Alolan Raticate |
Pokémon GO |
Altaria |
Dragon |
Altaria |
Legendary Treasures |
Amaura |
Sun & Moon Forbidden Light |
Ambipom |
XY Steam Siege |
Ampharos |
Expedition |
Ampharos |
Expedition |
Ampharos |
Platinum |
Anorith |
Legend Maker |
Arcanine |
Supreme Victors |
Aron |
Sandstorm |
Articuno |
WoTC Promo |
Axew |
Noble Victories |
Azumarill (Delta Species) |
Delta Species |
Bagon |
Secret Wonders |
Bayleef |
Unseen Forces |
Beautifly |
Diamond and Pearl |
Beldum |
Supreme Victors |
Bellossom |
Neo Genesis |
Bellossom |
Legends Awakened |
Bellsprout |
Legends Awakened |
Bibarel |
Supreme Victors |
Bidoof |
Supreme Victors |
Blaine's Growlithe |
Gym Heroes |
Blaine's Mankey |
Gym Challenge |
Blissey |
Platinum |
Breloom |
Sandstorm |
Brock's Geodude |
Gym Heroes |
Brock's Graveler |
Gym Challenge |
Brock's Mankey |
Gym Heroes |
Brock's Sandslash |
Gym Challenge |
Brock's Zubat |
Gym Heroes |
Bronzong |
Arceus |
Bulbasaur |
Fire Red Leaf Green |
Buneary |
Legends Awakened |
Buried Fossil |
Skyridge |
Butterfree |
Neo Discovery |
Butterfree |
Fire Red Leaf Green |
Cacnea |
Sandstorm |
Cacturne |
Sandstorm |
Camerupt |
Holon Phantoms |
Caterpie |
Fire Red Leaf Green |
Chansey |
Aquapolis |
Chansey |
Mysterious Treasures |
Charizard |
Expedition |
Charmander |
Crystal Guardians |
Charmeleon |
Secret Wonders |
Cherrim |
Diamond and Pearl |
Cherrim |
OP Series 8 |
Cherubi |
OP Series 6 |
Cherubi |
Legendary Treasures |
Chikorita |
Unseen Forces |
Chimecho |
Old Nintendo Promos |
Chinchou |
Neo Revelation |
Chinchou |
Legends Awakened |
Cinccino |
Sword & Shield Brilliant Stars |
Clefable |
XY Furious Fists |
Clefable |
Generations |
Clefairy |
Plasma Storm |
Combee |
Supreme Victors |
Combusken |
Dragon |
Combusken |
Power Keepers |
Cottonee |
Emerging Powers |
Crobat |
Skyridge |
Cubchoo |
Next Destinies |
Cubone |
Dragons Exalted |
Cutiefly |
Sun & Moon Burning Shadows |
Cyndaquil (Delta Species) |
Dragon Frontiers |
Dark Espeon |
Neo Destiny |
Dark Feraligatr |
Neo Destiny |
Darumaka |
Next Destinies |
Deerling |
Black & White |
Delcatty |
RubySapphire |
Delcatty |
XY Primal Clash |
Dewgong (Delta Species) |
Dragon Frontiers |
Doduo |
Supreme Victors |
Dratini |
Team Rocket Returns |
Dratini |
Plasma Freeze |
Drifloon |
Stormfront |
Drifloon |
Stormfront |
Ducklett |
XY BREAKpoint |
Duskull |
Diamond and Pearl |
Eevee |
Team Rocket |
Eevee |
Delta Species |
Eevee |
Sun & Moon Ultra Prism |
Ekans |
Team Rocket Returns |
Electrike |
Crystal Guardians |
Entei |
Aquapolis |
Entei |
Aquapolis |
Erika's Bellsprout |
Gym Heroes |
Erika's Clefable |
Gym Heroes |
Erika's Clefairy |
Gym Challenge |
Erika's Dragonair |
Gym Heroes |
Erika's Exeggcute |
Gym Heroes |
Erika's Oddish |
Gym Heroes |
Erika's Weepinbell |
Gym Heroes |
Espeon |
Neo Discovery |
Exeggcute (Delta Species) |
Holon Phantoms |
