Taku Yashiro is a Japanese voice actor that is affiliated with the talent agency
VIMS. His Twitter account is:
Press Release - March 3rd, 2023
A comment from Taku Yashiro, the voice of Friede:
I still remember dreaming about going on an adventure with Pokémon back when I was watching the Pocket Monsters anime in grade school, so I was trembling with joy and surprise when I first learned I was getting the chance to be in my beloved show, one that's got so much history and is so loved all around the world now.
I want to play the Friede character with whole-hearted devotion, not just so that children can experience such dreams, but so that adults that grew up together with the franchise can do so as well.
【フリード役 八代拓さんコメント】
小学生の時に、テレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」を観て、自分もポケモンと一緒に冒険したい! と夢見たことを今でも覚えています。これだけの歴史を積み重ねてきて世界中から愛され続けている大好きな作品に自分が出演できると知った時は、嬉しさと驚きで身震いしました。ポケモンの歴史と一緒に成長してきた大人はもちろん、かつての自分のように、胸いっぱいの夢を子供達に感じていただけるように、フリードというキャラクターを誠心誠意演じていきたいと思っています。