The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Sonansu and the Pokémon Trade Meet!! / A Report on 'Alternate Colorations' around the World / Information on the New Games Part 2 (ソーナンスとポケモンこうかんかい!! / 世の中の“色違い”を大特集 / 新作ゲーム情報第2弾!), aired today in Japan. This week featured the continuation of the rerun theme ...
The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 172 - Togekiss! A Battle of Splendor!! (トゲキッス! 華麗なるバトル!!) aired on Thursday in Japan. While on route to the the Lakeside Resort for the Sinnoh Grand Festival, Hikari and Satoshi come upon a wide open field and decide to train their Pokémon. Ro...
The official Pocket Monsters Movie 13 website has announced that Sukima Switch will sing the ending theme for the upcoming movie, The Ruler of Illusions Zoroark (幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク). The theme is titled Ice Cream Syndrome (アイスクリーム シンドローム) and director requested that the song be a "medium tempo love song". ...
Another 8 DVD set has been announced for release in Japan that features: Getting Contest Ribbons, Getting Gym Badges and Getting Pokémon. The Pokémon TV Anime Collection DVD Get! Get! Get! (ポケモンTVアニメコレクションDVD ~ゲット!ゲット!ゲット!) volumes feature one episode per mini DVD like the previous sets with episode...
The latest episodes of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 170 - Elite Four Kikuno! Kabarudon VS Dodaitose!! (四天王キクノ!カバルドンVSドダイトス!!) and Diamond & Pearl 171 - Togekiss Dances! The Princess' Pokémon Contest!! (トゲキッス舞う!王女さまのポケモンコンテスト!!) aired on Thursday in Japan as part of a 1 hour special. Diamond &...
The DVD for last years Pikachu short that was shown on ANA Airlines has been announced. Pikachu's Great Sparkling Search! (ピカチュウのキラキラだいそうさく!) was shown on ANA flights between August 1st, 2009 and August 29th, 2009. The DVD will be released in Japan on June 18th, 2010 and it will retail for 2500yen. ...
The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Bye Bye Butterfree / Substitution Quiz / What will the children do when Robert changes places with the Kindergarten Teacher!? (バイバイバタフリー / いれかわりクイズ / 幼稚園の先生が突然ロバートに入れかわったら子どもたちはどうする!?), aired today in Japan. Bye Bye Butterfree (ヤドンがヤドランになると) was this weeks re...
The official TV Tokyo website has posted a brief synopsis for the upcoming 1 hour Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 170/171 special that will be airing on April 1st, 2010. It was announced that a new variant of Dotchi ~ Nyo? (ドッチ~ニョ?新バージョン登場!) will air during that broadcast. No further information r...
The latest episodes of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 168 - Fly Shaymin! Beyond the Sky!! (飛べシェイミ!空の彼方へ!!) and Diamond & Pearl 169 - Pokémon Ranger! Heatran Rescue Mission!! (ポケモンレンジャー! ヒードラン救出作戦!!) aired on Thursday in Japan as part of a 1 hour special. Satoshi and friends encounter a girl flo...
The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 167- The Pokémon School at the Beach! (海辺のポケモンスクー!), aired on Thursday in Japan. Hikari and friends have been asked to help out at a Pokémon School at the beach. Unfortunately there is a troublemaker in the mix that isn't too happy with...
Scans from the latest issue of Corocoro have revealed 2 new downloadable missions for Pokémon Ranger: Paths of Light (ポケモンレンジャー 光の軌跡) as well as three Movie 13 event Pokémon downloads. Like previous years, people that pre-order the tickets for the latest movie will be able to download a spe...
The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Valley of Lizardon! Until the Day We Meet Again!! / Pokémon Ranger Special! Robert is Challenged to Capture the Smiles of 100 People on the Street! / Anime 'Pokémon Ranger: Paths of Light' (リザードンのたに!またあうひまで!! / ポケモンレンジャースペシャル! ロバートが街に出て100人の笑顔のキャプチャに挑戦!/ アニメ「ポケモ...
The Official Pocket Monsters Movie site has updated and added a bunch of new content to the Adobe Flash required site. Character bios, wallpapers, artwork, movie trailers, news and product information have all been updated for the upcoming movie The Ruler of Illusions Zoroark (幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク) which wil...
The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 166 - Takeoff! Nagisa Tower!! (発進!ナギサタワー!!), aired on Thursday in Japan. Satoshi and his friends have finally arrived in Nagisa City and Satoshi has challenged Denji for his final Sinnoh League gym badge. During the battle the power goe...
The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Mizugorou and Mokoko! Wonder Drug of Love!?!? / Anime 'Pokémon Ranger: Paths of Light' / Illusion Quiz! (ミズゴロウとモココ!恋の特効薬!? / アニメ「ポケモンレンジャー 光の軌跡」 / 幻影クイズ!), aired today in Japan. The anime rerun episode for this week was the Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation...
The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 165 - Elite Four Oba and Gym Leader Denji! (四天王オーバとジムリーダー・デンジ!), aired on Thursday in Japan. Satoshi and his friends have finally arrived in Nagisa City and they head to the Nagisa Gym for Satoshi final Sinnoh League gym battle. When th...
The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Dance, Waninoko! Do the Step of Love!! / The Announcement of a New Pokémon! / Professor Red Increases his Luck at Battling (おどれワニノコ!あいのステップを!! 新ポケモン発表! レッド博士のバトル運をアップさせよう), aired today in Japan. The anime rerun episode for this week was the original series ep...
The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 164 - Pochama Gets Lost! (ポッチャマはぐれる! ), aired on Thursday in Japan. While enroute to compete at the Nagisa Gym for his final Sinnoh League badge, Satoshi and Fukamaru take some time to practice Draco Meteor. Draco Meteor keeps hitting P...
The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced that a Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl episode featuring Pokémon Ranger Natsuya (ナツヤ) will air on March 18th, 2010. No title has been announced yet but the episode should be DP168. Satoshi and friends must work together to try to capture the lege...
The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced that the Pokémon Ranger: Paths of Light (ポケモンレンジャー光の軌跡) anime specials will air during Pokémon Sunday on February 28th, 2010 (PS280) and March 7th, 2010 (PS281). The episodes will air in the new Pokémon Ranger Corner segment during the shows 1 hour...