Title: Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sword & Shield Fusion Strike
The Pokémon Company International today introduced a new type of Battle Styles gameplay mechanic, Fusion Strike Style, that will be featured in the upcoming Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sword & Shield—Fusion Strike set launching around the world on November 12, 2021.
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Initial set details have been added to our TCG database and will be updated at a later time.
New Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sword & Shield—Fusion Strike Expansion to Debut Fusion Strike Style Gameplay Mechanic
Decorated with a hint of purple and pink, Pokémon with the Fusion Strike Style often have attacks that focus on teamwork and reinforce the idea of strength in numbers, as Fusion Strike Pokémon generally benefit when other Pokémon with this Battle Style are in play. In addition, Fusion Strike Style appears on Trainer and Special Energy cards, which tend to assist Pokémon of that particular Battle Style and allow players to build a Fusion Strike Style deck.
Arriving in booster packs, Elite Trainer Boxes, and special collections, Sword & Shield—Fusion Strike includes 25 Fusion Strike cards such as Mew VMAX, Genesect V, and Hoopa V. In addition, Trainers can play with the following cards:
- 20 Pokémon V and 13 full-art Pokémon V
- Eight Pokémon VMAX
- 20 Trainer cards and seven full-art Supporter cards
- One Special Energy card
Trainers interested in playing with the expansion before launch can do so with the Sword & Shield—Fusion Strike Build & Battle Box, available through their local participating Pokémon TCG retailer starting October 30, 2021. The Sword & Shield—Fusion Strike Build & Battle Box contains four Sword & Shield—Fusion Strike booster packs; a 23-card Evolution pack featuring key cards from current and prior sets, including one of four alternate-art promo cards; and a deckbuilding tip sheet.
In addition, the Sword & Shield—Fusion Strike Build & Battle Stadium launches on November 26, 2021, and makes it even easier to jump into two-player gameplay by including two Sword & Shield—Fusion Strike Build & Battle Boxes, four additional Sword & Shield—Fusion Strike booster packs, and 121 Energy cards, various Pokémon TCG accessories, and a storage box.