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Lucario Confirmed as Playable Character in Super Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS

Lucario has been confirmed as a playable character in the upcoming Super Smash Bros for Wii U and Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS games. Masahiro Sakurai (桜井政博), Director of the games, posted on Miiverse that in the upcoming games, they've increased the influence of Aura so a damaged Lucario is tr...

Pokémon Rumble U Announced for North America and Europe

Pokémon Rumble U has been announced for the Nintendo Wii U and it will be released on the eShop in North America on August 29th, 2013 for $17.99USD and in Europe on August 15th, 2013. A random assortment of eighteen Pokémon Rumble U NFC Figures, including Pikachu, Victini, Deoxys (Normal Forme), Eev...

Pokémon Smash 136

Episode 136 of Pokémon Smash, Stray Pokémon Hitokage / A Special Report on 'Pokémon X & Y', Where Masuda Announces Surprising News! / A Collaboration Project with the Pokémon Center, Which will Soon Celebrate its 15th Anniversary, Comes to Fruition!? / The Latest Movie News! ( はぐれポケモン・ヒトカゲ / 「ポケモンXY...

Kyurem C-Gear Skins / DLC and 145,000 Sales for Mystery Dungeon / Lucario Figure

To celebrate the Pokémon Global Link Japan Cup 2013 (ジャパンカップ2013), all those that registered and participated in the tournament could get the Black Kyurem or White Kyurem skins as a gift. Dates Available for Japan: April 26th, 2013 at 13:00 until June 11th, 2013 at 16:00. Our C-Gear page for B2W2 ha...

Pokémon Scramble U NFC Figures Series 2 / Passwords

New details about the upcoming Nintendo Wii U game Pokémon Scramble U were announced today. Players will get to choose between Pikachu, Tsutarja, Pokabu and Mijumaru when they start the game. It also reveals that Players can use IC Cards to unlock random one-use Pokémon. Players can scan them by usi...

Pokémon Scramble U Updates

The official Japanese Pokémon website has revealed that Pokémon Scramble U (ポケモンスクランブル U) will feature Near field communication (NFC) figures. NFC Features Pokémon Scramble U is the first Nintendo Wii U game to take advantage of the NFC capabilities of the system. Players can place compatible NF...

April 2013 Corocoro

Images from the April 2013 issue of Corocoro have leaked and they reveal new information about the anime and the upcoming Scramble U game. Click on image for higher resolution Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Season 2 Da! (ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ シーズン2 Da!) Satoshi, Iris and Dent return for the final...

Pokémon Scramble U (ポケモンスクランブル U)

The official Japanese website has launched a Pokémon Scramble U (ポケモンスクランブル U) page. Pokémon Scramble U is the first Pokémon game to be released on the Nintendo Wii U system. It is the follow up to the games Pokémon Rumble (乱戦!ポケモンスクランブル) for the Nintendo Wii and Pokémon Rumble Blast (スーパーポケモンスクランブル...

Nintendo Wii U to Launch in November and December of 2012

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced this morning in the latest Nintendo Direct that the Nintendo Wii U would be released in Japan on December 8th, 2012. The Premium set will sell for 31,500 yen while the Basic set will sell for 26,250yen. No Pokémon games for Wii U were announced at any of the...