Title: Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sword & Shield Vivid Voltage Expa...
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The Pokémon Company International has announced that the
Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sword & Shield Vivid Voltage Expansion will be released around the world on November 13th, 2020.
High resolution images from the press release have been added to an Imageboard thread.
Latest Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sword & Shield—Vivid Voltage Expansion Introduces
Mythical Pokémon Zarude and New Amazing Pokémon
The next expansion for the Pokémon Trading Card Game, Sword & Shield—Vivid Voltage, from The Pokémon Company International is set to arrive around the world on November 13, 2020, in booster packs, theme decks, Elite Trainer Boxes, and special collections.
In Sword & Shield—Vivid Voltage, the recently discovered Mythical Pokémon Zarude makes its Pokémon TCG debut alongside other highly-collectible cards such as Pikachu VMAX, Orbeetle VMAX, and Coalossal VMAX shown in their Gigantamax forms.
The upcoming set will also debut a new type of card called Amazing Pokémon, which features a Legendary or Mythical Pokémon like Celebi, illustrated with vividly rainbow backgrounds that extend outside of the frame, as well as foil and etched details. Topped with a special rarity symbol, Trainers can look forward to collecting and playing with new Amazing Pokémon cards.
The full expansion includes the following:
- Six Amazing Pokémon
- Six Pokémon VMAX
- 11 Pokémon V and 13 full-art Pokémon V
- 16 Trainer cards and seven full-art Supporter cards
- Four new Special Energy cards
Trainers interested in playing with the Sword & Shield—Vivid Voltage expansion before it launches can do so by grabbing the Sword & Shield—Vivid Voltage Build & Battle Box, available through their local participating Pokémon TCG retailer starting October 31. Each box contains four Sword & Shield—Vivid Voltage booster packs; a 23-card Evolution pack featuring key cards from current and prior sets, including one of four alternate-art promo cards; and a deck-building tip sheet.