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Song Details
Title Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
Artist Takeshi Tsuruno
Language Japanese (Trans)
Song Translations
Lyrics If you could say the Pokémon's names
The Pokémon you mentioned would be happy!
And what if you called out the Pokémon's names?

(Lalala Can you say them?)
Mijumaru, Kurumiru, Darumakka
Doublan, Mamepato, Enbuoh, Zoroark
Dangoro, Yanappu, Zebraika
Baoppu, Wheega, Hiyappu, Pokabu!

Choroneko, Tsutarja, Maracacchi
Kokoromori, Hahakomori
Meguroco, Emonga, Mamanbou
Minezumi, Koromori, Tesseed!

Kumasyun, Dentula, Pendror, Dokkorer
Yanakkie, Hiyakkie, Baokkie
Gothimu, Tuline, Doryuzu, Kurumayu, Hihidaruma!

(Lalala Can you say them?)
Chaoboo, Zekrom, Uniran, Tunbear, Mebukijika
Mogurew, Waruvile, Chillaccino
Bachuru, Gantle, Warrgle
Monmen, Dotekkotsu, Gothimiru, Janovy
Futachimaru, Voltolos, Tornelos, Buffron
Musharna, Fushide, Nutrey!

If you could say the Pokémon's names
The Pokémon you mentioned would be happy!
If you called out the Pokémon's names
Somewhere, the Pokémon would happily reply!
Somewhere, the Pokémon would happily reply!

Zuruggu, Chillarmy, Reshiram
Elphoon, Valchai, Dredear
Jalorda, Shikijika, Washibon, Tabunne, Gothiruselle!

Lanculus, Waruvial, Mooland, Herderrier
Hatoboh, Koaruhie, Yorterrie, Symboler
Shimama, Nageki, Dageki, Kenhallow, Daikenki
Giaru, Gigiaru, Gigigiaru!

(Lalala Can you say them?)
Onondo, Ligray, Dustdas
Kojofu, Victini, Tamagetake
Agilder, Gigaiath, Kibago
Zuruzukin, Kaburumo, Morobareru!

Chandela, Goloog, Chobomaki, Gamageroge
Otamaro, Pururill, Lampler
Iwapalace, Dihead, Abagoura!

Gamagaru, Archen, Ulgamoth, Freegeo
Chevargo, Ononokus
Komatana, Gobit, Kuitaran!

If you could say the Pokémon's names
The Pokémon you mentioned would be happy!
If you called out the Pokémon's names
Somewhere, the Pokémon would happily reply!
Somewhere, the Pokémon would happily reply!

Deathkarn, Ohbem, Archeos
Sazandora, Landlos, Vanipeti, Vanirich, Shibibeel
Protoga, Merlarva, Roubushin!

Deathmas, Kojondo, Burungel
Shibishirasu, Kyurem
Terrakion, Cobalon, Virizion, Yabukuron
Zorua, Vulgina
Shibirudon, Crimgan, Kirikizan
Lepardas, Bassrao, Miruhog
Swanna, Munna, Baivanilla!

Aiant, Hitomoshi, Monozu, Ishizumai

Could you say the Pokémon's names?
If you could say most of them you should feel good!
Could you say the Pokémon's names?
The Pokémon thank you!
They thank you for remembering them!
They thank you for remembering them!
They thank you for remembering them!
The Pokémon thank you!
They thank you for remembering them!
They thank you for remembering them!