Home / Episode Guide / あばれる君のポケモン交換旅、今回は岩手へ / 野生イシツブテと一緒にポケモン探し!?/ ゲーム最新作「ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド」の情報も大公開!!Abareru-kun's Pokémon Trade Journey, This Installment of Which He Goes to Iwate / Searching for Pokémon with a Wild Ishitsubute / Presenting the Latest News on the New Video Games "Pocket Monsters Sword/Shield"!!
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  • Japan あばれる君のポケモン交換旅、今回は岩手へ / 野生イシツブテと一緒にポケモン探し!?/ ゲーム最新作「ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド」の情報も大公開!!
  • Japan Abareru-kun no Pokémon kōkan tabi, konkai wa Iwate e / Yasei Ishitsubute to issho ni Pokémonsagashi!? / Game saishinsaku "Pocket Monsters Sword/Shield"' no jōhō mo daikōkai!!
  • Japan Abareru-kun's Pokémon Trade Journey, This Installment of Which He Goes to Iwate / Searching for Pokémon with a Wild Ishitsubute / Presenting the Latest News on the New Video Games "Pocket Monsters Sword/Shield"!!


OP/ED List

Gathering in the Pokémon House?


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan あばれる君
  • Japan Abareru-kun
  • Japan Abareru-kun
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Rinka Otani
  • Japan 大谷凜香
  • Japan Rinka Otani
  • Japan Rinka Otani
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Hyadain (Kenichi Maeyamada)
  • Japan ヒャダイン (前山田健一)
  • Japan Hyadain (Kenichi Maeyamada)
  • Japan Hyadain (Kenichi Maeyamada)
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
20 Jul 2019 12:42 AM
Adamant Administrator
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
Posts: 1223
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Abareru-kun goes to Iwate on a Pokémon Trade Journey! There, he encounters a train featuring his beloved Ishitsubute! A wild Ishitsubute appears as well, and the two go searching for Pokémon together?!
We also have the latest news on the video games!

Abareru-kun's favorite Pokémon Ishitsubute has become the "mascot Pokémon of Iwate"! Abareru-kun is so excited he can't sit still, so he sets off to Iwate on a Pokémon Trade Journey! Believe or not, he even runs into an Ishitsubute train there! He has lots of fun working with Pokénds to draw pictures that will decorate the train! And a wild Ishitsubute appears as well?! Abareru-kun plans to use Ishitsubute's popularity to attract Pokénds! Will this plan succeed?!
We'll also present the latest news on the new video games "Pocket Monsters Sword/Shield"!!

Shoko Nakagawa
Rinka Otani
Support Pokénd: Miyu Koike