Feebas |
Emerald |
Fennekin |
Sun & Moon Forbidden Light |
Flaaffy |
Dragons Exalted |
Froslass GL |
Rising Rivals |
Furret |
Aquapolis |
Gardevoir |
Secret Wonders |
Gardevoir |
Legendary Treasures |
Giovanni's Meowth |
Gym Challenge |
Glaceon |
Majestic Dawn |
Glalie |
Emerald |
Gligar |
Boundaries Crossed |
Gloom |
Boundaries Crossed |
Goldeen |
Deoxys |
Goldeen |
Diamond and Pearl |
Goldeen |
DP Trainer Kit 1 (Manaphy) |
Gorebyss |
Legend Maker |
Gothita |
XY Furious Fists |
Gothorita |
Emerging Powers |
Grovyle |
Dragon |
Growlithe |
Neo Destiny |
Growlithe |
Supreme Victors |
Grubbin |
Crown Zenith |
Grumpig |
Emerald |
Grumpig |
EX Trainer Kit 2 (Red) |
Gulpin |
Emerald |
Hitmonlee |
Expedition |
Hitmontop |
WoTC Promo |
Honedge |
XY Primal Clash |
Hoppip |
Neo Genesis |
Horsea |
Aquapolis |
Horsea (Delta Species) |
Holon Phantoms |
Houndoom |
Dragon |
Houndour |
Aquapolis |
Igglybuff |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
Ivysaur |
Fire Red Leaf Green |
Jangmo-o |
Sun & Moon Crimson Invasion |
Jigglypuff |
Skyridge |
Jigglypuff |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
Jirachi |
Old Nintendo Promos |
Jolteon |
Sandstorm |
Jumpluff |
Neo Genesis |
Kabuto |
Sandstorm |
Kabutops |
Skyridge |
Kangaskhan |
Majestic Dawn |
Kingdra |
Aquapolis |
Kingdra |
Aquapolis |
Kirlia |
RubySapphire |
Koffing |
RubySapphire |
Koga's Pidgey |
Gym Challenge |
Koga's Tangela |
Gym Challenge |
Kricketot |
Mysterious Treasures |
Kricketune |
Platinum |
Lairon |
Sandstorm |
Lairon |
Sun & Moon Crimson Invasion |
Lapras |
Great Encounters |
Larvitar |
Team Rocket Returns |
Leavanny |
XY Phantom Forces |
Ledian |
Sun & Moon Burning Shadows |
Ledyba |
Legends Awakened |
Lickilicky |
HS Triumphant |
Lickitung |
HS Triumphant |
Light Arcanine |
Neo Destiny |
Light Dragonair |
Neo Destiny |
Light Dragonite |
Neo Destiny |
Light Flareon |
Neo Destiny |
Light Golduck |
Neo Destiny |
Lileep |
Legend Maker |
Lilligant |
Black & White |
Litleo |
XY Phantom Forces |
Lombre |
Deoxys |
Lotad |
Deoxys |
Loudred |
Supreme Victors |
Lt. Surge's Magnemite |
Gym Heroes |
Lt. Surge's Pikachu |
Gym Challenge |
Lt. Surge's Rattata |
Gym Challenge |
Lt. Surge's Spearow |
Gym Heroes |
Lt. Surge's Voltorb |
Gym Challenge |
Ludicolo |
Deoxys |
Luvdisc |
OP Series 2 |
Luvdisc |
XY Flashfire |
Machop |
Diamond and Pearl |
Machop |
DP Trainer Kit 1 (Lucario) |
Magikarp |
Fire Red Leaf Green |
Magmar |
WoTC Promo |
Makuhita |
Great Encounters |
Mamoswine GL |
Rising Rivals |
Manaphy |
OP Series 6 |
Manectric |
Mysterious Treasures |
Mankey (Delta Species) |
Holon Phantoms |
Mareep |
Neo Discovery |
Mareep |
Secret Wonders |
Mareep |
OP Series 7 |
Marill |
Neo Genesis |
Marill |
Diamond and Pearl |
Marshtomp |
Dragon |
Marshtomp |
Emerald |
Masquerain |
Holon Phantoms |
Medicham |
Hidden Legends |
