The Pokémon Company and Kagawa Prefecture have signed an "Agreement on Cooperation and Collaboration for Regional Revitalization" and have been holding various events to attract tourists with Yadon, who has been appointed to the Udon Prefecture PR team, since 2018. As a special project of the Udo...
The Pokémon Company and Miyagi Prefecture have been collaborating on various initiatives to promote tourism and support reconstruction since Laplace became a Miyagi Support Pokémon in July 2019. As a special project of the Laplace + Miyagi Tour (ラプラス+宮城巡り), a café in featuring Laplace will be o...
The Pokémon Company announced that as part of the Pokémon Local Acts activities in Fukushima Prefecture, a park featuring Lucky, the Fukushima Support Pokémon, will be opened, and its name will be Lucky Park. The illustration is an image and may differ from the actual park. The park w...
As part of the Pokémon Local Acts, ITO EN's disaster response vending machines wrapped with Pokémon on them are appearing in municipality! In addition, the vending machines will appear as a Gym in the Pokémon GO game. 7 machines have been made for the participating regions and have been wrapped ...
Two new Pokémon Utility Hole Covers, or PokéLids (Pokéfuta ポケふた) have been unveiled and installed in Hachinohe City and Hashikami Town in Aomori Prefecture on March 13th, 2021. On March 11th, 2021, the 10th anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake was commemorated. 5 different Pokémon are depicted o...
Four new Pokémon Utility Hole Covers, or PokéLids (Pokéfuta ポケふた) have been unveiled and installed on Chichijima Island which is within the political boundaries of Ogasawara Village, Tokyo. The total number of Pokémon PokéLids has finally reached 151! High resolution pictures taken from the unveilin...
Five new Pokémon Utility Hole Covers, PokéLids (Pokéfuta ポケふた), have been installed in Ikaruga Town, Nara Prefecture, Japan! A total of nine different Pokémon appear, including Entei, Dohtakun, and Baokkie! On Janurary 20th, 2021, an unveiling ceremony was held at the Horyuji i-Center (法隆寺iセンター)...