The sixth episode of Pokémon’s new, limited animated series offers a legendary, lore-filled tale set in Hoenn.
The Pokémon Evolutions journey across the wide, wonderful world of Pokémon continues with the sixth episode, now available on Pokémon TV and the official Pokémon YouTube channel. Titled “The Wish,” Episode 6 focuses on Zinnia, a dutiful Pokémon Trainer from Hoenn who struggles with her important role as her people's Lorekeeper. But when the Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza arrives, Zinnia finally has the opportunity to test her courage and loyalty to Hoenn.
Concept Artist Otumami posted a tweet on December 9th, 2021 indicating they had worked on the Pokémon Evolutions and posted a picture of Haruka.
I did the concept art for "Pokémon Evolutions"!
This is the sixth episode of the series, which features my personal favorite, Gonyonyo.
With a fan art of Haruka... I hope you like it!