Home / Characters / Goh's Nidoran♂/ゴウのニドラン♂/Go's Nidoran♂

Goh's Nidoran♂

Character Names
  • English / United States: Goh's Nidoran♂
  • Japanese / Japan: ゴウのニドラン♂
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Go no Nidoran♂
  • Japanese (Trans) / Japan: Go's Nidoran♂
Voice Actors
While walking around for Pokémon Orienteering in Vermilion City, the kids he was with noticed Pokémon in the bushes. The two Nidoran he caught seem to be partners and were nuzzling each other.
Series Title
PM2019 20
PM2019 23
PM2019 31
PM2019 035
PM2019 47
PM2019 50
PM2019 62
PM2019 70
PM2019 73
PM2019 78
PM2019 107
PM2019 136