Title: Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sword & Shield Lost Origin
The Pokémon Company International announced on June 23rd, 2022 the latest expansion for the best-selling Pokémon Trading Card Game,
Sword & Shield Lost Origin, available starting September 9th, 2022, at participating retailers around the world.
High resolution pictures from the press release have been added to an Imageboard thread.
New Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sword & Shield—Lost Origin Expansion to Mark the Return of the Lost Zone Gameplay Mechanic
In Sword & Shield—Lost Origin, the Lost Zone gameplay mechanic will make its Sword & Shield Series debut and is expected to shake up the Pokémon TCG metagame. The Lost Zone is similar to the discard pile, but players will not be able to recover these cards during gameplay. Lost Zone cards such as Giratina VSTAR will feature a shadowy aura emanating from the artwork.
Pokémon TCG Sword Shield Lost Origin Elite Trainer Box
Pokémon TCG Sword Shield Lost Origin Elite Trainer Box (with components)
Furthermore, Sword & Shield—Lost Origin will be based on the popular Pokémon Legends: Arceus video game and feature more Hisuian Pokémon, including Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR and Hisuian Goodra VSTAR, as well as Radiant Pokémon such as Radiant Gardevoir. Radiant Pokémon feature Shiny Pokémon illustrated in etched artwork and tend to have a powerful Ability or attack.
Noteworthy cards from the expansion include:
- Three new Radiant Pokémon
- Six Pokémon VSTAR
- 14 Pokémon V and one Pokémon VMAX
- 30 cards with artwork featuring fan-favorite Trainers and Pokémon in the Trainer Gallery subset
Sword & Shield—Lost Origin will be available in booster packs, Elite Trainer Boxes and special collections, with the Sword & Shield—Lost Origin Pokémon Center Elite Trainer Box now available for preorder exclusively at Pokémon Center in the US , Canada and UK.
Sword & Shield Lost Origin
As the boundary between dimensions tears apart, Giratina VSTAR plunges the world into the abyssal shadow of the Lost Zone! Be wary of the Lost Zone's power—unlike the discard pile, cards that are sent here cannot be recovered. While Aerodactyl VSTAR harnesses this distorted power, Magnezone, Drapion, Hisuian Goodra, and Hisuian Zoroark also appear as Pokémon VSTAR to show off their own astonishing skills, joined by Kyurem VMAX. Above the shadows, Enamorus V and Radiant Gardevoir conjure up dazzling magic in the Sword & Shield—Lost Origin expansion!
- Over 190 cards
- 3 brand-new Radiant Pokémon
- 6 awesome Pokémon VSTAR
- 14 powerful Pokémon V and 1 enormous Pokémon VMAX
- 30 cards with special art in the Trainer Gallery subset
- More than 15 Trainer cards
Last edited 23 Jun 2022 11:59 AM by