Abra |
Team Rocket |
Aipom |
Neo Revelation |
Aron |
Dragons Exalted |
Azumarill |
Team Rocket Returns |
Baltoy |
Great Encounters |
Beldum |
Legends Awakened |
Bellossom |
Aquapolis |
Bellossom |
Aquapolis |
Bronzor |
Sun & Moon Ultra Prism |
Bulbasaur |
Crystal Guardians |
Butterfree |
Expedition |
Butterfree |
Expedition |
Butterfree |
Great Encounters |
Cacnea |
Platinum |
Carvanha |
Sun & Moon |
Castform |
Hidden Legends |
Caterpie |
XY Flashfire |
Caterpie |
Generations |
Celebi |
Neo Revelation |
Chansey |
Expedition |
Charmeleon |
Arceus |
Clefairy |
Neo Genesis |
Cobalion |
Legendary Treasures |
Combee |
XY Ancient Origins |
Combusken |
Dark Explorers |
Computer Error |
WoTC Promo |
Corphish |
Legends Awakened |
Croconaw |
XY Phantom Forces |
Cubone |
XY BREAKthrough |
Delibird |
Skyridge |
Delibird |
Boundaries Crossed |
Digger |
Team Rocket |
Diglett |
Team Rocket |
Doduo |
XY |
Drapion |
HS Triumphant |
Drifloon |
Legends Awakened |
Drowzee |
XY Furious Fists |
Dugtrio |
Platinum |
Duosion |
XY Fates Collide |
Dusclops |
Stormfront |
Eevee |
Skyridge |
Eevee |
Dark Explorers |
Electrike |
XY Primal Clash |
Electrode |
Skyridge |
Electrode |
Stormfront |
Elgyem |
Next Destinies |
Exeggcute |
Aquapolis |
Exeggutor |
Aquapolis |
Farfetch'd |
Stormfront |
Flaaffy |
Platinum |
Gabite |
Sun & Moon Ultra Prism |
Gabite |
Sun & Moon Forbidden Light |
Gloom |
Legends Awakened |
Golduck |
Aquapolis |
Golduck |
Aquapolis |
Golem |
XY Flashfire |
Golett |
XY Furious Fists |
Goop Gas Attack |
Team Rocket |
Graveler |
Legend Maker |
Grotle |
Plasma Storm |
Gulpin |
Arceus |
Gurdurr |
Noble Victories |
Hitmontop |
Neo Discovery |
Hitmontop |
Neo Discovery |
Hoothoot |
Neo Genesis |
Houndour |
Legends Awakened |
Houndour |
Plasma Blast |
Ivysaur |
Crystal Guardians |
Jirachi |
Deoxys |
Jolteon |
Dark Explorers |
Jynx |
Expedition |
Koffing |
Team Rocket |
Koga's Ninja Trick |
Gym Challenge |
Kricketot |
XY BREAKpoint |
Larvitar |
HS Unleashed |
Ledyba |
Neo Genesis |
Lickitung |
Fire Red Leaf Green |
Magmar |
Legend Maker |
Mankey |
Team Rocket |
Mantine |
Skyridge |
Mantine (Delta Species) |
Dragon Frontiers |
Mareep |
Expedition |
Marill |
Team Rocket Returns |
Marshtomp |
Great Encounters |
Meganium (Delta Species) |
Dragon Frontiers |
Meltan |
Pokémon GO |
Metapod |
Neo Discovery |
Minun |
OP Series 3 |
Misdreavus |
Legends Awakened |
Mismagius |
Legendary Treasures |
Mr. Mime |
XY Fates Collide |
Natu |
Neo Discovery |
Nidorina (Delta Species) |
Dragon Frontiers |
Nightly Garbage Run |
Team Rocket |
Ninjask |
XY Roaring Skies |
Nosepass |
Deoxys |
Oddish |
Neo Genesis |
Oddish |
Sun & Moon Burning Shadows |
Parasect |
XY BREAKthrough |
Parasect |
Generations |
Pawniard |
XY Steam Siege |
Pelipper |
Sun & Moon |
Petilil |
Emerging Powers |
Phanpy |
Plasma Storm |
Phantump |
XY BREAKpoint |
Pikachu |
Mysterious Treasures |
Pikachu |
Diamond and Pearl Promos |
Piplup |
Stormfront |
