Home / Characters / FPI Special Agent/FPI Special Agent/FPI Special Agent

FPI Special Agent

Character Names
  • English / United States: FPI Special Agent
  • Japanese / Japan: FPI Special Agent
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: FPI Special Agent
  • Japanese (Trans) / Japan: FPI Special Agent
FPI Special Agent is a member of the Mysterious Organization "FPI". FPI stands for FUSHIGINA POKEMON NO NAZO IROIROSHIRABETAI (The Bureau of Investigation of Various Strange Pokémon Mysteries)(不思議な ポケモンの謎 いろいろ調べ隊), basically a play on the FBI.

The special agent met "reporter" Eiji Kotoge (小峠英二) from the comedy duo Viking (バイきんぐ) outside the OLM offices and the two of them came to an agreement to work together. The agent is known to have a daughter that likes Pokémon.