Title: Pokémon TCG: Champion’s Path Premium Collection Marnie
A new news article has been posted!
The Pokémon website has officially revealed the
Pokémon TCG: Champion’s Path Premium Collection—Marnie which will be released on October 23rd, 2020.
Pokémon TCG: Champion’s Path Premium Collection—Marnie
Team Yell loves her, and her Pokémon put her into the rank of your toughest rivals: it's Marnie, the veteran Trainer from Spikemuth! With her dangerous Pokémon Morpeko and Grimmsnarl, she is one of your closest rivals in the Galar region, and she isn't one to back down from a battle. Expand your skills, add both Morpeko V and Grimmsnarl V to your own team, and find more surprises in Pokémon TCG: Champion's Path booster packs! This Premium Collection even includes a pair of pins highlighting Marnie's powerful Pokémon partners and a playmat that will show your Pokémon TCG opponents that you're a true Marnie fan (just don't get mistaken for a member of Team Yell). The Pokémon TCG: Champion's Path Premium Collection—Marnie includes:
- 1 foil card featuring Grimmsnarl V
- 1 foil card featuring Morpeko V
- 2 collector's pins featuring Morpeko and Grimmsnarl
- An awesome Pokémon TCG playmat featuring Marnie with her Pokémon partners
- 8 Pokémon TCG: Champion's Path booster packs
- A code card for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online
The Pokémon TCG: Champion's Path Premium Collection—Marnie will be available October 23, 2020, in the Pokémon Center and where Pokémon TCG products are sold.
Last edited 10 Sep 2020 10:45 AM by