Minori Suzuki is a Japanese singer and voice actress that is affiliated with the talent agency
e-stone music and her official website is located on their site.
Press Release - March 3rd, 2023
A comment from Minori Suzuki, the voice of Liko:
I first encountered Liko when I was given reference material for the audition, and I remember being filled with strong emotions the likes of which I had never felt before at that moment. I really wanted to go on an adventure with Liko, to take a step forward! I wanted to play this character so badly that it felt like our meeting here was meant to be. This is why I'm so very happy these people that created Pokémon with love and care entrusted this character to me.
Just like the Pokémon anime, I was born in 1997, so Pokémon has always been there as a natural part of my life. I hope this is how it will be for everyone around the world in the future as well. I will pour all my heart and soul into playing Liko. The Pokémon anime will continue to be the greatest thing ever, so please look forward to the new series!
【リコ役 鈴木みのりさんコメント】
オーディション資料を頂き、リコと出会った瞬間。絶対にリコと一緒に冒険の旅に出たい! 一歩を踏み出したい! と、感じた事のない熱い強い気持ちが込み上げてきたのを覚えています。この出会いは運命なんじゃないかと思えるくらい、何が何でも演じたいと思いました。だからこそ、ポケモンを愛し創り上げてきたスタッフの皆様に、こうしてリコを任せて頂いたことが、今はただとても幸せです。
私はアニポケと同じ1997年に生まれました。そして生まれてからずっと、当たり前の様にポケモンが傍に居ました。これからも世界中の皆様にとって、ポケモンがそうであるように。全身全霊をかけてリコを演じます。 今度のアニポケも、最高に素敵なものになっています。ぜひ楽しみにしていてください!