Meditite |
Hidden Legends |
Meganium |
Unseen Forces |
Meowth |
Team Rocket |
Meowth |
Legends Awakened |
Metapod |
Fire Red Leaf Green |
Mienshao |
Noble Victories |
Mightyena |
RubySapphire |
Milotic |
Hidden Legends |
Minccino |
Emerging Powers |
Minun |
Dragon |
Misdreavus |
Skyridge |
Misdreavus |
Stormfront |
Misty's Goldeen |
Gym Heroes |
Misty's Psyduck |
Gym Heroes |
Misty's Seadra |
Gym Heroes |
Misty's Seel |
Gym Heroes |
Mudkip |
Old Nintendo Promos |
Mudkip |
Emerald |
Munna |
Black & White |
Murkrow |
Mysterious Treasures |
Natu |
XY Roaring Skies |
Nidorina |
Mysterious Treasures |
Nidorina |
Plasma Freeze |
Nidorino (Delta Species) |
Dragon Frontiers |
Ninetales |
Expedition |
Ninetales |
Expedition |
Noctowl |
Skyridge |
Noctowl |
Diamond and Pearl |
Numel |
Holon Phantoms |
Nuzleaf |
Sandstorm |
Oddish (Delta Species) |
Holon Phantoms |
Onix |
Team Rocket Returns |
Pachirisu |
OP Series 6 |
Pachirisu |
Diamond and Pearl Promos |
Panpour |
Black & White |
Pansear |
Plasma Storm |
Parasect |
Neo Revelation |
Patrat |
Boundaries Crossed |
Persian |
Skyridge |
Pichu |
Expedition |
Pichu |
Expedition |
Pichu |
Stormfront |
Pidgeotto (Delta Species) |
Holon Phantoms |
Pidgey |
XY Flashfire |
Pikachu |
WoTC Promo |
Pikachu |
Expedition |
Pikachu |
Legendary Treasures |
Pikachu |
Generations |
Pikachu (Delta Species) |
Holon Phantoms |
Piloswine |
Neo Revelation |
Piplup |
OP Series 6 |
Piplup |
OP Series 8 |
Piplup |
Diamond and Pearl Promos |
Plusle |
Dragon |
Politoed |
Skyridge |
Politoed |
Skyridge |
Politoed |
XY Furious Fists |
Poliwag |
Legends Awakened |
Poliwhirl |
Sun & Moon |
Ponyta |
Team Rocket |
Ponyta |
Stormfront |
Poochyena |
RubySapphire |
Purrloin |
Emerging Powers |
Quagsire |
Neo Genesis |
Quagsire |
Plasma Freeze |
Quilava |
Mysterious Treasures |
Raichu |
Expedition |
Raichu |
Expedition |
Ralts |
RubySapphire |
Rapidash |
Delta Species |
Rattata |
Team Rocket |
Relicanth |
Emerald |
Rhydon |
Hidden Legends |
Rhyhorn |
Hidden Legends |
Roselia |
Dragon |
Sabrina's Abra |
WoTC Promo |
Sabrina's Drowzee |
Gym Heroes |
Sabrina's Gastly |
Gym Challenge |
Sabrina's Haunter |
Gym Heroes |
Sabrina's Jynx |
Gym Heroes |
Sabrina's Jynx |
Gym Challenge |
Sandile |
Sun & Moon |
Sandshrew |
Team Rocket Returns |
Sandslash |
Mysterious Treasures |
Sceptile |
OP Series 4 |
Seadra |
Legends Awakened |
Seaking |
Deoxys |
Seaking |
Diamond and Pearl |
Seaking |
DP Trainer Kit 1 (Manaphy) |
Sealeo |
Hidden Legends |
Seedot |
Sandstorm |
Seel |
Supreme Victors |
Sewaddle |
Plasma Storm |
Shaymin |
Platinum |
Shelgon |
Arceus |
Shiftry |
Sandstorm |
Shinx |
Next Destinies |
Shroomish |
RubySapphire |
Shuppet |
Crystal Guardians |
Skiploom |
Neo Genesis |
Skitty |
RubySapphire |
Skitty |
EX Trainer Kit (Red) |
Slakoth |
Platinum |
Sliggoo |
Sun & Moon Forbidden Light |
Slowbro |
