Home / Episode Guide / ポケカでガチバトル!Snow Man深澤VSあばれる君 / 料理の腕前初披露の深澤がポケもぐにチャレンジ!! / ポケモンGO×ポケモンカードのフォトバトル/A Serious Pokémon Card Game Battle! Fukazawa from Snow Man VS Abareru-kun / Fukazawa Shows Off His Cooking Skills for the First Time as He Tries Pokémogu!! / A Pokémon Go x Pokémon Card Photo Battle
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  • Japan ポケカでガチバトル!Snow Man深澤VSあばれる君 / 料理の腕前初披露の深澤がポケもぐにチャレンジ!! / ポケモンGO×ポケモンカードのフォトバトル
  • Japan PokéCa de gachi battle! Snow Man Fukazawa VS Abareru-kun / Ryōri no udemae hatsuhirō no Fukazawa ga Pokémogu ni challenge!! / Pokémon GO× Pokémon Card no photo battle
  • Japan A Serious Pokémon Card Game Battle! Fukazawa from Snow Man VS Abareru-kun / Fukazawa Shows Off His Cooking Skills for the First Time as He Tries Pokémogu!! / A Pokémon Go x Pokémon Card Photo Battle


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Japanese Summary:



Japanese Summary Translation:

The biggest Pokémon Card fan in the boyband world goes all out! The Pokémon Card Game is even more fun with Matsumaru's commentary. In addition, Fukazawa shows off his cooking skills for the first time as he tries Pokémogu!! Don't miss seeing him in an apron!

Both players are filled with confidence as Hiroki Tsuzuki (from Yonsen-toshin) and Hikaru Takahashi cheer them on! How will the all-out match end?! We also get Fukazawa's Pokémogu, where he tries making a dish based on his favorite Pokémon! And there's a Pokémon Go x Pokémon Card photo battle too!


Character Thumbnail
  • Japan あばれる君
  • Japan Abareru-kun
  • Japan Abareru-kun
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 松丸亮吾
  • Japan Ryogo Matsumaru
  • Japan Ryogo Matsumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 髙橋ひかる
  • Japan Hikaru Takahashi
  • Japan Hikaru Takahashi
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan ナビゲーター コッカー
  • Japan Navigator Koccar
  • Japan Navigator Koccar
No notes available for this episode.

Japanese Music:

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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
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The biggest Pokémon Card fan in the boyband world goes all out! The Pokémon Card Game is even more fun with Matsumaru's commentary
In addition, Fukazawa shows off his cooking skills for the first time as he tries Pokémogu!! Don't miss seeing him in an apron!

Both players are filled with confidence as Hiroki Tsuzuki (from Yonsen-toshin) and Hikaru Takahashi cheer them on! How will the all-out match end?!
We also get Fukazawa's Pokémogu, where he tries making a dish based on his favorite Pokémon!
And there's a Pokémon Go x Pokémon Card photo battle too!

Ryogo Matsumaru
Hikaru Takahashi
Shoko Nakagawa (voice of Koccar)
Guests: Tatsuya Fukazawa (from Snow Man) and Hiroki Tsuzuki (from Yonsen-toshin)