Home / Staff and Voice Actor Index / Biography Details: 福地桃子 (Momoko Fukuchi)
Biography Details: 福地桃子 (Momoko Fukuchi)
福地桃子 (Momoko Fukuchi)
First Name: 桃子 Momoko
Last Name: 福地 Fukuchi
Main Country: Japan Japan
Main Language: Japanese
Birthdate: 1997-10-26
Age : 27
Momoko Fukuchi is a Japanese actress and TV personality that is affiliated with the talent agency LesPros Entertainment.

PM2019 54 Press Release - February 4th, 2021
The official Japanese Pocket Monsters anime Twitter account posted a message on February 4th, 2021 about actress Momoko Fukuchi (福地桃子) playing the role of Jacqueline as well has her comments.

Comments from Momoko Fukuchi, who plays Jacqueline:
I'll be making a guest appearance as a voice actor in the TV anime "Pocket Monsters"! I played the role of Jacqueline to the best of my ability. I was able to get a glimpse behind the scenes of the production of anime, and I was able to feel the charm of Pokémon even more.
I am very happy to be surrounded by staff members who have helped create the anime world of Pocket Monsters over its long history, and to be able to help them in a small way as an ambassador.
I hope you will enjoy this powerful and cool scene! I hope that this Friday will be a golden night for everyone...!
Momoko Fukuchi as Jacqueline


迫力のある格好良ぃシ一ンを是非楽しんでぃただぎたいです! 今週の金曜日も皆さんにとつて金ピカな夜になリますようにー...!
ジャク リ一ン役 福地桃子
Characters Portrayed
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jacqueline
  • Japan ジャクリーン
  • Japan Jacqueline
  • Japan Jacqueline