiura)
杉浦奈保子 (Naoko Sugiura)
First Name: 奈保子 Naoko
Last Name: 杉浦 Sugiura
Main Country: Japan Japan
Main Language: Japanese
Naoko Sugiura is a Japanese voice actress that was affiliated with the talent agency Ken Production. Her Twitter account is: . She was born in Chiba on September 9 and is also known as Yura Hasegawa (長谷川瑜ら).
Role Media Title
Voice Actor
Professor's Assistant
OG 1
Voice Actor OG 2
Voice Actor OG 3
Voice Actor
Professor's Assistant
OG 4