Great Encounters |
Slowpoke |
Team Rocket Returns |
Smoochum |
Neo Revelation |
Smoochum |
Secret Wonders |
Snivy |
XY Fates Collide |
Snorunt |
Emerald |
Snubbull |
Great Encounters |
Solosis |
Noble Victories |
Spheal |
Hidden Legends |
Spinarak |
Sword & Shield Lost Origin |
Spinda |
Secret Wonders |
Spinda |
OP Series 7 |
Spoink |
Emerald |
Spoink |
XY |
Squirtle |
Team Rocket |
Squirtle |
OP Series 4 |
Stantler |
Unseen Forces |
Starly |
Stormfront |
Staryu |
Rising Rivals |
Stoutland |
Dark Explorers |
Sudowoodo |
Mysterious Treasures |
Suicune |
Old Nintendo Promos |
Suicune |
WoTC Promo |
Suicune |
Aquapolis |
Suicune |
Aquapolis |
Surskit |
Holon Phantoms |
Swablu |
Dragon |
Swalot |
Emerald |
Swampert |
Emerald |
Swanna |
Emerging Powers |
Swellow |
Delta Species |
Swinub |
XY BREAKthrough |
Taillow |
XY Roaring Skies |
Team Magma's Houndour |
Team Aqua-Team Magma |
Team Magma's Houndour |
Team Aqua-Team Magma |
Team Magma's Houndour |
Team Aqua-Team Magma |
Tentacool |
Legends Awakened |
Togekiss |
HS Undaunted |
Togepi |
HS Undaunted |
Togetic |
HS Undaunted |
Torchic |
Old Nintendo Promos |
Torchic |
Dark Explorers |
Torkoal |
Legend Maker |
Trapinch |
Rising Rivals |
Treecko |
Old Nintendo Promos |
Turtwig |
Supreme Victors |
Tympole |
Noble Victories |
Tynamo |
XY Primal Clash |
Umbreon |
Skyridge |
Umbreon |
Skyridge |
Ursaring |
Unseen Forces |
Vanillite |
Noble Victories |
Vaporeon |
Unseen Forces |
Venusaur |
Expedition |
Vibrava |
Legend Maker |
Virizion |
Legendary Treasures |
Voltorb |
XY |
Wailmer |
Dragons Exalted |
Walrein |
Hidden Legends |
Wartortle |
Expedition |
Wartortle |
Crystal Guardians |
Weedle |
Delta Species |
Weezing |
RubySapphire |
Whimsicott |
XY Ancient Origins |
Whismur |
Crystal Guardians |
Wigglytuff |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
Wobbuffet |
Sandstorm |
Wooper |
Aquapolis |
Wormadam Sandy Cloak |
Arceus |
Xatu |
Skyridge |
Xatu |
Skyridge |
Yanma |
Neo Discovery |
Yanma |
Neo Discovery |
Zigzagoon |
RubySapphire |
Zigzagoon |
EX Trainer Kit (Blue) |
Zorua |
Legendary Treasures |
エモンガ |
Shiny Collection (シャイニーコレクション) |
カラカラ |
Dragon Blade (リューノブレード) |
クサイハナ |
Freeze Bolt (フリーズボルト) |
グライガー |
Freeze Bolt (フリーズボルト) |
クルミル |
Cold Flare (コールドフレア) |
サーナイト |
Shiny Collection (シャイニーコレクション) |
チェリンボ |
30-Card Battle Deck Set Mewtwo VS Genesect (30枚デッキ対戦set ミュウツーVSゲノセクト) |
ヌオー |
Thunder Knuckle (ライデンナックル) |
バオップ |
Plasma Gale (プラズマゲイル) |
ハリマロン |
Legendary Holo Collection (伝説キラコレクション) |
ピカチュウ |
Shiny Collection (シャイニーコレクション) |
ピッピ |
Plasma Gale (プラズマゲイル) |
ビリジオン |
EX Battle Boost (EX バトルブースト) |
ホエルコ |
Dragon Blast (リューズブラスト) |
マリル |
Everyone's Exciting Battle (みんなのWAKUWAKUバトル) |
マリルリ |
Everyone's Exciting Battle (みんなのWAKUWAKUバトル) |
ミニリュウ |
Thunder Knuckle (ライデンナックル) |
ミネズミ |
Cold Flare (コールドフレア) |
モココ |
Dragon Blast (リューズブラスト) |