PocketMonsters.net is a fansite dedicated to all things Pokémon (ポケモン) and Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター). We are the premier site for news and information about all aspects of the franchise from around the world. We cover the Anime, indexing the music, the Trading Card Game, the Games, the variety shows, have a large imageboard, forum and much more. Follow us on Twitter and Subscribe to our RSS Feed for the latest updates!
The Red Nendroid (ねんどろいど レッド) that was available as a special order in Japan earlier in 2014 is now available for purchase at the American Pokémon Center website. The Nendoroid: Red Posable Figure costs $49.99USD plus tax and shipping. This special limited-edition figure captures the spirit o...
The Pokémon Omega Ruby & Pokémon Alpha Sapphire: Super Music Collection is now available for purchase on iTunes. The collection is not exactly the same as 6 disc CD Nintendo 3DS Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Super Music Complete set that was released in Japan earlier in the month. The iTunes c...
The Isshu starter evolutions will be distributed in Japan in January 2015 as serial codes. The codes can be obtained by watching Pokémon Get TV #63 and #64 (ポケモンゲット☆TV) and obtaining the February 2015 issue of Corocoro. These distributions are unique as each Pokémon has their Hidden Abilities. ...
The official Pokémon Daisuki Club (ポケモンだいすきクラブ) website reopened today with a new design. Also announced was a companion app for the site which will launch in January of 2015 which will allow people to directly view the websites content such as the manga, videos, news and information. Source:...
The official Pokémon website and the official Baltimore Symphony Orchestra website revealed a new performance date for the Pokémon: Symphonic Evolutions tour. Tickets are now available for order for the Friday, May 1st, 2015 at 8:00 PM performance. Brought to life by the Baltimore Symphony Orches...
The official Japanese Movie 18 website launched today. Pokémon the Movie XY 2015 will premiere in Japanese theaters July 18th, 2015. The website includes bios on the characters, posters and a brief trailer. The Legend is Stirring... Character Profiles Picture Biography ...
Nintendo announced via a press release that Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire sold almost 1.5 million combined copies of the game. The sales include physical and digital copies of the games. Data regarding physical sales of games in November are from the NPD Group. Data regarding digital...
The Pokémon Centers have begun distributing flyers advertising the Mega Campaign 2 (メガキャンペーン2) details. From January 31st, 2015 until March 1st, 2015, patrons of the Pokémon Centers can receive an Original Pikachu Tretta as a present that features artwork of Pikachu dressed in a Mega Charizard Y hoo...
Japanese retailers have posted information on the first Pokémon TCG expansion for 2015 entitled: Emerald Break (エメラルドブレイク). The 78+ card set will be released in Japan on March 14th, 2015 and will feature Rayquaza EX and M Rayquaza EX. Booster packs will feature 5 cards for 150yen plus tax. Also b...
TV Tokyo has updated the Television Guide listing for the Oha Suta episode that airs on Thursday, December 11th, 2014 at 6:45am JST. The guide lists that the worlds first teaser video for the upcoming Pokémon Movie will debut during the show which should reveal the preliminary title for the movie. I...
The Pokémon Company International in conjunction with GameStop have announced a new sweepstakes promotion for residents of the United States. From December 8th, 2013 until December 31th, 2014, patrons of GameStop will receive a code on their receipt when they purchase any participating Pokémon p...
Walmart has revealed that people that purchase specially marked copies of Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire starting on December 8th, 2014 will receive a Paper Insert with Download Codes for 5 Super Potions, 5 Revives and 10 Quick Balls. The games retail for $39.96 USD plus tax. So...