Title: Pokémon TCG: Champion’s Path Special Pin Collection
A new news article has been posted!
The official Pokémon website has announced that the
Pokémon TCG: Champion’s Path Special Pin Collection will be sold starting on October 2nd, 2020.
Pokémon TCG: Champion’s Path Special Pin Collection
Celebrate your Pokémon Trainer Journey with a Champion's Path Special Pin Collection! When you visit the Stow-on-Side Gym, you might step into one of two completely different Gyms, each with a different challenge, a different Pokémon type focus, and even a different Gym Leader—and the same goes for the Circhester Gym! This awesome collection features two collector's pins with both of that Gym's logos, foil cards featuring the partner Pokémon of both Gym Leaders, and five booster packs from the special Champion's Path expansion. Continue your journey and defeat your rivals!
Each Pokémon TCG: Champion's Path Special Pin Collection includes:
- 2 foil cards featuring both Gym Leaders' partner Pokémon: Machamp and Gengar, or Coalossal and Lapras
- 2 collector's pins featuring both Gym logos
- 5 Pokémon TCG: Champion's Path booster packs
- A code card for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online
The Pokémon TCG: Champion's Path Special Pin Collection will be available October 2, 2020 where Pokémon TCG products are sold.