CoroCoro Special magazine has revealed a new Combination Technique (コンビネーション技) feature in the upcoming games Pokémon Black and White. Combination technique allow Pokémon to combine certain attacks together in Double and Triple Battles to create a new combined effect. Three new Combination Technique ...
Scans from the latest issue of CoroCoro are now available and have been posted below. This issue contains a ton of new information about the upcoming Nintendo DS games Pokémon Black and White (ポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト). Click on images for a higher resolution New Features: The player's ...
Pictures from the latest CoroCoro issue are now available which show a bunch of new information about the upcoming Nintendo DS games Pokémon Black and White (ポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト). Below is the new revealed information from the issue. New Pokémon: Chillarmie (チラーミィ), the Chinchilla Poké...
Two pictures which are supposedly taken from a Toy's R Us pre-order leaflet of Pocket Monsters Platinum have recently surfaced.On the picture from the leaflet it states: "For hints as to the identity of the silhouettes, check the leaflets attached to the products' packaging. Tools/Information relate...
Scans from the August issue of Corocoro have been leaked via some Japanese imageboards and they reveal more information about the upcoming Nintendo DS game Pocket Monsters Platinum.The release date for Pokemon Platinum have been set for September 13th, 2008 in Japan and it will retail for 4800yen. B...