Plusle |
OP Series 3 |
Poliwhirl |
Legends Awakened |
Ponyta |
XY Steam Siege |
Pupitar |
HS Unleashed |
Pupitar |
Pokémon GO |
Quagsire |
Secret Wonders |
Qwilfish |
Neo Revelation |
Rain Castform |
Hidden Legends |
Ralts |
Secret Wonders |
Ralts |
OP Series 7 |
Recall |
Gym Heroes |
Relicanth |
Supreme Victors |
Relicanth |
Supreme Victors |
Remoraid |
Mysterious Treasures |
Riolu |
Next Destinies |
Sableye |
Secret Wonders |
Sandile |
XY |
Scatterbug |
XY BREAKthrough |
Seaking |
Aquapolis |
Sentret |
Neo Discovery |
Servine |
XY Fates Collide |
Seviper |
Platinum |
Shellder |
Expedition |
Shelmet |
Plasma Blast |
Shuckle |
Skyridge |
Shuckle |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
Sigilyph |
Sword & Shield Brilliant Stars |
Simipour |
Emerging Powers |
Skitty |
Legends Awakened |
Skorupi |
HS Triumphant |
Sleep! |
Team Rocket |
Slowbro |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
Slowking |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
Slowking |
Call of Legends |
Slowpoke |
Team Rocket |
Slowpoke |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
Slowpoke |
Call of Legends |
Smeargle |
Unseen Forces |
Sneasel |
Neo Revelation |
Sneasel |
Plasma Freeze |
Snorunt |
Dragon |
Snow-cloud Castform |
Hidden Legends |
Spheal |
Mysterious Treasures |
Spoink |
Crystal Guardians |
Spoink |
Boundaries Crossed |
Staryu |
XY |
Sudowoodo |
Neo Revelation |
Sunflora |
Unseen Forces |
Sunkern |
Unseen Forces |
Sunny Castform |
Hidden Legends |
Surskit |
XY Primal Clash |
Swellow (Delta Species) |
Dragon Frontiers |
Swinub |
Legends Awakened |
Swoobat |
Boundaries Crossed |
Tangela |
Great Encounters |
Thought Wave Machine (Rocket's Secret Machine) |
Neo Destiny |
Tickling Machine |
Gym Heroes |
Togekiss |
XY Roaring Skies |
Togepi |
Team Rocket Returns |
Togetic |
Team Rocket Returns |
Torchic |
Crystal Guardians |
Trapinch |
Secret Wonders |
Tropical Tidal Wave |
Old Nintendo Promos |
Tropical Tidal Wave |
Old Nintendo Promos |
Tropical Wind |
Diamond and Pearl Promos |
Tropical Wind |
Diamond and Pearl Promos |
Tropical Wind |
Nintendo Promos |
Uxie |
Plasma Blast |
Venonat |
XY Phantom Forces |
Victreebel |
Legend Maker |
Voltorb |
Skyridge |
Voltorb |
Plasma Freeze |
Wailmer |
Legend Maker |
Weedle |
Skyridge |
Weedle |
Plasma Freeze |
Wooper |
XY Ancient Origins |
Xatu |
Neo Discovery |
Xatu |
Secret Wonders |
エレキブル |
Everyone's Exciting Battle (みんなのWAKUWAKUバトル) |
エレブー |
Everyone's Exciting Battle (みんなのWAKUWAKUバトル) |
ココドラ |
Dragon Blast (リューズブラスト) |
ココロモリ |
Cold Flare (コールドフレア) |
ゴマゾウ |
Plasma Gale (プラズマゲイル) |
チョボマキ |
Megalo Cannon (メガロキャノン) |
デリバード |
Freeze Bolt (フリーズボルト) |
デルビル |
Megalo Cannon (メガロキャノン) |
バネブー |
Freeze Bolt (フリーズボルト) |
ハヤシガメ |
Plasma Gale (プラズマゲイル) |
ビードル |
Thunder Knuckle (ライデンナックル) |
ビリリダマ |
Thunder Knuckle (ライデンナックル) |
ムウマージ |
30-Card Battle Deck Set Mewtwo VS Genesect (30枚デッキ対戦set ミュウツーVSゲノセクト) |
ユクシー |
Megalo Cannon (メガロキャノン) |