Home / Characters / Rhoder/ローダー/Lauder
Character Names
  • English / United States: Rhoder
  • Japanese / Japan: ローダー
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Lauder
  • Japanese (Trans) / Japan: Lauder
Voice Actors
Rhoder is a Pokémon Trainer who stayed in the city when his Ononokus suddenly started rampaging and stopped listening to him entirely. When he tried to return Ononokus to its monster ball, it refuses to go inside. Iris' Dragonite was sent out to try and stop Ononokus but it too began to rampage. Rhoder was very upset that his Pokémon was doing so much destruction to the city. He later learned that it was Plasma Gang controlling his Ononokus and was nothing that he had done to make it go crazy on a rampage.
Owned Pokémon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Rhoder's Haxorus
  • Japan ローダーのオノノクス
  • Japan Lauder no Ononokus
  • Japan Lauder's Ononokus