PocketMonsters.net is a fansite dedicated to all things Pokémon (ポケモン) and Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター). We are the premier site for news and information about all aspects of the franchise from around the world. We cover the Anime, indexing the music, the Trading Card Game, the Games, the variety shows, have a large imageboard, forum and much more. Follow us on Twitter and Subscribe to our RSS Feed for the latest updates!
The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Pokémon! I Choose You! / Aiming for a New PokéSun Record / Group Member Akiyama challenged to a Multi-Battle! (ポケモン!きみにきめた!/ めざせポケサン新記録 / 秋山隊員とマルチバトルに挑む!), aired today in Japan. This week featured a new rerun theme 'New friends! Get Pokémon!' and Pokémon! I C...
Another 8 DVD set has been announced for release in Japan that features: Getting Contest Ribbons, Getting Gym Badges and Getting Pokémon. The Pokémon TV Anime Collection DVD Get! Get! Get! (ポケモンTVアニメコレクションDVD ~ゲット!ゲット!ゲット!) volumes feature one episode per mini DVD like the previous sets with episode...
The official Japanese Pokémon website has launched its redesigned site and is now live. GAME FREAK has also launched a redesigned website. Earlier this year, the official English Pokémon website launched a redesigned site as well. The Pokemon.co.jp website now features a globalized header with s...
The latest episodes of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 170 - Elite Four Kikuno! Kabarudon VS Dodaitose!! (四天王キクノ!カバルドンVSドダイトス!!) and Diamond & Pearl 171 - Togekiss Dances! The Princess' Pokémon Contest!! (トゲキッス舞う!王女さまのポケモンコンテスト!!) aired on Thursday in Japan as part of a 1 hour special. Diamond &...
The DVD for last years Pikachu short that was shown on ANA Airlines has been announced. Pikachu's Great Sparkling Search! (ピカチュウのキラキラだいそうさく!) was shown on ANA flights between August 1st, 2009 and August 29th, 2009. The DVD will be released in Japan on June 18th, 2010 and it will retail for 2500yen. ...
Pokémon Special Volume 35 (ポケットモンスターSP 35) was announced on Shogakukan's website today. The volume will be released in Japan on May 28th, 2010 and it will retail for 490yen. The ISBN number is 9784091410573. Source: http://skygarden.shogakukan.co.jp/...
The official Pokémon website has posted an interview with the main members of GAME FREAK who were responsible for the latest games Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. This is a different interview than the one that was posted on the official Nintendo Europe site last month. The interview has a...
The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Bye Bye Butterfree / Substitution Quiz / What will the children do when Robert changes places with the Kindergarten Teacher!? (バイバイバタフリー / いれかわりクイズ / 幼稚園の先生が突然ロバートに入れかわったら子どもたちはどうする!?), aired today in Japan. Bye Bye Butterfree (ヤドンがヤドランになると) was this weeks re...
The official Nintendo Europe site has posted a press release announcing that the launch of the Dutch versions of Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver versions has been postponed. Below is a translation of the press release by Riyu. "We have noticed that some of the Pokémon HeartGold version carts for...
The Official Nintendo Pokémon Ranger: Paths of Light Guide Book (任天堂公式ガイドブック ポケモンレンジャー 光の軌跡) was released on March 26th, 2010 in Japan and it revealed a few hidden Ranger Signs that can not be obtained anywhere in the game. The books ISBN-13 number is 978-4-09-227144-9 and it retails for 1,260 yen. ...
The official Japanese Pokémon TCG website has revealed 5 cards that will be part of the upcoming Pokémon Card Game - Lost Link expansion (ポケモンカードゲーム ロストリンク). The set will be available starting April 16th, 2010 for 200yen per pack including tax with each pack contains 7 cards from the new 40 card set...
The official TV Tokyo website has posted a brief synopsis for the upcoming 1 hour Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 170/171 special that will be airing on April 1st, 2010. It was announced that a new variant of Dotchi ~ Nyo? (ドッチ~ニョ?新バージョン登場!) will air during that broadcast. No further information r...