McDonald's has announced that their Happy Meals in the United States during May and June of 2014 will features toys based on Pokémon XY. Below is the full press release. Pokémon Happy Meals Coming Soon to McDonald's Locations in the US Pokémon XY Happy Meals arrive in participating McDonald’...
Google Maps for Android and iOS have added Pokémon appearances on the map for April Fools. No additional downloads are required for the apps and it should work upon launching the app. Update: We have added a Google Maps Dex listing page to our content database. App Pictures YouTube Ann...
The Pokémon Company has revealed its new educational application called PokéTouch (ポケタッチ). The application can be accessed via Windows 8 PC's using Internet Explorer, Android devices using Google Chrome and iPad iOS devices through Safari. The application is targeted towards schools and 50 licenses ...
VIZ Media has announced that they have released the Pokémon Manga Series in digital formats for multiple tablet devices. Below are the details. Press Release - VIZ Media Announces the Digital Launch of Multiple Pokémon Manga Series 30 Volumes, Including The Latest Series POKÉMON BLACK AND WHITE,...
The Nintendo 3DS Pokémon XY Official Guide Book Complete Story Strategy Guide (ニンテンドー3DS ポケモンX・Y 公式ガイドブック 完全ストーリー攻略ガイド) is now available for purchase for compatible iOS and Android devices. The apps are region locked though but there is a free trial version for Android. The iOS version was released ...
The Pokémon Company has announced that the Pokédex for iOS app will be available for free on the Apple App Store starting July 13th, 2013. The app initially only features the Unova dex but the price for the other regions add-ons has decreased to $3.99 each. Pokédex for iOS - Free Now’s the p...
The POKÉDEX for iOS is now available as an app in North America and Europe for compatible iOS devices. It was released on December 10th, 2012. The Japanese version was released on November 16th, 2012. iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (4h generation), iPod touch (5th generation),...
Creatures Inc. has announced that the Pokémon Zukan will be available as an app for compatible iOS devices starting November 16th, 2012. iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod Touch (4th Generation), iPod Touch (5th Generation), iPad 2, iPad (3G), iPad (Fourth Generation), iPad mini are all...