Title: Showers is a Water Day in Japan 2021 Ambassador
Water Day in Japan
August 1st, 2021 is Water Day (水の日) in Japan and August 1st to 7th, 2021 is Water Week. Showers live near clean water and their cells resemble water molecules, so they are supporting Water Day and it is currently working as an ambassador for Water Day.
Fresh clean water is not something that can be found everywhere or is infinite. We should use only as much water as we need and remove as much dirt as possible when flushing it down the drain.
Let's all use Water Day as an opportunity to think about the importance of water.
As the Water Day cheering ambassador, Showers will be appearing in the Water Day PR video and in various other activities to raise awareness for Water Day in the future. Ms. Momoka Mine (嶺百花), is Miss Japan 2021 and is the Water Angel, and she will be involved in activities to convey the beauty and importance of water in Japan.
In order to raise public interest and deepen understanding of the finiteness of water resources, the preciousness of water and the importance of water resource development, August 1st every year is Water Day in Japan. Events are held and promoted with posters and lectures nationwide are also held with the close cooperation of local governments and other related organizations.