Home / Characters / Farrell/ファレル/Pharrell
Character Names
  • English / United States: Farrell
  • Japanese / Japan: ファレル
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Pharrell
  • Japanese (Trans) / Japan: Pharrell
Voice Actors
Farrell is a Pokémon trainer that holds the peerage rank of Baron at the Battle Chateau in the Kalos Region. He accepted Nico challenge to battle. He lost in the battle and since that battle was the 10th win for Nico, he was elevated from Baron to Viscount.
Owned Pokémon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Farrell's Dusknoir
  • Japan ファレルのヨノワール
  • Japan Pharrell no Yonoir
  • Japan Pharrell's Yonoir